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Nar Nightlife Event Updates 2024

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On 7/8/2024 at 11:40 PM, JoeStramaglia said:


  • Any Win or Jackpot on Kingpin’s Bounty or Emperor’s Grace will remove Lucky and Good Karma.
  • Lucky and Good Karma will increase your odds of winning on Kingpin’s Bounty. Good Karma will increase your odds even further than Lucky.
  • Lucky and Good Karma can stack on Emperor’s Grace Slot Machines to increase the chance of winning all the way to 100%.
  • [...]

all the quoted stuff is wrong.

- certificates won't remove any buff.
- you can fail with having both buffs.
- i "feel" that buffs won't have any effect on kingpins; don't have enough data, just around 100 spins by different ppl while streaming.
-> after hundreds of spins with different buffs, there is no difference on the king pin with or without the good karma buff. lucky will increase the chance.


Edited by fabsus
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Funny how you spent your resources on nerfing a perfectly fine grind event instead of, I don't know, making some real contents or things people actually asked to change.

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Spinning for around 30 minutes..only lost Kingpin chips, no wins of any kind at all...

Thank you for making the casino event realistic - the house always wins huh? *sarcasm*

I have to give it to you, you did your best to take the fun out of this event. 

Well done! 😒

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15 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

A guildie bought Max Bet Emperor Chip for 150 million, he "won" 3 golden certificates.  I know it's not real money, but it's a scam.


We asked for legacy bound gambling chips. Too much to ask? Too difficult to do? Instead you managed to totally make this event just as unfun and grindy as the rest of the "improved" parts of the game.  What a shame. This used to be a nice event.

Normally I’d try to find some way to justify these types of changes, usually they are quite beneficial for new players, but this literally hurts everyone more than it helps.

It’s a great credit sink” most of the people who have the credits that need to be sinked have little or no insensitive to play this event. They either already have all the rewards or are just interested in farming credits😂. New players, who should be the focal point in old event that keep repeating, are now required to have more time and credit than previous years. The feeling of loss is now much greater then it use to be. Why would new player want to feel like big “losers”? 

Player will have to play the game longer to get the rewards” do you have any idea how mind numbing it is for new players or those who haven’t played for awhile to catch up to current. There are already plenty of grinds. This event, which only happens once a year, wasn’t a mind numbing grind. It was really really fun. I am not lying when I say BBA week and this event were pivotal point in my new player experience. I got tired of running around trying to complete the story, especially when I became under leveled because I didn’t want to do the low reward side quests. Getting rewards fast was extremely important to me, and if I didn’t have to fight a bunch of mobs even better. BBA and night life use to offer that.

limited budget so we have to make the little new content we can add take longer to acquire or complete” players have asked for BS to re-add items that already have coding. The only budget implementing them as rewards should impact is time and the pay set aside for it, which will be spent either way.  if you change the color or “material” of those objects they become different items so the “it’s not fair” arguments loses validity and can be dodged. Those type of changes shouldn’t take much effort to do.

You could also add meaning full decoration. If you added a chair that if interacted with allows the player to sit in it (like the ones on our starship or the one on the train stronghold) I’d need/want 5-10. If you sold them for 10 gold certificates I would need to collect 50 to 100 gold certificates.

I also know many players, myself included, who want seated personal decorations. If you added seated version of the personal already offered in the event I’m sure people would want them. Again I don’t think you have to invest much money into doing that.

Now I don’t think having the emperors slot machine lose is a bad idea, but I do think it was a bad idea to remove the giving back lesser tokens at the same time. I also think it’s a bad idea to make the buff less effective and harder to get. The emperor slot machine should provide the way (lots of tokens) to get the rare effective buff that will allow you to actually get the jackpot.


Edited by AFadedMemory
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Coming back in to offer this comparison:

While farming slots for Nightlife to the point of *losing* about 100 of my obscene stockpile of Kingpin chips, I managed to obtain TWO Emperor chips. 
While running a Brazz's gift to farm baby mobs on Dromund Kaas for blueprint fragments? I got TWELVE Emperor chips as random loot drops.

There's a disconnect here, I think. I shouldn't get six times as many of the high tier chips off level fifteen mobs on DK just idly farming something else entirely for roughly the same amount of time. 

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5 minutes ago, Sweetprey said:

Coming back in to offer this comparison:

While farming slots for Nightlife to the point of *losing* about 100 of my obscene stockpile of Kingpin chips, I managed to obtain TWO Emperor chips. 
While running a Brazz's gift to farm baby mobs on Dromund Kaas for blueprint fragments? I got TWELVE Emperor chips as random loot drops.

