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I wonder what percentage will cancel prior to their first billing?


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Don't forget that they plan to release new content next month.

A new flashpoint and an extended operation.

It's reassuring that new content is getting released so soon after launch.


I hope this wasn't serious because the stuff they have released and which was tested somewhat in beta is a buggy mess. I'd hate to see what their untested stuff looks like.

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the fact that we could be playing on level 50s isn't the problem. im getting real tired of seeing this. this game is designed specifically to encourage leveling ALTERNATE CHARACTERS. which means this statement is a bit counter-intuitive.


Don't listen to those who expect you to have no life and be LVL50, two - three weeks after EGA.

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I am thinking of doing this as well. It really doesn't make sense to continute pvp with level 50's and their expertise gear. People want brackets.


Nah, very few. As soon as more people will get to 50 lvl, they stop to whine about this issue and find something else...


Main problem with pvp is class balance (or lack of it) and abusive crowd control. But these issues are obvious for those who don't mostly like to whine. So they will leave silently. And you noobs will whine perhaps another 6 months till you'll get tired and leave as well...

Edited by Kshahdoo
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Not many companies get PvP right in MMO's. If the game is PvE centric then the PvP is usually an afterthought which results in a garbage PvP system. Never buy into companies hype, no-matter what they say their PvP is like.


What i do now is play games like Battlefield 3 & Red Orchestra for my PvP fix, because MMO's hardly ever get it right. Mostly every MMO makes the same mistake, over & over. It's as if they don't do their research or play their own games to see where the problem lies.


Take Star Wars PvP for what it is. Something to do when you're bored with questing. As the system stands right now, it will never be taken seriously competitively. I hope they will make me eat those words in years to come.

Edited by SnakeBites
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Not many companies get PvP right in MMO's. If the game is PvE centric then the PvP is usually an afterthought which results in a garbage PvP system. Never buy into companies hype, no-matter what they say their PvP is like.


What i do now is play games like Battlefield 3 & Red Orchestra for my PvP fix, because MMO's hardly ever get it right. Mostly every MMO makes the same mistake, over & over. It's as if they don't do their research or play their own games to see where the problem lies.


Take Star Wars PvP for what it is. Something to do when you're bored with questing. As the system stands right now, it will never be taken seriously competitively. I hope they will make me eat those words in years to come.


Darkfall is a great PvP MMORPG. But it has shooter/slasher mechanics and FFA full loot combat system. So all these "true pvpers" prefer to whine here than to play there...

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Darkfall is a great PvP MMORPG. But it has shooter/slasher mechanics and FFA full loot combat system. So all these "true pvpers" prefer to whine here than to play there...


Aye, i was going to mention in my post that Darkfall is an MMO with good PvP.

But i'm not really here for the PvP, i'm here for the story. PvP in this game is something to do after i've spent a few hours questing.

Edited by SnakeBites
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A large number will, much more than they expect. The game would have been completely dead in the water if not for the Star Wars IP. The voice acting gets them a few points but the underlying game engine is an outdated broken piece of crap. I haven't see such a horrible engine in years. Better yet, they took all the failed MMO play mechanics from ten years ago and released them anew! Who would have thought any company could be so ignorant as this.


Then there is that reddit interview which is best summarized as, we don't know what we are doing and we certainly aren't going to prioritize anything that what we planned, we know our base will stick it out with anything we feed them


They have some real ***** code in their server that is for sure ... the ability lag (I've seen it as high as 5 seconds), warping players, players not actually where they are displaying ... yeah its very hard to believe this game was in development for SIX years and released with such a poor core engine.


Personally I'm having fun, and keeping my fingers crossed they address this mess ... but I'm not holding my breath.

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