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How do you beat shadow fist commander?


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Actually, people can help you. Simply find some money, find a mercenary to help you, and tell them to fly to Tavus' Ship. You'll be suprised how effective it is. However, you will have to go first and THEN tell them to come. A simple price would be 200 to 500 credits. Edited by OngoingSoldier
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I tried him after I just hit lvl 24 with M1-4X - smashed me. Tried a few times with Elara and got him to 20%.


Did some reading up and went back:

He is waiting on the right side of the hall, before him on the left side is a machine you clicked earlier. There are 2 beam controls near it, 1 going across the hall, the other along the left side toward the machine. I turned both of these back on and got in the niche between the control & the machine, faced Commander, walked out to range & shot him then immediately back-pedalled into the niche. The Commander jumps all over the place and mainly fries himself on the beams while I was going through my standard rotation - no major healing required and he was quickly dead.


It is important to kill him as that opens up 2 new worlds for questing. Good Luck.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 9 months later...

I tried dozens of times to kill shadow fist commander and nothing worked, even at Level 26. Found the solution that Oberom posted and it worked beautifully. Thanks!


I tried him after I just hit lvl 24 with M1-4X - smashed me. Tried a few times with Elara and got him to 20%.


Did some reading up and went back:

He is waiting on the right side of the hall, before him on the left side is a machine you clicked earlier. There are 2 beam controls near it, 1 going across the hall, the other along the left side toward the machine. I turned both of these back on and got in the niche between the control & the machine, faced Commander, walked out to range & shot him then immediately back-pedalled into the niche. The Commander jumps all over the place and mainly fries himself on the beams while I was going through my standard rotation - no major healing required and he was quickly dead.


It is important to kill him as that opens up 2 new worlds for questing. Good Luck.

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  • 1 year later...

Ummm, they must've updated the commander because he doesn't set off the beams for me.... if I jump into the flames he gets cooked too, but I die even faster... I'm LvL 26 Commando



EDIT: Wait, nevermind, had to change the beam's target from me to him, duh. Worked like a charm. 15 seconds.

Edited by Castiel_Amana
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