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a complement on the launch


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you go fanboi, silence those critics who say the implementation sucks, after all they dont know anything about anything


Those critics certainly don't understand the concept of lines and their practical uses in the real as well as virtual world.


It was stated from day 1 that people would be invited to early access based on when they redeemed their pre order code. Thus, the phrase based on when they redeemed their pre order code is the same thing as standing in a line.


Simple concept that seems to apply not only in this case but to real world applications as well.


How much Early Game Access time do I get?


The order in which you will gain entry into Early Game Access is dependent on how early you burned your Pre-Order Code at our Code Redemption Center. The earlier you burned your Pre-Order Code, the earlier you will be granted entry into Early Game Access. [/Quote]


Don't understand how people don't get the concept of first come first serve out of the FAQ. Heck on the first day it was on the main page of the pre order page it was not even buried in the FAQ though the FAQ did explain it better.

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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No, continue.



I want to hear the end of this, I'm sure it will be intelligent and well thought out.


I think he meant 'the people who think it is great are playing, while the people who think it isn't great aren't able to play'


I really think that was what he meant.

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