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Hi, I'm not sure if it is only me but the network performance of PTS is challenging. The best I get is 2 bars and most of the time it is a red dot. This is making the encounters unplayable.

I am in EU but this is not an issue on any of the live severs - EU, US or APAC.


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Posting here instead of making a new thread. I'm going to be trying to get on PTS daily, levelling a Sith Warrior (lovingly called Boris Johnson of the BoJo legacy) up through the story to find as many bugs as possible, as well as see how the new encounters work for a character that is currently levelling and not max-level. I will also be copying a character across to test the new content as max-level.

I'm going to try and post an update daily where possible. I'm making notes as I play test, and formatting afterwards to make it easier for devs to read (hopefully):

========== General ============
Can't expand inventory
Can't buy more outfit slots
Unable to untarget by pressing esc? (Korriban)
Can now un-target by pressing esc? (DK)

============= Korriban===============
The initial tomb on Korriban has a descended platform, now requiring players to jump out of it? Not sure if this is intentional. Location is near the exit, before the walkway.
Floor not rendered/present in Tomb of Marka Ragnos (SW)
Random flash when entering tomb of Tulak Hord
Tulak Hord Machine Vault - Shyracks aggroing in new underground section
Mobs tend to fall into the new underground sections due to path finding
Strange orange colouration around the 4th switch (The Final Trial)

=================== Imp Fleet =============================
No footstep sound on Imp Fleet - Eventually no sound at all
Above required a re-log

============= DK =============
"Laying Waste" - No door present to unlock. True for both doors in quest - panels still works to progress quest

I'll add that I'm nearly finished with DK, but still need to head to the Dark Temple. I'll also try and get through the Bonus Series and Exploration Quests for each planet as I stumble across them.

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I reply here instead of making a new post...

i'm having a great time playing these new dynamic missions, ive been doing Hoth today.
i think the variety is fun, the fact that you can chose which one to go to is great so ppl who dont want to carry fauns up a hill will just go battle bosses (while i'll feed ice kittens and carry those sweet fauns!!! xD). its also a nice way to go around the map outside of the regular place and really explore and see everything, with a reason to walk to the end of the map not just to say hey ive been here cheers.

my thought during some missions were:
1. orletan treasure mission - the first attempt i didnt get the promt on the screen after buying those treasure seeker items, was very confusing there was no other explanation other then find the treasure and it was a bit frustrating that i had no idea what to do. on the second attempt (hours later) i got all the 5 i used one had a ice thing spawn search found nothing and im guessing the other guy that was actually pretty far from me used his, to spawn another one right next to me which at the time i still thought was due to my treasure seeker thing so i searched it and found the treasure with 4 more that i bought and no more reason to use them. im guessing the different type are as in every time just 1 type finds the treasure? anyway the third time i was doing this mission there were about 5 ppl around which made it a whole mess of stuff spawning and ppl searching and i barely could press "search" before someone else did, especially when it spawned a bit away from me, i expect the first few days on live server missions like this would have a lot of ppl around so maybe making the thing you spawn personal and not clickable by every one would be a good idea.

2. Sensor tower scan and repair mission - when i did this mission i was grouped with a friend, she was away for a min and i went on to do the mission. i scanned and fixed a tower she arrived at where i was when i was killing the mob that spawned after i fixed the tower (it was a wampa this time). the mission didnt end for me it updated to scan again, but upon arriving at the location to scan on the map i couldnt press the binoculars, my friend did and we both went on the fix another tower which then we both got the mission. not sure if i need to fix 1 tower or 2 to get the mission but its either wont let you scan a second time, or buggy in a group when person is not near you when you scan first time.

3. both White Maw Attack On Zerek Outpost / Hidden Chain Munitions Mission - those two are about the same idea, a group is attack and you need to stop them. so for the White Maw  the mission was stop them and optional was pick up fire grenade, which not me or anyone on the server at the time found. also we ended up killing adds including the commander that spawns as a full star tier mob for 6 mins until the timer ran out and nothing happened. on the Hidden Chain mission was to kill the lieutanant. there were munition boxes which were not clickable and in the mdl of the area was a beacon which was not clickable, we killed all mob groups 5-6 or 7 times and when nothing new happened we just left. also the ship that land there is walk-through-able, as in i went up the ramp and fell through the other side.
also about the white maw attack we had several ppl at different times asking if anyone got progress on that or if its bugged.
EDIT: White Maw Attack on Zerek i think this time i was the first there, i got a progress bar, got to 50% when another player arrived and a moment later i noticed my bar was gone. i don't know if its do to another playing arriving / another player killing mobs and instead of sharing progress bar (like with imperial attack on another outpost), it just disappearing or what other reason there was but it was gone and no way to complete.
---Hidden Chain  - i was thinking maybe the lieutanant is not there because someone already killed him and he doesnt respawn? anyway alot of ppl were asking about this mission as well.

Thank you for giving us more content, im excited to do more ill check tatootine next :)

Edited by SeanGil
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Overall I enjoyed the system. I streamed Hoth on Saturday and Tatooine on Sunday. I ran both an Imperial and Republic play through of each planet. I did my best to give feedback throughout the stream and answer the feedback questions. Here are the requested links to videos of the streams.

Day 1: Hoth

Day 2:Tatooine

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You make a good point, but it assumes people will stop playing these, and I think given the right incentives, people could continue doing this content for a long time. I suppose, as an alternative, they could go the Pokemon route. Put the random events on a 15-minute timer. When the timer ends, everyone in a particular area picks up the event, and then the progress counts for everyone in that area so long as they don't leave it. I would vastly prefer a group (the group being a loose term to describe many solo players in one location.) )-centered solution because the griefing will be a complete pain to the A if they leave them as is.

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