There's a disconnect here, I think. I shouldn't get six times as many of the high tier chips off level fifteen mobs on DK just idly farming something else entirely for roughly the same amount of time. 

Considering how difficult it is to farm blueprint by killing low lv trash over and over and over, aren't you grateful that you get something of value in return? /s

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Spent alot of time at the slotmachines last year and it was fun. Used about an hour today and won a cupple of pets that I had from last year. Not a single gold certificate

I dont think I will use any more time on this evnt. Atleast not untill the changes is rolled back.

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I remember fondly this from 5 years ago, it was a nice distraction from regular grind, getting some cosmetics I didn't need but why not. Oof.

On 7/9/2024 at 12:40 AM, JoeStramaglia said:

Our goal with the below changes is to improve the Nar Nightlife experience by reducing the amount of time it takes to play

Mission accomplished, as a returning player I don't want to touch this event now, zero play time.

Some companies spend millions to raise engagement with their product. First the gearing changes, get 324 conquest green, run some veteran flashpoints, buy blue 340 from Zeek, if you don't raid gearing done, less than a day. And now this event. It's a bold strategy Broadsword. Let's see if it pays off for him.

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9 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

I would say that, before you make any other changes, focus on this first. I have Universal Prefabs, a stack of tokens from Kuat Drive Yards, a stack of tokens gained from the two versions of Korriban Incursion & Assault on Tython, and a stack of tokens gained from Depths of Manaan, all sitting in my Legacy bank. These tokens are so rare to come by that I would prefer them being a Legacy currency in my currency tab instead of an item that I have to consciously store.

I disagree. Once something we used to be able to trade is put into Currency (Snow-covered Parcel and Bounty contracts), it cannot be traded and sold, which is a popular method of obtaining these, without having to farm endlessly for an armor piece or whatever. Trading and selling them also taxes them which is the point of the economy revamp, right?

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32 minutes ago, kekrot said:

I disagree. Once something we used to be able to trade is put into Currency (Snow-covered Parcel and Bounty contracts), it cannot be traded and sold, which is a popular method of obtaining these, without having to farm endlessly for an armor piece or whatever. Trading and selling them also taxes them which is the point of the economy revamp, right?

They should be thrown in with the flagship plans

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8 hours ago, Cindron said:

They can't say it but I believe the sole intent was to get people to dump more credits out of the economy.  

Well yes, that IS what it was originally designed for and I don't  think that was hidden.  It was a credit sink trying to cool off the economy that was hyperinflated due to the removal of most other meaningful credit sinks, credit duping, etc.

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34 minutes ago, tylercrick said:

I'm sorry, but this event has killed all interest I had in playing this game.

I got screwed on the spring event as a returning player, not being able to fulfill the orobird quest as I was too low a level, even though nothing anywhere stated a level requirement, and now again here... let alone these abysmal chip drop rates.

Only two days into the event, and you've managed to show me how little you truly care for the player experience.

Not once, anywhere, does the game tell me there's a level requirement to fulfilling the Mek'Sha requirement for the daily, and yet here I am, like a dunce, trying to find someone to help me out... turns our noone's online or willing apparently...

I tried to keep an open mind towards the exchanging of hands between developers... but after the spring event, and now this? Yeah, I'm done.

I won't be spending another dime.

7.5M for an emporer's chip, with a higher than not chance at failure without the buffs, while not explaining ANY of that mechanic whatsoever, is an absolute farce.

The players are right. This is a skeleton crew, doing as little as they can to keep interest afloat while being bankrolled all the way. 

This was the last good Star Wars product I said to myself and my friends... How wrong I was.

I was just starting to enjoy my time on SWTOR too... shame.

Feel bad devs, I do.

Is there a level requirement to get there? I know you have to get the ship and the mobs that are generate will destroy you if your to low in level. That being said I swore I completed the mission with an  under level toon my choosing to be bribed.

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Honestly... EA, Broadsword, whoever made these decisions.... you guys screwed up again as lately you have been doing with most things. I unsubbed so fast after seeing the changes. The moment I learned that I could lose at the emperor's slot machine was enough as to buy those tokens is expensive enough to begin with. (Not that I ever would because especially now it's predatory). We appreciate the response, but know that we are not idiots here. Many of us have been around long enough to see the truth. If you, or these decision makers care whatsoever, there will be a reversal patch sooner than the runtime of this event, but I doubt you do. I think many of us doubt that you care.

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The inflation is being curbed.  I see how this could maybe impact it further, but it won't work if people just walk away from the event.  This feels more like stretching out the grind of the event.  To keep the game going, you either add more content, or you stretch out the time needed to play already existing content.

