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Change to collections: Let us claim individual pieces of sets we have collected

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A change I would love to see implemented: instead of making me claim an entire armour set when I am building an outfit, please let me claim individual pieces from sets.  If all I want is a chest piece or pair of boots, it gets tedious and annoying when I have to clog my inventory with the entire set.  Please grant us the ability to pick out pieces of armour sets we have unlocked.

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On 6/6/2024 at 4:13 AM, Vendettus said:

I don't understand why this wasn't implemented from the beginning.

Yes, neither do I this (change) would be lovely for sure:

I appended that to my previous two minor suggestions:

2-3 Minor, highly desirable UI changes: please have Keith & UI team consider! - Suggestion Box - SWTOR | Forums


Edited by Strathkin
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