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Could Star Wars be real?


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working on my masters in Physics.



I agree with you that Lasers produce almost no heat but thats not what we are talking about we were talking about super heated plasma.


If they use super powered laser for the light saber then the problem is how do you make it stop at the end? The laser would go on forever. Plus light has no real physical form so if you had two light sabers they would just slice right through each other.


Plus a laser based light saber wouldn't be able to deflect anything.


For blasters we know they can't be lasers or even laser pulses. If they were they would look more like Phasers on Star Trek where you see the line go from the gun to the target. You can't make a laser fire like a projectile.


remember we see the blaster bolts fire from the barrel of the gun to the target. If they were lasers they would move at the speed of light and we wouldn't be able to see it. It would like they are moving instantly.



sorry about the ferrous typing from phone while I wait in line and I am extremely exhausted.


we are talking about blasters, not lightsabers, and you said blasters are impossible. I think youre getting too hung up on the movie depiction of a blaster. So what in the movie you see discrete packets of light moving in slow motion like a tracer round. If you fire a laser and it does exactly everything a blaster was intended to do.......well have you heard this saying? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...........



Sometimes in the movies you see someone firing a gun and there is no recoil. Or sometimes they fire a 9 mm and the target/victim goes flying 30 feet backward through the air. In real life, guns dont produce the same effects as these movies. Does that mean projectile guns arent real? or that they are impossible to make?

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we are talking about blasters, not lightsabers, and you said blasters are impossible. I think youre getting too hung up on the movie depiction of a blaster. So what in the movie you see discrete packets of light moving in slow motion like a tracer round. If you fire a laser and it does exactly everything a blaster was intended to do.......well have you heard this saying? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...........



Sometimes in the movies you see someone firing a gun and there is no recoil. Or sometimes they fire a 9 mm and the target/victim goes flying 30 feet backward through the air. In real life, guns dont produce the same effects as these movies. Does that mean projectile guns arent real? or that they are impossible to make?


did you read the title of the topic?


it's Could Star Wars be real?



that's why we are talking about the movie depiction of a blaster.




edit also a laser can't be deflected by a light saber so the blasters can't be laser based.

Edited by jarjarloves
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again with the energy shields. Just because we do not have the technology today does not mean it is impossible to create an invisible sheild capable of stopping a metal projectile. Magnetic forces have been demonstrated to cause the aurora lights, and can lift a 4,000 pound truck at the junkyard, and can do a million other amazing things.


And since magnetism and electricity are two sides to the same coin, it is entirely possible a strong enough magnetic force could draw off all electical attacks as well.


Have you heard that a camo suit has been invented that makes you invisible? We have DONE this! It is too expensive to practically use, but EVERYTHING started out too expensive to practically use. Right now, we have the technology to make you invisible, just like the movie predator.


electricity was once thought an impossible myth of magic


who ever dreamed that LIGHT could be used as a destructive force? Or even used to carry data?

Edited by LordMerrick
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again with the energy shields. Just because we do not have the technology today does not mean it is impossible to create an invisible sheild capable of stopping a metal projectile. Magnetic forces have been demonstrated to cause the aurora lights, and can lift a 4,000 pound truck at the junkyard, and can do a million other amazing things.


And since magnetism and electricity are two sides to the same coin, it is entirely possible a strong enough magnetic force could draw off all electical attacks as well.


Have you heard that a camo suit has been invented that makes you invisible? We have DONE this! It is too expensive to practically use, but EVERYTHING started out too expensive to practically use. Right now, we have the technology to make you invisible, just like the movie predator.


so you are saying that shields would be just a really strong magnetic field around a space ship??


explain to me then how the magnetic shields protect the ship against an asteroid? Something that is non ferrous?


Believe me shields are 100% completely impossible. They are cool and in many ways necessary as a tool in sci fi but it is impossible. There is no type of field or energy that could ever produce the desired effect of a shield.

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ok lets say they are super heated plasma that is focused through a magnetic field.


