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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


I agree 100%. I pre-ordered in September, and knew without a doubt I would not get in yesterday. It's extremely unlikely I'll get in today, or tomorrow, also. The only thing that's bugged me about any of this is how early they stopped sending out emails.


I think the people who are filling these forums with posts about what they feel they're entitled to and how much they hate this or don't agree with that are wasting people's time - including their own. Not all games give early access, and even one day earlier than the release date is something we should be thanking Bioware/EA/Whoever for, not ranting and raving like madmen. It's a shame.

Edited by Tyranthus
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I'm puzzled.


When the Collectors Edition was offered, on the same day I went and ordered the set, as soon as it was available.


To reward me for my faith and how quickly I Ordered, I get to play the game first.


What's wrong with that?




I think everyone should get at least a weekend in advance, though.:csw_redsaber:


judging by that flawed logic everyone who preorder the CE should have had priority for getting in because they paid more money and they would then get "rewarded for there faith"

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trouble is . as what is stated in the massive batch of posts is that the CE and the DDE editions give you the free items for ingame Not the right to be infront of every other person as thats not what they were, You Payed for the Ingame Items.


fair enough me i got the standard but now i have the choice of getting the DDE for extra £15 ontop of my £40 (with p&P) AND i know for a fact i'm not getting in until tommorow or friday maby even the weekend if i'm lucky cause i redeemed my Key in OCT (still not happy about the way they have done this tho as i was in both beta's and they were Full)

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should



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Do you know the actual number that were invited yesterday? If so please show me where you found out, I'd like to find out myself.


Their reason for this staggered early access is to be able to adjust to the situation as it develops instead of being overwhelmed by it. I'm giving BW enough credit to say that they have fair chance of pulling this off.


You are raising a valid point, but let's not forget the fact that BW is still not done letting in July pre-orders. And while there was the biggest pre-order spike in july the period from than till december generated much more pre-orders altogether. And than there are regular and retail orders that aren't pre-orders which makes them all come in together at 20th, along with the rest of late pre-orders.


Not to mention that the forums were buzzing earlier with the threads estimating the number of players in first day waves as 250000 people. Hard copies of pre-orders alone were around million, not to mention digital ones.


So it is pretty safe to assume that they way things are being handled so far, there are going to be plenty of pre-orders left for 19-20th and their load will come in combined with the rest of the crowd and all those with regular orders. So yeah, I'd say BW is bound to run into troubles at 20th, anyway.



Not to mention that BW does few waves a day, for few hours and stops for 24 hours. Pretty silly if you ask me, with servers being pretty empty.

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Well they ended up having to merge the servers later. I think this is partially the reason they've done this, however I can't see how it's going to change anything in the grand scheme of things. All it's accomplishing right now is upsetting customers.



Aye SWTOR will still likely peak at 1 month too.

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Is it only me who realises they stopped the invites at 2pm knowing that the servers would fill up over the next 4-5 hours as people got home from work/school/college so stopping at 2pm gave then a big leeway to not stress servers ?




But on the other hand, 2pm is extremely early. If the scenario you present is correct, 4-5pm would make much more sense.

Edited by Tyranthus
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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


was mentioned from the beginning how it would be, no more whining

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Is it only me who realises they stopped the invites at 2pm knowing that the servers would fill up over the next 4-5 hours as people got home from work/school/college so stopping at 2pm gave then a big leeway to not stress servers ?


You mean the same servers we're going to be allowed access to over the next x days? If the servers weren't stress-tested before last night, somebody is likely in big trouble. Anyways, by all accounts the servers were under light to medium load all night (according to reports).

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Is it only me who realises they stopped the invites at 2pm knowing that the servers would fill up over the next 4-5 hours as people got home from work/school/college so stopping at 2pm gave then a big leeway to not stress servers ?


But they didn't...

Not even half the servers available reached standard.


As of right now:


US has 2 servers on Standard and the rest on Light.

EU has all servers on Light.


This is a disgraceful launch.

Edited by Senatsu
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I don't feel at all dissapointed with Bioware. I'm not ingame yet and prob won't be until saturday/sunday (entered my early access code in november).


