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Something is bugged with our trees


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Im currently level 31. I truly believe something is odd right now about being carnage spec. I seem to take WAY more damage for a reason I cannot comprehend.


Now to note....I am killing the same exact mobs as annihilation spec and im using zero bleeds...just simply core skills. For some reason i seem MUCH more durable at the end of a fight than I am as carnage spec.


Its like juyo form also gives 10 percent damage reduction as well or something.


Has anyone noticed this? Test it out.....dont use bleeds as annihilation for the self heals and just core abilites on the same mobs for both specs....carnage gets wrecked...i feel like im using light armor as carnage spec. And it has nothing to do with kill time....if anything my carnage spec kills faster.

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hmm weird, if your not using any bleeds, then carnage should perform better.. but no juyo only increases damage not defense.. so not sure why your experiencing that.. wel Carnage does pick up at endgame there are a few people who perform well with it, but not sure why Anni "seems" better without using the bleeds for you
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If you have the Defensive Forms talent in both specs, Anhi will indeed take less damage. 4% less damage from internal and elemental damage to be specific. I don't know if this is enough to account for what you are seeing, but it is there.


I can't say for myself because I've been home for the holidays and thus away from my computer for the last week and a half. So I haven't had a chance to try out both specs.

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