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Everything posted by OngoingSoldier

  1. You have to think out of the box for that one. If you can get him under half his health before you die, try this. All those flamethrower canisters that you deactived can be reactivated and used against him since he is a melee. Simmple let him burn to crisp while your attacking. If not hire a mercenary to help you (cowards way out but effective none-the-less).
  2. Actually, people can help you. Simply find some money, find a mercenary to help you, and tell them to fly to Tavus' Ship. You'll be suprised how effective it is. However, you will have to go first and THEN tell them to come. A simple price would be 200 to 500 credits.
  3. I cant beat it either. However, I have found a way to weaken him (shadowfist commander) fast. You know those flame thrower containers that should have made it hard before you started fighting? You can REACTIVATE THEM! Took me about 2 minutes to perfect, but I finallty found that if you lure him through the fire, he burns like paper! You must put on your shield however. So if you figured this out already help me, if not, hope this helped you.
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