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Bounty Hunter Healing Stat Question/ ......Explanation?


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Bounty Hunter Healing:

Heat.....And Cast Time

As I cast a heal the heat from my previous heal begins to diminish. So this means that with a 2.5 second cast atleast 12.5 from my previous Scan (Sorry the name is blanking) will vanish. Well this is my major question about the bounty hunter stat Alacrity.


This stat Alacrity is on all our healing gear. What this stat does is reduce our casting time of our abilities. Why would I want a SUPER fast heal if it is goign to cause my heat to start overloading much quicker. I can control my heat much easier with smaller doses of alacrity.


Alacrity is going to be good for those OH #*$^ phases but other than that I mean why would I not want to go for surge rating, crit rating, and power over alacrity? The other bounty hunter columni, tionese, rakata gear that provide these stats would prove to allow for more POWERFUL heals that would help me still keep my heat under control.


Does Alacrity secretly help us reduce heat as a quicker rate? If not does anyone see much of a point to stat this over the other 3 main bounty hunter healing stats (Crit, Surge, Power)?

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You bring up a good point about reduced casting times not allowing for heat disapation. However I would think that you would make adjustments in your rotation to allow for this, tossing in a rapid shots between would make up the difference and still allow you to have your alacrity stat to make lower cast times so you can respond faster in those oh crap moments.
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I see what your saying. That rapid shots is an extra 260-640 (depending on crits and so forth) heals that I could toss in between my abilities for heat disapparation. My question is would the gear stat change from stacking other things be more beneficial and increase my scans to that rapid shot amount. I can easily toss a heal...2 rapid shots....another heal....and so forth so that would not be a problem. But our class at healing is a little bit under powered in the sense we have NO mitigation skills and our strength should be being able to send out more heals more often. While the IA/Sorc are able to do things quite similar with a 4k shield.


Oh and while I am trolling a tad I would also like to add how the Sorc's AoE heal is a 10 second channel witha 15 second CD that heals ALL targets in the area and does almost 1k a tick while Kolto Missile (AT ITS BEST with supercharged gas) costs a relatively large amount of heat heals only 3 targets for with a crit 1.2k crit and adds 10% healing/armor thats nice but I mean cmon the sorc's also get as many heals as us AND a shield.

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Well I think BW meant for the sorc to be the main pure healing class, and operative to be the mobile healer while BH was meant more for hybrid dps + healing.


As for the other stats and which will become better to stack, well I am still learning these stats my self and am still confused by them, for instance I think surge effects your crits only, hence more surge = bigger crits when you crit, power effects your baseline across the board and crit rating is self explanitory, but then there is techpower, is that the same as power? or am i completely lost across the board?


In my experience in other mmo's as a main healer:

increases to your baseline>cast speed>crit chance>crit amount is the best general formula for building a solid in all situations healer, alot of ppl will preach crit chance but imo you dont want to be counting on crits to keep ppl alive, instead crits should just be the bonus that gives a little extra breathing room to save some power/mana/heat.

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I have been leveling as a Merc healer since level 20, and I can tell you that the higher you get the more it makes sense. Yes you heal faster, but then you get more rapid shots in, that builds up the stacks of the buff I can't name rite now, so you can use your CD and drop your heat more and buff your abilities, such as Kolto Missile putting a damage shield on your target and no CD on Healing Scan (I think it's called). I have tons of Alacrity and I heal fine, there are oh **** moments when I can wreck my heat but that's what you have vent heat for. If you do it again tho, you're kinda screwed. Don't know if it's the absolute best stat, but I'll tell you rite now, it doesn't really make healing harder at all, I much enjoy by 1.7 second rapid scan.
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No need to spam Rapid Scan......


Get the heal out faster if need be with more alacrity, and wait till he needs to be healed again. I don't really get your question. It's a good stat to have in the OSh*t situation, and great for normal healing when used properly. You shouldn't be spamming any casting healing unless need be or you'll overheat regardless of your stats.



Now, whether alacrity will outweigh crit or vise versa is a whole different topic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am going with a Crit / Surge build followed by alacrity.


I would much rather provide steady, big heals and heal for a long time without having to worry about dipping into the 2/4 chev dissapation area than healing fast, but for less and less often and run into heat issues.

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Alacrity is still one of the best stats we should stack.


Heat is only an issue if your spamming abilities over and over. If your keeping up with your heals this should not be the case and the only thing being spammed should be rapid shots.


Rapid shots is our go to ability but alacrity helps us throw those bigger heals faster when we need a quick catch up and crit and surge help all those abilities hit for more.


I stopped getting power all together because the ratio of power to healing increase isn't nearly high enough to warrant stacking power over the others.

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I'm still yet to hear a good reason as to go over 10% Alacrity. Getting that figure is very easy, and add in Critical Reaction which is easy to keep rolling over you're looking at a near constant 15% Alacrity which brings your heals down to 1.28 / 2.13. You have 2 heals which are going to benefit from Alacrity, and Healing Scan is on cooldown most of the time unless you have the gas buff on.


Currently, Critical and Surge are the far better option. I'd agree with some others though about Power, the coefficient is too poor to consider stacking Power compared to Crit/Surge unless your Crit and Surge are at or beyond their respective soft caps, in which case Power is the best option because of the diminishing returns.

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I'm still yet to hear a good reason as to go over 10% Alacrity. Getting that figure is very easy, and add in Critical Reaction which is easy to keep rolling over you're looking at a near constant 15% Alacrity which brings your heals down to 1.28 / 2.13.


you didn't put 2 points in med tech?

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I seem to pull better numbers with higher healing output from the extra power then with the extra Alacrity. If your dissipating heat by using your shots you end up doing a lot less healing not more healing over all. Alacrity does not speed up enough to warrant it's use.


It will make your spells cast faster but I have not seen it make the global cool down any faster which would be the only reason I would use it. I receive a bigger punch from other stats then alacrity and my numbers are usually in the top 2 healers during a PvP match.


Now this might be different in PvE though.

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