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Why does everyone hate the prequals????


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Trashing the best music in the Hexalogy. Wow. Duel of Fates and Battle of Heroes are probably the most used pieces of music in SWTOR, and for good reason. They are *********** epic.


The music was the only good thing about the movies. John Williams at his very, very best.

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I enjoyed all of the movies, personally. I really don't quite understand the acting comments as ruining the newer ones. If Anakin was horribly acted then he must have passed it on because I find Luke to be horribly acted throughout most of the original movies. Yet it didn't ruin those movies for me.
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fo Sidyas


For Sidious.


Thank you and goodnight.


yeah actually Sifo Dyas is another jedi altogether that we never learn anything about.


It's poor script writing when you have a character never mentioned before or talked about after, happen to do something major.


It's basicly just a Deus Ex Machina.

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For me, the OT had strong character-motivated action, while the prequels had bad acting drowned out by loud special effects.


And that's .. actually a representative summation of all of my issues with the prequels.


Substitue simple, strongly mythic story telling with Michael Bay action.


Subsitute characters like Han Solo and Princess Leia and Darth Vader for a pirouetting dance master named Darth Maul who says virtually nothing, the extremely wooden Padme, and holy-cow-what-a-bad-actor Anakin Skywalker.


Substitute the Millenium Falcon - a ship that managed to have character while being used exactly as much as the plot demanded, with a fourty minute pod-racing sequence that had me gaspingly bored at the end of it, wondering if the movie was over yet.


Substitute a relatively coherent plot for watching a child single-handedly.. accidentally.. take out a giant mother ship. Which, for some reason nobody can explain, is controlling the entire invading army. At least the kid's cute, right? Right?


Seriously. Watch The Empire Strikes Back, again. Really watch it. Then watch Episode One and you tell me how you feel about the characters in each movie.


See, some of us aren't particularly swayed by flashy action - some of us care about the people in a movie far, far, more.


Some of us can only stand the Helm's Deep action sequences because we know and love Aragorn, King Theodred, Legolas, and Gimli so well. Take them away and what do you got?

Edited by Lheim
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The answer to the topic is simple, "Bandwagon vocal minority nerd rage".


Only on the internet do you find ppl spewing the vitrol and unmitigated hate about the prequals to the point of wanting ppl to die IRL because of them. In reality these same ppl are at each SW celebration every year with an Anakin or Jar Jar costume on.


Completely false.

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I always thought luke was really whiny before I ever saw the new movies. So why is everyone complaining about anakin being whiny too. Like father like son.


Anakin in prequels isn't whiny, he is broody, and stupid. Luke whines hugely ONCE to his ADOPTED PARENTS because he is a TEENAGER. It was great acting and great characterization. He also doesn't do it all the time. Luke/Mark Hammil is a much better actor and much better character than Anakin/Hayden Stupidsen.

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I think the redmedialetter questions (linked before) should be answered by everybody which think the prequel are good :

1) what is the plot

2) what is the motivation of the protagonist

3) what is their personalities / how would you characterize them


If you are honest , you will quickly come to conclusion that while in SW4 you can recognize plot and archetype (the hero , the rogue, the villain) , in SW1 for example it is neigh impossible and sometimes unexplained.


It is simply bad , because it does not describe the character well, the plot is not well described, and the reason for the protagonist to be there actually unclear or worst.

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Timothy Zahn Trilogy! Thinking about it even this MMO would have been great based on those novels. Luke rebuilding the Jedi Academy, Sith reorganizing with the Empire to become strong again all set in reconstruction of the galaxy with the new republic following the fall of Palpatine Empire... Let's start a new MMO... All PVP, Sector(planet) control, Rebel (New Republic) against Empire, Hutt and smugglers in the middle...
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One of the main reasons (to me anyways) that the prequels sucked so bad was the lack of effort or motivation Lucas had creating them. Go look up videos of George Lucas while hes filming the movies, all he did was sit on his fat *** surrounded by monitors and green/blue screens sipping coffee. He relied on CG way too much rather than actual story. The Episode 3 lightsaber fight between Obi and Anakin was way too long and drawn out and at the end of it did anyone even care? Also the over use of lightsabers! Luke barely used his lightsaber and when he did use it you knew he meant business. The prequels would have been so much better if Lucas went out on various locations, used props and models, real explosions, etc...
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Here are the reasons Episodes 1, 2, and 3 were completely horrible.