That has to be an extrmely strong magnetic field not to hold the plasma in while it is still you can use a weak magnetic field for that. But it needs a strong magnetic field while it is moving. Magnetic fields are easy to defeat so if you push a collection of plasma (which is a gas essentially) at a high velocity it will break apart unless you have a strong magnetic field.


So that means it needs a projectile with the blaster bolt that is able to create a strong magnetic field.



Additionally if it has a strong magnetic field that also means that it will attract any ferrous material and be attracted to any ferrous material.


So since we see in the star wars movies it features none of those things it is not possible.



Lightsaber. How exactly do you plan on focusing the plasma?? Another Magnetic field?? If so you come across the same problems ie strong magnetic field attracts metal and it would have to be strong otherwise when you swing the light saber the plasma would go everywhere.


Plus how does a Lightsaber make contact with another lightsaber? If it is just plasma they will go right through each other as Plasama is a gas with an electrical charge or an ionoized gas.



i agree the light saber cauterizes wounds however it cant' give off any heat beacuse if it did when just hold it your hand would get really hot due to the fact the amount of heat required to instantly cut through anything has to be extremely high. Theres a reason why welders wear a ton of saftey equipment and why they are sweating after welding for a little bit.


It's hard to believe that an asteroid (espeically one that small would have an atmosphere) but then if the creature did create it's own atmosphere shouldn't that have been a huge red flag to Han when they noticed it? I assume they noticed there was an atmosphere BEFORE they went outside. Not to mention it's space so the asteroid should be freezing.




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oh also the concept of engery shileds for space ships is also impossible. What kind of engery is it? Electrical? Is it some sort of Magnetic Field? It's just one of those Science fiction things we just accept even though it has no basis in reality.



So Lightsabers, Blasters, Engery Shields are all impossible.






Most of Star Wars technology is possible

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we actually discussed this in the other thread. Yes he is able to theoretically come up with a device that has some of the same properties of a light saber but it is NOT a light saber.


He also still doesn't solve the magnetic field problem or the heat problem. Plus he ends up having to use a telescopic ceramic blade.


Basically it's a very cool idea for a flaming sword but it is no light saber.

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Gonna have to stop you right there. Using the Discovery Channel for Science information is like using Spike TV to learn about how to get a girlfriend or watching MTV to learn how to play an instrument.



Dont blame the messenger, I got my information from Michio Kaku

I would trust that source over any else

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so you are saying that shields would be just a really strong magnetic field around a space ship??



No, I'm not saying that at all. You've missed the point. I'm saying this: to claim we dont have the technology today is entirely different from claiming something is utterly and forever impossible. It is feasible with todays knowledge we could, if we had reason to research it and apply ourselves in this area, we could conceivably construct a magnetic sheild capable of stopping metal projectiles such as that from guns, and missles, and even also electrical attacks. It would not stop lasers or plasma BUT one day we might possibly find a way to do even that - with gravity. Who knows what the future holds. History has proven that technology is more hindered by limited imaginations than anything else.



And for the record your argument about asteriods is off-point since even in star wars a shield does not protect the ship from asteroids.

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Dont blame the messenger, I got my information from Michio Kaku

I would trust that source over any else


He's a nice guy i've met him before at a lecture in NYC and he has done some good work in the field of physics however he kind of sold out a long time ago. He now pretty much makes a living doing this kind of stuff taking sci fi stuff and trying to make it real. It's more of an attempt to try and make science and more notable physics more interesting to kids so they might peruse a career in such a field.


But creating a light saber or a shield that uses "energy" to act as a solid and deflect things is impossible.


The thing to remember is that Lucas has absolutely 0 knowledge in science and that's ok when he wrote Star Wars we has just making an incredibly cool movie and he more then succeeded.


it's so cool that people will do anything to believe that it is real or at least possible.

