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Companion instead of player crafting was a major mistake


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In WoW and other games when I want a major break from questing, or PVP - which I hardly ever tire of - I pursue my gathering and crafting interests. I can spend a whole day on this and enjoy it. This is another reason why the Bioware devs have a major disconnect from players. They just don't have a clue.


In a few days I'll cancel SWTOR, and resub my WOW.


You do realize people will be happy they don 't have to read anymore of "I'll Cancel" threads onece your kind are gone after the first month?

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I think of it this way ... YOU ARE A KILLER and a leader of a crew. Your job is not to sit and gather/craft items, you delegate to your staff and focus on more important tasks like Imperial take overs, battles, missions etc.... Your goal is to progress in the story and your crew supplies you with the means to do so, as to not slow you down or get in your way... I myself also tried crafting/gathering in Aion and WoW and believe you me prior to the crafting changes... in Aion I have seen proc'd Expert Test Items on the Broker for millions ... and this was just to become an Expert Crafter! Games like that is a cash cow for Gold Sellers .... I'd rather not revisit that method again ... bring on the companions!! Edited by Dreezo
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Real crafting was SWG. UO had stats based on success vs what you would lose in combat. The rest have been a "watch the progress bar" sort of crafting. MEH.


SWG had a use for every type of crafter. Whether you just wanted to use crap resources- make furniture or clothing. Awesome resources plus 12 hours a day chasing shifts- weapons , bio, food, and armor. Even creature baking was fun, stats/DNA mattered.


I hated the look of composite, so became the first crafter to ever break 30% kinetic in Maberi, before the NGE. If you specialized, you only needed to chase a few shifts.


I've done crafting in most MMOs since UO. Even EvE Online left me cold. It still boils down to what you made is the same as the other person made, same stats and looks, just priced differently. That isn't crafting. SWG was the only real crafting game. A Tale in the Desert is just a grind/RSI fest.


SWTOR crafting is fine as it is. WoW crafting was stupid. I'd rather just let me crew push the combine button, since it means nothing.

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I think the companion crafting is pretty interesting and original, though I do wish that it would take less time to craft an item when it seems like you need like 50+ for reverse engineering...


If gathering is your thing, well, you can still gather by yourself.

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Real crafting was SWG. UO had stats based on success vs what you would lose in combat. The rest have been a "watch the progress bar" sort of crafting. MEH.


SWG had a use for every type of crafter. Whether you just wanted to use crap resources- make furniture or clothing. Awesome resources plus 12 hours a day chasing shifts- weapons , bio, food, and armor. Even creature baking was fun, stats/DNA mattered.


I hated the look of composite, so became the first crafter to ever break 30% kinetic in Maberi, before the NGE. If you specialized, you only needed to chase a few shifts.


I've done crafting in most MMOs since UO. Even EvE Online left me cold. It still boils down to what you made is the same as the other person made, same stats and looks, just priced differently. That isn't crafting. SWG was the only real crafting game. A Tale in the Desert is just a grind/RSI fest.


SWTOR crafting is fine as it is. WoW crafting was stupid. I'd rather just let me crew push the combine button, since it means nothing.


The original EQ 2 you had to craft the pieces of an item and then the item itself and you earned crafting experience just like normal experience. The first craft of each thing yielded bonus exp, and crafting mattered. Furthermore even though it was a progression bar you had to actively watch and react, using X or Y skill to increase progress or chance of completion, take advantage of good luck, or keep from having bad luck.


Essentially you'd use the appropriate skills depending on how difficult/good/bad things were going and when a critical failure or success happened you could avoid it or had to do something to take advantage of it.


Was very interactive for once. People HATED it and turned it into a grind fest.

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Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about. I absolutely love the crafting system. Not having to sink all my time into a profession is awesome.


agree. i play this game to enjoy the story and pvp... not act like a virtual farmer.