1: The dialogue was ridiculously excrutiating to watch.


2: The acting was terrible, with even the talented actors having to deal with such a bad script that it made them look much worse than they were.


3: CGI makes character's look like a little kid's Saturday morning cartoon (albeit a very costly cartoon).


4: The floppy eared character? Jar Jar? Yeah.... that was a poorly conceived character. His language, voice, even look was pretty lame.


Other than that, the story is awesome. Galactic politics, the force philosophy, plot twists, etc. It is a great story made terribly.


Get a much better script (that doesn't rely on one liners, cliches, etc.), only use CGI for environment, action, etc. (NOT characters), get rid of Haydn (new actor) and Jar Jar (new character), and we might have had some really cool films.


It IS possible to have a pg and/or pg-13 film that adults can enjoy. I am pretty jaded (I like my movies brimming with adult situations, and my comedy blue), but there are plenty of PG and PG-13 films I enjoy. The prequels just felt like they were aimed at real little kids.

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I hate the prequels for these reasons...


Phantom: 1) the kid that played Anakin, to much story around a kid that can't act. 2) Queen Amidala To much story around a kid that can't act. 3) Midi-chlorians killed the whole force things for me. 4) C3PO in many books and even almost a whole book about him being made in a factory. 5) Jar Jar :mad:


Clones: 1) Anakin, Whiny little brat, wimp and the actor playing him is really bad at acting. 2) Amidala again another actor that can no act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3) jar jar 4) other bad actors they had. The rushed timing of the story, better suited for a hour long time slot on tv not a full feature film 5) Obi's hair :rolleyes:


Revenge of the bad actors: 1) all the bad acting from Haden and Natalie. 2) jar jar the reason for the fall of the republic. (think in shor Jar jar was W.)

3) all the whining anakin did. :(


In short ( i know too late) all the bad acting, the crappy stories, the rushing of the movies scene's and the total jumble of the Star Wars Universe that Lucas made up and guided along for decades through other books, games and comics and what not all turned upside down to fit into 3 movies to do whatever the heck he was thinking and killing the history that was already made up.


Think Lucas got real lucky with the first SW movies and American Graffiti. Tho back then Hollywood was still some what respectable and not as lazy as it is today. But the prequels are nothing to be proud of if he was looking to make good movies. If he wasn't then he just did it to pad his pockets more.


my 2 1/2 cents

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Personally, of the prequels, I really can only stand the first one. No it isn't a great movie, and personally I think it falls far short of any in the original trilogy. However, I feel it captures more of what star wars is than the second 2.


Yea, I know Jar Jar was annoying. Lucas put him in as kid filler (and it worked, kids loved him), but that doesn't excuse the awful character. That being said, the rest was pretty entertaining. The Jedi were totally bad ***, sage like, and captured what we heard about in the first 3, but never really got to see. The universe was brought to life quite successfully, and it was fun. It is the only prequel I watched multiple times.


the other two however, ugh. I tried to watch episode II this summer, since it has been years, and I couldn't get past the first half hour. Anikins incessant whining and acting like a spoiled 12 year old. His inability to even attempt to control his pouty (and unwanted) puppy love for Padme, his blatant disregard for Obi-Wan, it just hurt.


And this continues with Episode III, only the story is more convoluted and Anikin comes off coming like a complete moron the way he gets duped by Palpatine. Here is an uber powerful Jedi, supposedly nearly ready to join the council, that can't see through an obvious lie about being able to make someone live forever. Not only that, he gets all the training that Luke effectively had to teach himself and he doesn't ever realize the danger of acting upon visions. It was the first thing Yoda tells Luke when he is taught about how to use visions and Anikin just takes the information on face value.