The stated reasons for these changes don't come close to relating to the reality of their implementation.  Two minutes of testing these new changes would have revealed how much they've missed the mark.  If you don't see a major change in the category of reverting the event back within a week or less, I would even count an announcement/post detailing exactly what is being fixed and reverted back this event (not next year), then plan accordingly.  This type of scenario for events and changes will be the norm going forward.

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Yeah, I'm expecting other events to be similar to this one. Been subbed since the game started, but if this is the norm going forward it might be what convinces me to walk away.

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Based on reading both of the Dev posts, and all of the replies, I know 1 thing for sure. Achievements or no, I'm not touching this event. So if they made these decisions to try to reduce credits from the game they failed to get any from me.

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Since the first roll out of this event people have been begging for the coins to be pooled like other currency.

Nope, too difficult.  But tell ya what we will do, that thing no one has complained about, well we are going to rework  the slot machines, and the buffs.  We will attempt to pull more credits from you.  Oh and we will offer one whole helmet this year.

An event that was so simple to maintain.  Add a few new cosmetic items, a mount or pet and people will come back to grind away.  Buy a few hundred smuggler coins and get busy.  

Oh they did add two discontinued dye to the vendor.  But guess what, while everything is bound to legacy, guess what, go ahead.  Nope these are bind on pick up.

You lost my credits.  Not that you care.

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I think game devs should be required to play the games they create as part of their work week. They seem to have forgotten that games are supposed to be FUN. I bet that if they had to play it they'd make sure that there was a better balance of fun vs. grindy bantha poodoo. They might even come up with better ideas for "upgrades" than tweaking graphics that nobody can notice have been changed and manage to produce a ton of bugs in the process. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised this game survived the 7.0 update. I saw huge active guilds become virtual ghost towns after that one. I really suspect that this game is only still around because of it's loyal fan base/players and while it is still making money the powers that be will keep milking the cash cow without feeding it in the hopes that eventually it will die and they'll be free of it.

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I've been a subscriber on and off for 6 years or so, always looked forward to this event. I like(d) to stock up on cartel market certificates for the year. I don't have a lot of time to play and I'm not a credit collector. My biggest bank has about 55 million. I do NOT like the event this year. WAY more grinding with even less payoff, for me so far anyway. If it's not fixed by months end I will be canceling my subscription, and possibly not coming back until I read the event is back to how it's been the last several years. I get the need for credit sinking and getting the economy back on track... but at the expense of what used to be a fun event?


What a bummer, love the improvements being made to the game but this isn't one of them.

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I just want to say ever since Broadsword took over, you have been putting out bad changes, it's like you are punishing the already small player base that you have, why do this? You have been putting out changes that you knew were going to annoy people and make the loyal player base not want to play, please think about your updates instead of just putting them out, think about what impact they will have on the players, and stop being wreckless about these things. Things like making people lose on an expensive chip is a stupid decision, it shouldn't have made it past the discussion table.

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So let me get this straight, this past spring you nerfed reputation conquest to increase player engagement time, and now you make changes to this event to decrease player engagement time?


....and that makes sense how?


When did it become so important HOW we spend our time playing, as long as we're logged in and playing?


Once again how far we have fallen from 6.0 and 'Play your way'


They won't listen to our feedback because it's clear the dev team isn't even on the same page.  There is no direction or leadership being shown in any decision they make aside from the CM.

Edited by RushNFour
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Why not make an Event Tactical to buy like with the Feast of Prosperity to increase the chance of getting the Emperor chips from the loot tables? If i want to spend time to farm the chips instead of buying them with credits- i might as well try to increase the odds in my favor somehow. Since the Emperor's Grace Slot Machines now have more of a chance to loose those tokens than win it incentivizes saving up the purples tokens to spend later than right away. So my thinking is to increase the rate of the Emperor Casino tokens a smidge to make it a little less inconvenient...

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Here is what everyone needs to be prepared for from the Devs.

"We have been listening and heard you! There will be a patch very soon and the price of Emperor's chip will be reduced from 7.5 million to 1 million!  Thank you all for your input." 

People will praise them over and over as they now happily spend 7 to 10 million every single time they go to the event despite all the mechanics every single person here is complaining about going  unchanged. 

Sorry for my rant, repeated posts.  I have been here since day one and with each update am struggling for a reason to continue to be a subscriber.  Rant over.

Edited by Cindron
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Not one single update, since BS took over, has been to the benefit of the playerbase, you all know this. Im sorry but EA handing it over to BS, seems more and more like a way to shut down, without being called EA. 

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