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No hood option?


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I never played as an Inquisitor before during the beta tests and wondering whether there is an option to turn off the hood? Or is it part of the armor/robe that we wear?


Just want to see my pretty-face on every cutscenes :p

Edited by michaelra
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I never played as an Inquisitor before during the beta tests and wondering whether there is an option to turn off the hood? Or is it part of the armor/robe that we wear?


Just want to see my pretty-face on every cutscenes :p


If you play a Twi'lek your hood is always turned off! (yeah, they ought to change that one)


But so far as I know you can't toggle hoods on and off. Only head armor. Hoods are typically part of your chest armor.

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Yes, I read about this on their FAQ page (or an interview) somewhere


Was wondering since a hood practically umm.. comes together with the robe (not separated), I wonder whether that option works for hoodie-robe kind of thing :)


UPDATE: Ah.. typing my reply before a reply was posted above

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Yes, I read about this on their FAQ page (or an interview) somewhere


Was wondering since a hood practically umm.. comes together with the robe (not separated), I wonder whether that option works for hoodie-robe kind of thing :)


UPDATE: Ah.. typing my reply before a reply was posted above


There are some chest pieces for them where the hood is automatically included. Didn't like it in my first beta because I was a twi'lek and they had the lekku's basically go right through it.


Thanksgiving beta I didn't play a twi'lek one for that reason, although my SI is now a twi'lek and I hope that the hoods stay down on them.

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Can anyone confirm that in the games current state Twi'lek hoods and all head armor are just automatically turned off? When I played the last beta and received a hood on my armor I could have sworn it made my original headband disappear all together and that was it. That was very disappointing to me and since then has made me second guess my decision on playing a Twi'lek. :( I want a choice to see the armor I work to get..
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Yeah this disappointed me as twi'lek was the race I used in swg and they were able to wear helmets and hoods just fine (for hoods their lekku were swept forward to rest along their chest and various helmets came with holes in them) Granted the lekku there had no physics so maybe I'm just nitpicking. Still not having that option for the character made me just reroll to a rattataki assassin.
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In the 12/2 beta, I played an SI and I think I ended up with an Orange robe from doing the Black Talon flashpoint. I don't remember a way to kill the hood but it had a hood that was up on it. Most of the other robes I've seen had the hoods down by default when I was leveling.
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I believe it was in the beta, although I'm not currently playing so I can't verify this. If it is present it should be somewhere under the options menu-character-then make sure you uncheck show helm or head slot.


While what you say is true hoods don't count as helmets so they are still shown even with this toggle off. As far as I am aware there is no way to get rid of the hood other than getting a moddable piece of gear without a hood.


In case a dev would be reading this: I vote for a hood toggle independent from the helmet toggle.

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they can do it because all they did for twi'leks was make the hood part of robes invisible. Currently if u equip a robe that's supposed to have a hood your default headband if you're a twi'lek will dissappear as if you had a hood on
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Does anyone else hate their default headband now that they have access to head slot gear? My headband is clipping really bad with the (rather cool) head piece that I have. I wish there was an option to turn off display of our headbands...that don't even match my black gear :(
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  • 2 months later...

It would be very handy to have a hood option toggle for those armor sets for jedi/sith to make it hood on and off.


gives more feel to the game.

maybe make it availabvle for the orange elite gear to turn the hood on or off.

We have it for headgear in the options, but not for armor types.


For the DEV team this would make the feel of playing a jedi or sith cooler. :D

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Holy thread necro, Batman! (Seriously, Nordariun, the last post before yours was from 2.5 months ago!)


By the way, a "show hood" option is supposed to be on the "To-Do" list for the dev, according to one of their recent Q&A's.

Edited by Daellia
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