To top it off, I just hate his character. I WANT Anakin to die, his fall isn't tragic, it is inevitable, cause he is a whiny ***** and a know it all from the beginning of Episode II. I personally blame Lucas, cause I think the actors did exactly what he asked of them. Either way, they were a horrible addition to the world of Star Wars in film. As someone else here has said, Clone Wars (series) was WAY better at expanding the Star Wars Universe than any of the Prequels.

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George Lucas got merchandising rights for original trilogy and as soon as he noticed how much he was making from toy sales he could only see the movies as money makers. He stopped caring about the story, about being creative, and about pleasing his audience. He twisted the plot for Retun of the Jedi so he could insert ewoks and increase toy sales.


Whenever a writer massively screws his or her story in order to make quick bucks he has become a total douche. The prequels demonstrate this even more. Jar Jar Binks = toys. It is only reason that annoying moron of a character existed and everyone knows it or should. What is more, Lucas showed an incredible inability to write. His story and strategizing for the prequels was awful. The machinations of the Emperor were obvious and infantile. Anakin's conversion to the darkside was unrealistic and didn't even make sense. Lucas showed he had a philosophical understanding of right/wrong and good/evil that only a two year old child would have.


The franchise has only squeaked by through the success of the original trilogy (namely a New Hope and Empire) and the great writing of other authors in the books. It is also very important to note that the first two movies of the original trilogy were co-written by others and there were people reining Lucas in from his stupidity and obsession with money over plot. Lucas doesn't care about the story, he doesn't care about his fans, and he doesn't care about artistic expression. He has said as much. People don't like the prequels because they are dumb. They are examples of what happens when you throw alot of money onto bad ideas in order to sell merchandise.


I also do not care for Lucas going back and ruining the original movies with stupid additions that are only added so he can repackage them and resell. He also deletes over the good performances of actors and replaces them with poorly screened additions by weaker actors. And what in hell was lUcas thinking when he directed the acting of the Emperor in the fight with Yoda? What a ridiculous performance! The whining and cackling pedophile antics of the Emperor almost had me walk out of the theatre. The movies were a joke. He is riding the coattails of the success of the first two movies and the books he didn't write.

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I hate the prequels for these reasons...


Phantom: 1) the kid that played Anakin, to much story around a kid that can't act. 2) Queen Amidala To much story around a kid that can't act. 3) Midi-chlorians killed the whole force things for me. 4) C3PO in many books and even almost a whole book about him being made in a factory. 5) Jar Jar :mad:



Umm, Portman, who played Amidala, was must have been at least 17 at the time of filming, was about to start at Harvard, and had already done a good job in a few movies by the time Episode I came out. I enjoyed her in "The Professional" for instance. So, if your are gonna blame someone, blame the writer, not Portman. She's a darned good actress. Check her out on IMDB.

Edited by Tirfin
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Trashing the best music in the Hexalogy. Wow. Duel of Fates and Battle of Heroes are probably the most used pieces of music in SWTOR, and for good reason. They are *********** epic.


I can't believe you just called it the Hexalogy. You are dead to me sir.


There's The Star Wars Trilogy, and there's...That Prequel Crap.

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I mostly liked the prequels. I never expected them to touch the golden nostalgic perfect image I have of the original trilogy, which in my opinion are the best movies ever. I could watch them countless times and never bore of the material. I had Empire memorized line by line by grade school. I highly anticipated the prequels. I remember in the early 90's first learning that Lucas was planning on doing the prequels and doing flips, but I never felt like they would impact me the way the original trilogy had. Nigh impossible; but I think that's the expectation most people had for these, that they were going to be as good as the originals.


EDIT: And reading through my post it makes it seem like I thought the prequels were decent, which I think they are, I thought they were fun, but I also find Friday the 13th movies fun, and we know that most serious movie critiques would call them piles of flaming Bantha poo. The same issues I had with the prequels have mostly been voiced here: the acting, the way Lucas made kids the primary target audience of Episode one....but I still like them.

Edited by Nyaralath
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