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These bosses seem... To easy?


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Basically tank-&-spank, but these are low-level bosses though. I guess they've put them there so people new to raiding can see how it works in a basic manner. :)


World bosses generally have simplistic mechanics because they're supposed to be PuGed. I'm personally glad that Bioware put world bosses in the game. It's a nice change to go fight a raid boss while leveling.

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Hmmm.... Interesting. The world boss of coursant (sp) wiped our group consisting of three level 45+, a number of level 20-30ish and large of level 12+




Our server pugged SD-01 shortly after launch with 16-19 people (can't remember exact number) ranging from level 12-18. The tank was 18.

Edited by Thradar
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