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Mercenary: Tracer Missle: Needs Adjusting?


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I would like to start this out by saying that I know very little about the BH in general, and I am NOT calling for it to be nerfed yet, however I have seen Merc. PvP videos and it seems like all they ever do is spam tracer missle. It is a 1.5 cast spammable that does around 1300-1500 non-crit (PVP). Conversly my sorc. has a 1.5 second cast spammable attack that does about 700 non-crit.


Am I missing something here like mercs have 0 CC or something to justify tracer missle being so much better?

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According to what ive seen, mercs are about 3 times easier to kill than sorcs and it must be noted due to to the extremely high crit chance of tracer missile and the inherent ability to lower up to 25% armor, it makes a huge impact on merc dps.


As far as I am aware sorcs do not have have the ability to decrease armor but have alot more CC than the mercs(mercs get a few but they are rarely useable(1min cooldown 4 secs))


In a 1v1, the merc due to his extreme dps should have an edge against most... non melee classes.


Melee classes and tank classes can rip through a merc. Merc vs caster however should be won by a Merc since they have the -all out dps- tree.


And yes tracer missile is the spam, but only in a situation where you dont mind overheating -.-

Edited by CoreofexisteNz
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I don't mean to sound rude, but honestly a sorcerer calling for a nerf is quite something.

I find it amusing because every single time I get destroyed in PvP the culprit is a sorcerer or the light side version of sorcerer (the name escapes me).


You guys get speed bonus, the ability to heal, a mean dot with CC, more CC than Mercs, a shield, the ability to sacrifice health to get force back, you can even remove the cooldown on lightning.


I'd advise you to roll a Merc and try it out in PvP arenas (you can even grind exp in the arenas), I'm quite confident you'll realize how not overpowered tracer missile (anything in mercenary, really) is pretty soon and will never log your BH alt again.

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According to what ive seen, mercs are about 3 times easier to kill than sorcs and it must be noted due to to the extremely high crit chance of tracer missile and the inherent ability to lower up to 25% armor, it makes a huge impact on merc dps.


As far as I am aware sorcs do not have have the ability to decrease armor but have alot more CC than the mercs(mercs get a few but they are rarely useable(1min cooldown 4 secs))


In a 1v1, the merc due to his extreme dps should have an edge against most... non melee classes.


Melee classes and tank classes can rip through a merc. Merc vs caster however should be won by a Merc since they have the -all out dps- tree.


And yes tracer missile is the spam, but only in a situation where you dont mind overheating -.-


if a melee class is beating you up, you doing it wrong.


As for me, i believe any class well played can beat any class (of course, there is some classes that ahve a slight edge, but in any showdown, its not the major thing that will determine who would win)

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arsenal mercs at 50 hit for about 1300 with tracer missile..you should have 12 to 13k at 50. The missile is op at lower levels but does not scale well at 50. The highest an arsenal merc is gonna hit wtih tracer missle is about 3k...in full epics.


However, snipers and melee inquis/councilar are crtting me for 7k. So ya...mercs are fine and if anything due to the casting, the lack of mobility and terrible heat in pvp, need a dps buff.


Ya, I said it, mercs need a dps buff!

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I don´t know inquisitor class well, but i think that´s because class abilities design. For example tracer missiles does good damage but the other abilities do similar damage(with procs/stacks) except maybe heatseeker missiles. but as sorc probably your spammable spell is weaker but you have others spells with cd that do lots of dmg. And dont you have Dot(s)?


TL,DR- An explanation could be sorc dmg be with spikes and merc dmg is more "sustained".

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  • 3 months later...
I don't mean to sound rude, but honestly a sorcerer calling for a nerf is quite something.

I find it amusing because every single time I get destroyed in PvP the culprit is a sorcerer or the light side version of sorcerer (the name escapes me).


You guys get speed bonus, the ability to heal, a mean dot with CC, more CC than Mercs, a shield, the ability to sacrifice health to get force back, you can even remove the cooldown on lightning.


I'd advise you to roll a Merc and try it out in PvP arenas (you can even grind exp in the arenas), I'm quite confident you'll realize how not overpowered tracer missile (anything in mercenary, really) is pretty soon and will never log your BH alt again.


ok before i start accusing you of anything i would like to know what level you are and what your gear is like (expertise, aim, etc)


i 100% aggree that we are super vulnerable to all melees right now, especially due to the 'no escape' cooldows and easily interuptable attacks.


But the one class we are great against in 1v1, are sorcs (unless they force speed away) because we out dps them in by far during the time of the encounter.

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I'm valor 76 1200 expertise and I got completly owned by a friend sniper I use to 1v1 and go PVP with. (Same expertise).

Moreover, with his Rakata gear he completly overpower me... and now he is getting a 5% buff Oo.

Before 1.2c it was tight but now I just have to reroll....

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I'm valor 76 1200 expertise and I got completly owned by a friend sniper I use to 1v1 and go PVP with. (Same expertise).

Moreover, with his Rakata gear he completly overpower me... and now he is getting a 5% buff Oo.

Before 1.2c it was tight but now I just have to reroll....




mercs atm in pvp are paper rag dolls for any class....merc got 1 defensive cd(energy shield) witha 2 min cd only reduce dmg taken by 25% and with the nerf to both tracer missile and heatseeker missile after 1.2 we're a joke


simply put BW just stated that WE DONT *********** CARE ABOUT BALANCING CLASSES with the nerfing of a merc arsenal 2 main skills...never ever gonna buy a BW/EA game online game again...as soon as may 15th hits i'm out of this piece of **** game for good unless BW comes with something in the line of...ok we admit it we ****ed up


a 2 year old could balance the classes better than BW does in the game's current state

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did you?


if you did then why are you still here?


Actually I did. I also removed the game. This is a secodary account that still has a few days left. I did the math on the logs and everything is working as inteded. Both the armor debuff and the heatsig 25% gain.

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Actually I did. I also removed the game. This is a secodary account that still has a few days left. I did the math on the logs and everything is working as inteded. Both the armor debuff and the heatsig 25% gain.


No offense, but your ability to read the numbers you posted and understand them is really sad. Part of your conclusion is true, the 25% bonus damage component of HSM is working as intended. It's the 20% armor penetration that is not working.


Hint - you don't test this with HSM, though you can. You test it most simply by firing tracer missles at the target and watch their damage not go up after each hit.

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No offense, but your ability to read the numbers you posted and understand them is really sad. Part of your conclusion is true, the 25% bonus damage component of HSM is working as intended. It's the 20% armor penetration that is not working.


Hint - you don't test this with HSM, though you can. You test it most simply by firing tracer missles at the target and watch their damage not go up after each hit.


True it simplifies the test to do it the way you are mentioning.

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I think this is crap. They have nerfed the Tracer missile and heck I get ripped apart now. I pvp a ton before the new fixes came in. Now it's just so ridiculous I hate to even go into a battle field. Dang I love pvp!
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Looks like they ninja fixed it in the last patch, no warning.


I just tested it the same way I tested it before and now I am correctly gaining the armor debuff. I'm going to do some more extensive testing to ensure everything is now working correctly, but I can already tell from my first 4.5 heatseeker crit without any stim/adrenal/trinkets or buffs, that it looks better. Much better.


Edit - Actually it's pretty hard to tell exactly, but it does look like the tracer armor stacking is now working, with and without high velocity active.


I am concerned though about the way they calculate the stacking buffs of the tracer debuff plus the 35% from high velocity. It doesn't seem to give much of a bonus when you stack high velocity, but I can't be bothered to do anymore serious testing. I just care that I know the tracer debuffs at least appear to work now.

Edited by JustTray
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