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I am not going to touch the Maturity thing.



So basically what you get with an RP-PVP server is additional reasons to kill each other. Typically the world pvp is better, involves bigger groups and is more frequent and definitely more organized. It might even entail a story that gives your guild and mine a reason to make each other kill on sight or raid each other's favorite hangouts and rack up some kills. My experience with this has generally been good natured and fun with my enemies outside the game (vent, forums).



As great as RP-PVP servers are for world pvp, they frankly tend to suck at top end progression raiding in PVE and generally don't have the cream of the crop for PVPers either. Those players are usually attracted to servers that are super serious mode about whatever it is they wan to be super serious about.


The other thing is that people sometimes care a little too much what your character name is and stuff. Generally you can ignore this though since theirs is just as ridiculous as yours.

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*Someone approaches you*

"Hail and well met sir... whatcha doin?"

*You Respond*

"Oh I'm Just..."

*You take a knife to the throat*

*Three more people approach*

"Is he dead?"

"Yeah... he dead... He real dead"

"Cool, let's go find more"

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