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Companion instead of player crafting was a major mistake


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I think you are missing something here OP. TOR offers the ability to go out and gather resources if that is what your idea of fun is. Many other players though like having the options to keep up with their professions without having to take a lot of time away from questing, raiding and pvp game play.


The crew member crafting system allows you to chose how to handle your professions in a way that suits your play style. If running around the map gathering mats from nodes that spawn in each area is what you enjoy, then you can do that. If having your crew do all the work while you are off enjoying some other aspect of the game is your idea of how crafting is fun, then you have that option as well.


Whats the problem?

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Now i quite like this crafting system as you dont just craft 1 item you craft..what up to 12 items at a time spread accross 4 companions (i think) while still going from planet to planet gathering resouces, questing or runing HC or even just chatting in chat with friends, without having to oh next item is....... queueing loads is great, the only downside is

A some of the items take time.......but if you queue loads NW

B this is what i find anoying the price you pay for a Companion to go off and gather to only come back ...Mission failed after spending several K credits and nothing in return or.. or the item you didnt want.

C having to RE loads to get a semi decent pattern


other than that its fun and nice to find a newish item discovered (does remind me of WOW Alchemy..Northrend discovery and Transmute Discovery)

does Cost but its been only 2-3 weeks so they will all eventually take off once the Credits start flowing (thats what ppl are forgetting theres no money in the Economy ATM) is why everythings so damn expensive,is why noting sells. i moaned at a 16k repair at 45, as said hardly any doe.


as stated ANOYS me but still like it

Edited by Morvoldo
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