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Potential damage output far too high


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1 hour ago, AocaVII said:

So if that's fun for you pretending that you're great because you can kill players that aren't trying to kill you or are incompetent players and live in that world I'm sorry but I'm not going to live in a world like that cuz it's not a real world. It's just you making a grandiose depiction of yourself because you can kill players that are bad. No one is good at PVP anymore.

Ok let's stop here you completely missed the point. You're just here because you want ppl to be like you want them to be and your not ready to listen good luck with that.

And I have fun fighting other players which btw is the definition of PVP. It's not about proving something to anyone.

Edited by Ajalkaar
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4 hours ago, Wulfurkin said:

I really dont see where the incentive is though. I mean i know i could still improve a lot, especially when i see the dmg some are able to do. There is just no reason to put in the effort required to join the elite. Something can be said for teaching new players the basics but thats where it ends. Very few are going to be able to be as decisive as some of these ex ranked players are. I dont see myself doing that and ive been at it in regs for years.

Some anecdotes:

  • Just yesterday I put out four times the damage as the next highest damage on the board in a warzone. I could tell during the game, was the only one putting damage out, too, because our team would not immediately win 1v3s at the node.
  • Just two days ago, I was getting globaled by a team in arenas, in multiple arenas back to back.

My point: 

  1. I am not good at this game
  2. I will effortlessly crush a lot of players
  3. Therefore, it's not so much a problem with Elites, it's a problem with bad players

The incentive to improve is that they will have a better time. If someone doesn't want to improve, I don't much care if they are having a bad time. These players (again, not talking about you!), also, don't care if they are having a bad time! The bantha in the room here is these players are playing for the pvp season rewards.


At launch, max level players (50 at the time) did not have their own bracket. They were playing against fresh level 10s in warzones. As you can imagine, that was stupid.

Today, it is equally stupid to match fresh level 80s, or indeed fresh players, with veteran players. Level is a bad proxy for experience now that the game is turbo casual. The skills needed to get to max level are different than at launch. A couple days ago there was a reddit post about how this game gets hard out of nowhere. Read the post - I'm not calling this player entitled, but the confusion present. The player asks, "Why does it get hard?" and not, "How can I improve?"

That's why this product is better described as an interactive media experience, and not a game.

TL;DR: Replace Character Level Warzone Brackets with Valor Level Warzone Brackets.

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1 hour ago, Zunayson said:

Some anecdotes:

  • Just yesterday I put out four times the damage as the next highest damage on the board in a warzone. I could tell during the game, was the only one putting damage out, too, because our team would not immediately win 1v3s at the node.
  • Just two days ago, I was getting globaled by a team in arenas, in multiple arenas back to back.

My point: 

  1. I am not good at this game
  2. I will effortlessly crush a lot of players
  3. Therefore, it's not so much a problem with Elites, it's a problem with bad players

The incentive to improve is that they will have a better time. If someone doesn't want to improve, I don't much care if they are having a bad time. These players (again, not talking about you!), also, don't care if they are having a bad time! The bantha in the room here is these players are playing for the pvp season rewards.


At launch, max level players (50 at the time) did not have their own bracket. They were playing against fresh level 10s in warzones. As you can imagine, that was stupid.

Today, it is equally stupid to match fresh level 80s, or indeed fresh players, with veteran players. Level is a bad proxy for experience now that the game is turbo casual. The skills needed to get to max level are different than at launch. A couple days ago there was a reddit post about how this game gets hard out of nowhere. Read the post - I'm not calling this player entitled, but the confusion present. The player asks, "Why does it get hard?" and not, "How can I improve?"

That's why this product is better described as an interactive media experience, and not a game.

TL;DR: Replace Character Level Warzone Brackets with Valor Level Warzone Brackets.

I can see your point, my experience is similar. Some matches i easily top the dmg board and maybe died once or twice througout the whole match. In other matches im somewhere in the middle and ill have spent half the match in spawn.  Still even with this varying degree of effectiveness i shouldnt be anywhere near the top of the leaderboards since i never really bothered with competitive pvp. I can count on two hands the amount of times i stepped into ranked. I also dont really understand how the majority of players struggle so much to do dps. 

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30 minutes ago, AocaVII said:

It's a total fiasco masquerade circus so if that makes you happy then I'm glad you're happy in the circus.

That's not what I said at all please read carefully.



31 minutes ago, AocaVII said:

I think you read me wrong here and you're not reading between the lines of what I'm saying.

If you expect people to read between the lines, no wonder you're having trouble making yourself understood.



33 minutes ago, AocaVII said:

You think this is the first game I've seen die? The skill gap, the degradation, the illusion of being good, and the insanity of it all, this is the slow death of PvP. It's DOA rn, really. 

At this point. it's just embarrassing.
Don't forget "Watching a lot of crime shows doesn't make you a detective."

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