As everyone has said, we knew it was going to be a staggered EA so there's no surprise there.


We were given 2 days additional early access, TYVM Bioware I actually appreciate it.


They're doing all they can to ensure a nice and smooth launch (How is that bad?).


And as for stopping the invites at 2pm on the first day of EA, seriously, are you guys mad because they want to see how day one plays out without risking to **** something up?

If all is well maybe they'll actually let in more waves today now that they know it actually works as intended.

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I don't feel at all dissapointed with Bioware. I'm not ingame yet and prob won't be until saturday/sunday (entered my early access code in november).


As everyone has said, we knew it was going to be a staggered EA so there's no surprise there.


We were given 2 days additional early access, TYVM Bioware I actually appreciate it.


They're doing all they can to ensure a nice and smooth launch (How is that bad?).


And as for stopping the invites at 2pm on the first day of EA, seriously, are you guys mad because they want to see how day one plays out without risking to **** something up?

If all is well maybe they'll actually let in more waves today now that they know it actually works as intended.


They are being WAY too cautious. Some of my friends got in, but cba to log in because there is no one online to play with. The servers are completely dead.

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I am just another guy on the forum trying to put my thoughts into words(and numbers) please remember that all numbers in this post will be me trying to filter out the fake numbers from trolls and fanboys and some pure logical guesswork.



Todays(estimated) pre-acess invites gone out: 250k


Largest beta-weekend population: Around 2 milion

Largest beta-weekend population online at once: 750k


Again, this is guesswork.


These numbers would mean they currently have 1.75 million less invites gone out than during the last beta-weekend. Assuming every one who have pre-access is online this would still mean they are 500k under their highest proven server limit.


This is the my reason for being upset combined with lack of communication and a none automated invite system.

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I know people want others to sound "sensible" to make their endless rants appear to have meaning (and I'm not suggesting that's anyone in this thread), but this is only a mildly valid point. I think the point where you claimed that everyone may not be in by launch is somewhat... over the top.


I hope as much as everyone else that I get in today, but there have been some truly strange assumptions based on one day. That one day, by the way, being a day that covered what would have been by far the largest number of initial pre-orders.


Furthermore, just to reiterate what we were told when purchasing the game, we were told "up to 5 days". We're only on day 6 now. Theoretically, people shouldn't start getting up in arms until after another 2 days (after they learned they didn't make it in on the 5th day).

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I am just another guy on the forum trying to put my thoughts into words(and numbers) please remember that all numbers in this post will be me trying to filter out the fake numbers from trolls and fanboys and some pure logical guesswork.



Todays(estimated) pre-acess invites gone out: 250k


Largest beta-weekend population: Around 2 milion

Largest beta-weekend population online at once: 750k


Again, this is guesswork.


These numbers would mean they currently have 1.75 million less invites gone out than during the last beta-weekend. Assuming every one who have pre-access is online this would still mean they are 500k under their highest proven server limit.


This is the my reason for being upset combined with lack of communication and a none automated invite system.


Unfortunately, those numbers are completely fabricated and will server as nothing more than to artificially feed forum-dwellers' blood lusts.


As much as it is a bummer to wait until the day of to tell someone if they got in, they have entire thread that documents their plans. They went into detail about how their rolling out invites, what to expect in the coming days, and they updated every single time a wave was sent out. I'm not sure how much more communication you guys need.

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Todays(estimated) pre-acess invites gone out: 250k


Largest beta-weekend population: Around 2 milion

Largest beta-weekend population online at once: 750k


Again, this is guesswork.


These numbers would mean they currently have 1.75 million less invites gone out than during the last beta-weekend. Assuming every one who have pre-access is online this would still mean they are 500k under their highest proven server limit.


This is the my reason for being upset combined with lack of communication and a none automated invite system.


Firstly, the launch isn't meant to be a stress test, the beta weekends were. It makes sense that they're inviting less people than in the beta weekends, as they're not trying to blow the servers up for launch!


Secondly, there's been plenty of communication from Bioware about the Early Access and how it's working. The stickies say it all; be patient, your time will come.


