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Early Access UP TO 5 days in advance... the pre-order went live in like July... so QQ'ing about something that had probably got to do with WHEN you pre-ordered and not If your pre-ordered isn't really gonna help your case.


I pre-ordered in Oct. and my codes from Best Buy were bad and i didn't get a working pre-order code till like Dec 1st... yea it was a hassle, but considering it will only be 5 days early access to a game that i will probably be playing for several years to come feels greedy to me and won't matter at all in the long run


Be patient and chill out, ranting wont do anything but piss you off more and put you in a bad mindset for probably one of the most anticipated games for Star Wars fans to date!

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Early Access UP TO 5 days in advance... the pre-order went live in like July... so QQ'ing about something that had probably got to do with WHEN you pre-ordered and not If your pre-ordered isn't really gonna help your case.


I pre-ordered in Oct. and my codes from Best Buy were bad and i didn't get a working pre-order code till like Dec 1st... yea it was a hassle, but considering it will only be 5 days early access to a game that i will probably be playing for several years to come feels greedy to me and won't matter at all in the long run


Be patient and chill out, ranting wont do anything but piss you off more and put you in a bad mindset for probably one of the most anticipated games for Star Wars fans to date!


You must not have played beta. You will be playing this for maybe two months to come not years brother.

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You are correct 100% we are their customers and the vast majority are very unhappy. You can make any excuse and say no it won't as much as you like but if you understand business you would know this is a PR disaster.


Listen up you fat bubbling blob of stank (forum avatar).


Do not presume to speak for me. I am in no way ticked off. I pre-ordered the 2nd of Dec I understood and knew upfront that I would not be getting in day one.


I'm fine with that.


So get off your high horse and get a life.


Personally I would laugh my butt off if they made sure to NOT let in those accounts tied to the ones always boo-hoo'ing here on the forums. I personally would applaud it and laugh my rear off to no ends.



"For all the spam and abuse you partook in on the forums your early access has been denied. You will find that your credit card has been refunded the cost of the pre-order and the cost of the game itself. Thank you and have a bad day."


That right there would be priceless.

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You must not have played beta. You will be playing this for maybe two months to come not years brother.


i did play beta (got a char up to mid 20's) and enjoyed it WAY too much... yea the voice acting gets annoying and bothersome but considering its a BETA, the release should be much better (unless a BUNCH of people just randomly rated instead of giving feedback)


that being said, it'll definitely be a time sink

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So my date is Oct 28th. Chances are good I get in tomorrow, and because they added two additional days, (good foresight on Bioware's part) I will get in 2 days before I would have, had they not added days to the pre-launch access!


This is the worst launch ever I am so mad!


I wish my mother was here so all my whining and crying would get some action!



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heheh....i remember when people in beta would go


"Youre in beta, your not a paying customer, you dont have a right to complain"


Not its


"Youre in EGA, you payed for Dec 20! You dont have a right to complain"


on Dec 20 it will be


"This is the first month of the game, its 30 days free, you dont have a right to complain!"


then after Jan 20 it will be


"They are still smoothing things out from launch, every game is like this, you dont have the right to complain!"


^^ LOL the glass is half empty for you isnt it?:p

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I used to be mad about the early access, until i took an arr-....I mean until i got into the early access.


Those whining should remember, this isn't the launch. This is bioware letting us play their game early for us buying their game early and showing them support. So do that, give them support. They know what will give us the best experience in the long run. When the 20th comes around you won't even care about this early access.

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We need a Caution: Wet Floor sign in these forums since the sea of tears is ever flowing. Many of you qqers post as if you were experiencing the ultimate tragedy in your lives. Still, even in tragic pain you whiners are hilarious. Like a clown being stabbed to death.


i loled IRL

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By the time most of you get into "early access" the sploit guilds will consolidate power, own the economy and end game before you even set foot.


If this is not a scam I don't know what is.


^^ You havent played an actual MMO before have you?


(Just to clarify for you: 1- exploits and bugs have existed in EVERY launch since MMO's started. 2- Within a month of any games launch there are power leveled characters and guilds that have a step up on the majority of the field. This is common and has NEVER caused the fall of an MMO)


Hope I helped you out there.

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Preordered 10/27, and still not in.


Does this make me angry? NO


I preordered knowing that I would get UP TO 5 days of early access. I assumed I wouldn't get in until the last day, considering how late I ordered.


Then bioware extends early access by two days, and over half the preorder customers are in game now. By tomorrow, I expect almost all, if not all the rest of the preorders will be in game.


That means everyone is going to be playing at least the full 5 days as originally advertised.


But there are some who can never be pleased.

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^^ You havent played an actual MMO before have you?


(Just to clarify for you: 1- exploits and bugs have existed in EVERY launch since MMO's started. 2- Within a month of any games launch there are power leveled characters and guilds that have a step up on the majority of the field. This is common and has NEVER caused the fall of an MMO)


Hope I helped you out there.


just sets that powerhouse for a faster endgame content experience... normal players will still be buying and trading per usual (even though its the guilds that usually set the prices) but it's whatever


you wont be end game in the 2 EXTRA days that you could been privy to unless your 24 hour grinding until the real release

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Preordered 10/27, and still not in.


Does this make me angry? NO


I preordered knowing that I would get UP TO 5 days of early access. I assumed I wouldn't get in until the last day, considering how late I ordered.


Then bioware extends early access by two days, and over half the preorder customers are in game now. By tomorrow, I expect almost all, if not all the rest of the preorders will be in game.


That means everyone is going to be playing at least the full 5 days as originally advertised.


But there are some who can never be pleased.


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You people are driving me crazy. I am a December pre-order and knowing how they were going to stagger the invites I did not expect to get in before the weekend at the earliest.


The only thing that is driving me nuts on these forums are people talking about a sense of entitlement. Of course there is a sense of entitlement because THEY TOLD US WE WERE ENTITLED TO EARLY GAME ACCESS FROM PRE-ORDERING. It does not matter if it is five days or two hours we are entitled as people that pre-ordered to some amount of early access. That is like saying you paid your lawyer a retainer, however expect them to do no work on your case because you don't want to sound whiny.


Secondly, BW has called this a launch. The game has launched. On the 20th people that were granted EGA are not going to lose their progress. THEREFORE it is a launch. Is the build going to change? No. Are peoples characters going to be lost? No.


In all honesty, I think BW would be better off if they required a short IQ test before people were allowed to post.

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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.



Until the 20th you aren't a paying customer, the games official release day is the 20th. Which part of that cant you get threw your skull? If you cant get on after the 20th by all means have a meltdown.


The game retails in the UK for £39.99, it cost me £39.99 back when I pre-ordered and got my EGA code and it would cost me £39.99 if I waltz in and brought it on release day missing the EGA.


Therefore EGA has cost me nothing, meaning im entitled to nothing, this is something we should ALL be grateful of. If you paid more for EGA then more fool you. Maybe next time use a different retailer.

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