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but forget it, i really am not interested in arguing this out with you. I think you have no ground to stand on when you say things are impossible. That word was used to describe flight, electricity, and a million other things we take for granted today. I feel Your claim is groundless, lets just leave it at that.
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Dont blame the messenger, I got my information from Michio Kaku

I would trust that source over any else


You should not trust the source. Michio Kaku is not a reliable source. He's a slightly smarter but completely nuttier Carl Sagan. He also believes perpetual motion does not break the laws of physics. i.e. conservation of energy.


He has his PhD, he's been a professor, and a successful novelist. However, he's not a true research physicist, or even a very good theoretical physicist as noted if you read the thesis on string theory, Kikkawa came up with the bulk of the theory and Kaku only helped with the mathematical construct.


The Star Wars universe ignores so much of physical law, that it's not possible unless we figure out how to completely bypass the universal laws of physics and restrictions on matter.


Also, I don't want to imply I'm smarter than Kaku, or that he's not successful. He's just off his rocker and ignores things he should know better than to ignore so he can make science more palpable for laymen.

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No, I'm not saying that at all. You've missed the point. I'm saying this: to claim we dont have the technology today is entirely different from claiming something is utterly and forever impossible. It is feasible with todays knowledge we could, if we had reason to research it and apply ourselves in this area, we could conceivably construct a magnetic sheild capable of stopping metal projectiles such as that from guns, and missles, and even also electrical attacks. It would not stop lasers or plasma BUT one day we might possibly find a way to do even that - with gravity. Who knows what the future holds. History has proven that technology is more hindered by limited imaginations than anything else.



And for the record your argument about asteriods is off-point since even in star wars a shield does not protect the ship from asteroids.


with gravity??? are you suggesting now that we create a black hole around a space ship? As that is the only thing strong enough to effect light.



there are 4 forces.


Strong Nuclear, Weak Nuclear, Electro Magnetic and Gravity.



Gravity is the weakest of those forces btw. But remember Gravity is an attractive force not a repulsive force so all it would do would be to suck object in to it. Plus you can't direct gravity so you would suck your own ship into it.



Strong and Weak Nuclear forces are powerfull but only exert their engery over a very small distance ie the space between electrons and protons.


So how about Electromagnitic so yes we can create a very powerful magnetic field. But you are 100% wrong about us being able to create a shield capable of stopping bullets.


Bullets are made of lead and lead is not affected by electromagnetic fields.


Unless you have a steel bullet which well would be kind of silly as it's heave and would not be as effective as you might want.


A electromagnetic field also wouldn't stop lasers or blaster bolts. If you have a strong magnetic field just use some type of weapon that isn't ferrous.





So unless we discover "THE FORCE" and a way to make it into shields and eveything else I return to my original statement that sci fi shields are impossible.



As for the shield deflecting asteroids i was mainly refering to Star Trek shields but still remember in ROTJ they have to take out the SSD's bridge deflector shields for the guy to take his A-wing into the bridge.

Edited by jarjarloves
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but forget it, i really am not interested in arguing this out with you. I think you have no ground to stand on when you say things are impossible. That word was used to describe flight, electricity, and a million other things we take for granted today. I feel Your claim is groundless, lets just leave it at that.


so I use facts and actual science and you decide to go with "I believe in magic"


Sure I take it back. IT is possible to make a lightsaber, blasters and even shields all you need to do is believe and use magic.



Just because Star Wars and Sci Fi isn't real and not possible doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.



I love the hell out of sci fi. but that doesn't make it real

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This is for anyone wondering about an alien invasion. National Geographic takes the Alien Invasion scenario and puts it into perspective with current research and analysis. VERY accurate as far as I can tell. Long story short, we will lose in the beginning, but give a few years and we will strike back and win through guerilla tactics and asymmetric warfare.


oh, and another thing.


for all you people up there fearing an alien invasion i ask you this:


why would a civilization that has the power to produce enough energy in order to travel from one solar system to another or from one galaxy to another, and also construct the machines necessary for such travel (as another poster intelligently underlined, the only and true valuable in the universe is energy (and i'd also like to add time too ;) ) invade our puny planet?


resources? wow, there are lots and lots of other places in our solar system with a lot more valuable resources and in greater quantities than earth. as for water, if you care to mention that one, there is more water in the comets and asteroids in our solar system than on earth, of a hundred earths for that matter.


threat? we'd be as much as a threat to them as an ant is to you.



but at least i'd lay down in peace thinking that there's nothing personal. i mean if one squishes a bug, does one have something personal against it? :D


There are two compounds that scientist have been unable to find anywhere in the universe, chlorophyll and protien, plants and animals basically.