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In WoW and other games when I want a major break from questing, or PVP - which I hardly ever tire of - I pursue my gathering and crafting interests. I can spend a whole day on this and enjoy it. This is another reason why the Bioware devs have a major disconnect from players. They just don't have a clue.


In a few days I'll cancel SWTOR, and resub my WOW.


You can still pursue your crafting interests, except you can do so without watching your character twirl his hands to fill up a bar for hours on end without doing anything else. And you can actually manage your crew to do stuff as effectively as possible. And you can have crafting crits that make better versions of your items. And you can improve gathering leveling speed in exchange for credits with missions if you like. And... And... And...


WoW has the worst crafting system I have ever encountered in a game. It's horrible. It's the one thing about WoW, a game I used to enjoy and have good memories of (therefore a game I do not hate), that I am adamant about.


Bye bye, enjoy twirling your hands.

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The original EQ 2 you had to craft the pieces of an item and then the item itself and you earned crafting experience just like normal experience. The first craft of each thing yielded bonus exp, and crafting mattered. Furthermore even though it was a progression bar you had to actively watch and react, using X or Y skill to increase progress or chance of completion, take advantage of good luck, or keep from having bad luck.


Essentially you'd use the appropriate skills depending on how difficult/good/bad things were going and when a critical failure or success happened you could avoid it or had to do something to take advantage of it.


Was very interactive for once. People HATED it and turned it into a grind fest.



Tried EQ2 crafting. The minigame wasn't so bad, the problem was there wasn't a way to differentiate your product from someone else's. You go through the trouble, but not worth it afterwards. Gathering was just node striking as well. Heck, even Free Realms gives you a bejeweled style minigame for gathering and cute minigames for crafting (but not worth anything)...


People hated EQ2 because they couldn't afk it:) Nothing like getting killed by a crafting machine... (exploding stove was favorite).



Guess the complexity of SWG crafting has ruined all other games for me. At least my crew is pressing the combine button for me. Now where did I put all those stupid gifts.....

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I think it is very fair of the OP to say there is a disconnect between himself and the developers, I think he is extremely incorrect in thinking there is a disconnect between himself and the "players" however.


He isn't unhappy that he can't sit and click to craft, because obviously he can still do that. He's unhappy that "other" players can do what he does but better because they will continue getting resources while crafting if they don't sit in the fleet and craft.


Unfortunate for him, I love this crafting system. Hopefully the tyranny of the majority encourages the developers to push the existing crafting system and make it even better, because I love this system (even if I don't necessarily love each individual skill as it is)

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the real complaint here is crafting is to universal and not an elitist ability it once was, maxing out crafting is no longer impressive, that is what they miss, not looking at a bar fill but that everyone can craft with out having to invest time, thus people arnt turned away from it
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In WoW and other games when I want a major break from questing, or PVP - which I hardly ever tire of - I pursue my gathering and crafting interests. I can spend a whole day on this and enjoy it. This is another reason why the Bioware devs have a major disconnect from players. They just don't have a clue.


In a few days I'll cancel SWTOR, and resub my WOW.


...You do know that you can run around gathering nodes in this game too right?


And you also know that the actual crafting of stuff works pretty much the exact same? Once you have the mats you click a button and it crafts?

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I was one off the first 700 weapsonsmith crafers on my DAOC server. I was still level 10, yet maxed out. Everyone in their 40s was running around with my weapons. When I logged in, I was deluged by tells. The other 690ish weapons crafter was furiously trying to craft over me, but couldn't close the gap because I was willing to spend more time crafting.


I killed more players than anyone else in that game. At level 10. Because all of the Celts were armed by me.


That will NEVER happen for anyone in Star Wars: The Old Republic.



Now comes all the posts from people who don't normally craft telling me how great their style of play is and that I should like it.


Translation: In some other game, I exploited an imbalanced "feature" and had some virtual fame for it. I can't exploit a similar issue on SWTOR, and I'm whining.


