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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

WTB help from forum


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Hello, I just chose Commando for my AC and plan on doing a lot of PvP and some PvE with friends and would like to know if it would be better for me to go Assault Specialist or Gunnery to compliment my 14 points in Combat Medic?


This is the build i was going to go with




but my friend who has a leveld a Commando in gunnery said it's not as good in PvP compared to the AS but i can't seem to make a skill tree that mixes well with AS/CM, this is where you all come in, thank you for any help you can give me.

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Honestly if you're going to go that deep into gunnery you might as well go all the way to demo round.


A better hybrid would go to trauma probe and ignore the full auto talents (just using grav round and HIB as your offensive abilities with supercharged charged bolts for burst).


Something like this:



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Thanks for the help but do you know if assault specialist would be better than gunnery for PvP or should I focus on healing more than dps in PvP? Also the group of friends I'm playing with has a healer so I diddnt want to go to far up the medic tree
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Thanks for the help but do you know if assault specialist would be better than gunnery for PvP or should I focus on healing more than dps in PvP? Also the group of friends I'm playing with has a healer so I diddnt want to go to far up the medic tree


There's a debate going on in the PvP thread. Generally it's Gunnery burns a target to the ground and ASpecialist kind of melts the target but can damage a lot of people to pressure healers. I personally prefer gunnery because I can drop a healer very quickly and consistently crit over 3k (usually 4, sometimes 4.9 if I have expertise buff) with demo round.


That's not to say you can't hit hard with Assault Plastique, but you don't have the same kind of burst.

Edited by LordKivlov
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