As much as there are some valid concerns, it's still not going to change squat. I pre-ordered and like many others, am still waiting to get in. It will take some time, and as disappointing as it is, there's no need for all these people to nerd rage all over the forums about it.


I think over the next few days, we'll see alot more people get in the game. With day 1 they were just treading carefully, and now they've seen how it's going to be they'll start letting many more people in.

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Unfortunately, those numbers are completely fabricated and will server as nothing more than to artificially feed forum-dwellers' blood lusts.


As much as it is a bummer to wait until the day of to tell someone if they got in, they have entire thread that documents their plans. They went into detail about how their rolling out invites, what to expect in the coming days, and they updated every single time a wave was sent out. I'm not sure how much more communication you guys need.


Details about rolling out invites:


- We're going to do a staggered invite system by inviting people in waves with some time inbetween each wave.


These are not details. It's the LEAST amount of information they can possibly give ANYONE.


What to expect:


- We're going to continue rolling out invites.


No ****?! I thought you were going to Mars!


Updated waves:


- Yay wave; 1 hour later yay wave; 1 hour 40 minutes later yay wave; 50 minutes later bonus wave!; 2 hours later yay last wave of the day, cya in 18 hours!.


This is complete ********. That isn't communication. I would understand more from a paralyzed dog winking it's eyelids.

Edited by Senatsu
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Details about rolling out invites:


- We're going to do a staggered invite system by inviting people in waves with some time inbetween each wave.


These are not details. It's the LEAST amount of information they can possibly give ANYONE.


What to expect:


- We're going to continue rolling out invites.


No ****?! I thought you were going to Mars!


Updated waves:


- Yay wave; 1 hour later yay wave; 1 hour 40 minutes later yay wave; 50 minutes later bonus wave!; 2 hours later yay last wave of the day, cya in 18 hours!.


This is complete ********. That isn't communication. I would understand more from a paralyzed dog winking it's eyelids.


this post made me lol, i agree with you

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Details about rolling out invites:


- We're going to do a staggered invite system by inviting people in waves with some time inbetween each wave.


These are not details. It's the LEAST amount of information they can possibly give ANYONE.


What to expect:


- We're going to continue rolling out invites.


No ****?! I thought you were going to Mars!


Updated waves:


- Yay wave; 1 hour later yay wave; 1 hour 40 minutes later yay wave; 50 minutes later bonus wave!; 2 hours later yay last wave of the day, cya in 18 hours!.


This is complete ********. That isn't communication. I would understand more from a paralyzed dog winking it's eyelids.


I'm willing to bet that isn't true. Well, for the sake of everyone's sanity, hopefully they don't roll out a bonus wave this time.

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I'm willing to bet that isn't true. Well, for the sake of everyone's sanity, hopefully they don't roll out a bonus wave this time.


I was awake 3 hours before they started the waves, I went to bed 10 hours ago and woke up 3 hours ago. I have seen the entire thing happening before my eyes. Yes, what I posted is true.

The threw out waves willynilly with no system at all, no communication besides "New wave! *giggle*" and the information we did get was as useful as knowing to not get bitten by a King Cobra.

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They are being WAY too cautious. Some of my friends got in, but cba to log in because there is no one online to play with. The servers are completely dead.


Giving us 2 days of extra early access gives them the right to be way too cautious in my opinion. Can't see how we're entitled to whine about being offered a service beyond what we were promised when we preordered.

If you feel there's too few people on the servers atm maybe you should wait a couple of days, noone is forcing you to play.

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I was awake 3 hours before they started the waves, I went to bed 10 hours ago and woke up 3 hours ago. I have seen the entire thing happening before my eyes. Yes, what I posted is true.

The threw out waves willynilly with no system at all, no communication besides "New wave! *giggle*" and the information we did get was as useful as knowing to not get bitten by a King Cobra.


I was up all morning too.....just look at swtor tweets and rockjaws tweets about the whole thing...

It was interesting what they did and how they did it....and it surely did not feel like it was a "huge" launch considering server loads even during their "peak" time....didn't seem that high...and haven' gone above standard since.


That being said, I'm really not angry about it...it just felt...like it wasn't enough...


I expected to be playing the game on the 20th of december...any time before that is bonus.

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