Basically you just need to know who would be the invaders. If it was the Republic, then they would look for peace, we would get some new technology, an most likely a chance to join. If it was the empire (any of them, Sith or Galactic), then we would be slaves within a minute. And if it was the Hutt Cartel, well...Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Kim Kardashian, and all other hot women...hope you like slave collars and metal bikinis.;)

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There was some science that actually discovered the speed of light with some kind of item, I have no idea what happend with this project, havnt heard about it for 3 months now. Does anyone know how the progress went with it? This could change the humanity. But it will probably take a life time though :D Edited by Vordy
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You should not trust the source. Michio Kaku is not a reliable source. He's a slightly smarter but completely nuttier Carl Sagan. He also believes perpetual motion does not break the laws of physics. i.e. conservation of energy.


He has his PhD, he's been a professor, and a successful novelist. However, he's not a true research physicist, or even a very good theoretical physicist as noted if you read the thesis on string theory, Kikkawa came up with the bulk of the theory and Kaku only helped with the mathematical construct.


The Star Wars universe ignores so much of physical law, that it's not possible unless we figure out how to completely bypass the universal laws of physics and restrictions on matter.


Also, I don't want to imply I'm smarter than Kaku, or that he's not successful. He's just off his rocker and ignores things he should know better than to ignore so he can make science more palpable for laymen.


I disagree completely. The guy is a genius his understanding of physics is probably the most profound in our day and age. Your only argument for how he is crazy is that he believes perpetual motion does not break the law of physics. Which if you think about it, it doesn't. Constant motion using the same energy is conserving it constantly, think about it. Now this also can be determined with the the Carnot cycle.


He also has come up with genius theoretical physics that can be used to improve our future which is based on mathematical constructs. Which proves that his theories are very much possible. So just because you personally have a grudge against a physicist does not make him less competent. It just means you dislike him.

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I disagree completely. The guy is a genius his understanding of physics is probably the most profound in our day and age. Your only argument for how he is crazy is that he believes perpetual motion does not break the law of physics. Which if you think about it, it doesn't. Constant motion using the same energy is conserving it constantly, think about it. Now this also can be determined with the the Carnot cycle.


He also has come up with genius theoretical physics that can be used to improve our future which is based on mathematical constructs. Which proves that his theories are very much possible. So just because you personally have a grudge against a physicist does not make him less competent. It just means you dislike him.


LOL. The Carnot Cycle actually proves perpetual motion is not achievable in it's efficiency results. No arm-chair physicists please, if you aren't in a PhD program or completed one you really shouldn't be posting your undereducated(and completely wrong in this instance) opinion on this.

Edited by Tokeee
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LOL. The Carnot Cycle actually proves perpetual motion is not achievable in it's efficiency results. No arm-chair physicists please, if you aren't in a PhD program or completed one you really shouldn't be posting your undereducated(and completely wrong in this instance) opinion on this.


The very definition of perpetual motion proves there is conservation of energy. Carnot cycle is to prove efficiency yes, but you forget to take in effect efficiency if energy is conserved. If all the energy is conserved there is no gain and no loss therefore it is efficient. I understand how you think but you fail to recognize simplicity with your "PhD", opinions and lack of facts.


Oh and if you are so right. Show mathematical proof that Michio Kaku is wrong, don't just say it.

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The better question is how can star wars not be real? I mean jedi vs sith, ewoks, stormtroopers, you really expect me to believe someone just made that up? Obviously George Lucas found a way to travel to other dimensions/galaxies and just made a movie about what he saw because he knew no one would believe him if he went to the media. The media hides the truth.
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