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Romancing--female->female ?


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And I'll never understand what the above-mentioned hetero males get out of lesbian relationships (since it's not like said lesbians would ever be interested in a guy), or how they can be so hypocritical with M/M relationships. They want the F/F, but so often they're revolted by the M/M.


I think I know the answer to that one. I think it's been mentioned but "Two girls is hot."


They don't really care if they aren't involved, but they are content to just see it. By the same token, they don't find two guys together to be very, well, hot.

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I'm a married woman, and my wife is another member of this community (although she sits in the Roleplay section).


You see, if you've been in this argument since September 2009 like I have, you'd realise, those types of men are easily pleased by a several second long cutscene of women grinding, they don't actually care about the romance itself.


My point being, we want a full fledged romances with the same gender, sexual cutscenes arent truly part of the romance and usually are just fanservice for those exact type of men.


The romantic side is what I care for, the rest I could care less about.


That's why you can see a difference in the arguing for it's conclusion, and the amount of actual LGBT players far out-numbering the males you speak of.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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There is also a group of people somewhere who enjoy ****** and killing kids. By all means, lets include it!!! We won't lose potential clients!!!!


Didn't mean to offend, but hell, I couldn't resist from posting it.


There is an obvious difference here, SGRAs and PvP Warzones are features that are already planned for the game, something that you are talking about would make this game M for Mature, and in truth, how many people would come to a Star Wars game expecting such disturbing things? And go as far as argue for said things being included.

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Try and get the basic idea of my previous post. No need to take it literally.


You can't say if "this type" of men doesn't care about romance itself - even if they find those 'cutscenes' interesting. I don't really like such judgements.


And please, no need to keep telling who outnumbers who - it's not an argument.


If YOU wish such romances to take place in the game, then you're in the wrong place to discuss that. Since there are people who won't like that idea.

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Thank God you females have your finger on the pulse of us 80%. I honestly could care less about seeing to women kiss. I play this game to play the game. The storyline is good yes, but the companion arc is secondary. There's plenty of websites for girl/girl. Where does this 80% come from anyway? Can I see the statistic? Where's your data? I love people who think they know me.
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I just got Jaesa Willsaam as a companion for my Sith Marauder only to find out they didn't implement same-sex relations for her (or any of the companions). I'm pathetic enough that this could be a deal-breaker on continuing to play that character until it's implemented (if it's going to be implemented). I would have suffered through staring at a male character as my avatar if I knew this was the case -I generally play a female in any third person game because if I'm going to spend countless hours staring at a character (and most of that from behind) I would rather stare at an attractive female than a male. Curse them and curse me for not researching that it had been switched from a release to a post-release feature ahead of time!


And as a note, I don't mind male-male romance options so long as they are *options*, ie: you either choose the [flirt] dialogue option or you don't. Should be the same for any sort of dialogue choices, romantic or otherwise. I do feel terribly awkward, however, playing a female character flirting with a male npc (just couldn't bring myself to use the only [flirt] options I've received, with Quinn, ha) Weird how that works...

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This has been some what a deal breaker for me as well.


I almost always play a female character when given a choice and it bugs me that this option is not in the game yet. I know they said it will be put in at some point but what is some point, a month, a year or more, no one really knows but Bioware and they are not saying anything.


I just wish they would at least tell us if the only s/s will be new one's or if some of the current one's will be as well, cause if it is only the new one's then I will just pick my class and go with it since the new companions will most likely one be able to be got once your done with the current class quests. While if some of the current one's can be romanced I will hold off on making my character until it is put in.


As it stands right now I'm stuck playing a class that doesn't have any romance options that I care about (SI). It's not that I dislike the class it's just that I want to play a SW and/or IA but, I will not make them do to the chance that I might have to start all over once they put in s/s romances in.


In the end I just wish they would give us some kind of info and/or date.

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