No, I will not tell you that you should like it. I will say that I'm glad Bioware isn't pandering to your petty needs. And that I'm glad for that.


P.S. To the OP, I sure hope you did unsub.

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OP... you think the masses want WoW's crafting system? Seriously?


Yaaa, the masses really love sitting in IF while your character spends half an hour grinding out items, then goes to the AH to buy more mats, then sits at an anvil instead... y'know, 99% of players go afk when they're crafting.


Companion crafting lets us enjoy other things while we craft- it's not the perfect system, and yeah, it means everyone can be a decent crafter... but c'mon, if you're going to compare, at least compare to a good crafting system, not the awful one WoW has.



Furthermore- no, BW isn't out of touch- YOU are out of touch and arrogant to believe that people honestly share your opinion. The amount that want your crafting system is absolutely miniscule- because it's terrible, and it's boring.

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Translation: In some other game, I exploited an imbalanced "feature" and had some virtual fame for it. I can't exploit a similar issue on SWTOR, and I'm whining.


No, I will not tell you that you should like it. I will say that I'm glad Bioware isn't pandering to your petty needs. And that I'm glad for that.


P.S. To the OP, I sure hope you did unsub.


Gear wasn't horribly imbalanced in DAOC. It's one of the few PVP environments where the difference between normal questing gear and top of the line gear wouldn't make you worthless or 50% strength. It's the way gear in PVP should be, which most companies completely ignore because they can add additional time sink.

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While I enjoyed DAOC's crafting and game play it was not for everyone and I have not seen a crafting system as well done since. And the DAOC crafting was purely money driven so you had to either have a guild supplying you money at level 10 or make a nice markup on items to craft.


Well, you had to price appropriately, anyway. Personally I didn't need much money to get up to being able to create masterpiece Thidranki armour, which people twinking Thidranki alts would pay a lot for, and the 99% quality stuff would sell too. With that behind me I was able to eventually craft top level stuff, where if you were willing to spend hours crafting you could make serious money. I think I had capped Armourcrafting and Tailoring, and nearly capped everything else (enough to make everything, certainly).


I like how they are doing crafting in this game so far. If you want to go out and collect resources you still can. If all you want to do is craft you can sit in the cantina and mange your crew crafting while you read a book. Which is pretty much what you did in Daoc and Wow when you were crafting.


I spent a few hours last week hanging around on Coruscant, making Jedi Consular Vestments and Lower Robes, modable versions, to order. So I was sending companions out whilst running between Crew Skills Vendor, GTN, Mailbox and Cargo Hold, whilst negotiating prices with customers and advertising on Trade. There was plenty to do even without crafting myself.


I can understand the issue if you are a 'storekeeper' type crafter rather than a 'bespoke' one. DAOC was great for a storekeeper, you bought everything, put it on your merchant, and if you got it right made great profits. Spellcrafting you had to be a bespoke, though.

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I have played many MMOs for varying number of hours each, one thing has rang true in each of them that had crafting.


I hated it, I don't want to be sat in a workshop making a piece of armor, or baking a cake for my character to eat later, I want to be out in the world questing.


WoW, Aion, Final Fantasy, they all had crafting systems which I found excruciatingly painful to use, and a comlete waste of my time. So I avoided crafting like the plague.


This game, imo has an amazing crafting system for what I want to use it for, and how much interaction I want it for, i.;e. not much on both accounts.



Guess this thread goes to show one persons trash is another persons treasure etc etc, because I would be very dissapointed if they made my character have to get involved.

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In WoW and other games when I want a major break from questing, or PVP - which I hardly ever tire of - I pursue my gathering and crafting interests. I can spend a whole day on this and enjoy it.



If you really want to feel like in WOW while crafting, here is what you do:


1, only have ONE companion at a time craft something

2, DO NOT MOVE while the one companion's craftign bar is filling up.


Here, a complete wow crafting experience in swor.


You're welcome.

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