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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

7.5 Story Bug - (Story Spoiler) Choice Made Not Reflected Correctly in Later Dialogue

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Same here. Correct mail but had the opposite conversation during the cutscene. Did it on Jedi Consular and Sith Warrior. Both chose to help Adi. Both got wrong conversation with Sahar but correct mail from Adi.

Edited by Kuriba
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I'm also having the same problem. Male Imperial Agent, chose Rodia, helped with the turrets. I want the story to reflect the choices I made so that things go smoothly for continuity. I exited out of the dialogue with Sa'har and am now just standing there, ready to talk to her. I know programming is hard and I get it. Trying to be patient but eesh.

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Yeah, I'm also still waiting, I want to have the correct dialogue and actually have the story I see reflect what I chose properly.  Even if the game is properly registering it on the back end (like giving out the right letters and stuff), I just wanna see the correct scene.

Really surprised there's no acknowledgement of or fix on this, it seems super widespread, and caused by something super consistent.

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Is there any word on this? I have characters waiting to do the new content that I'm afraid to progress. It would be really good to get some word from the devs about when we can expect a fix. Even just an acknowledgement of the bug's existence would be nice.

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30 minutes ago, sonyajeb said:

I have characters waiting to do the new content that I'm afraid to progress.

I have a friend that found out about the bug from me and just had every single character choose to help at the elevator and never once got the bug, so I can definitely say fairly certainly that if you haven't started on a character at all and wanted to play the content and don't care about which choice you pick then you can play and just always pick to help at the elevator (it's not an alignment choice, so hopefully that means it has 0 consequences either way.... if it has consequences in spite of this bug they are gonna have a riot probably lol).

but yeah, the bug is still ongoing and 0 dev response.... I know they can't respond to every one but this is a super widespread bug that's blocking progress for people who want the correct dialogue to play, would definitely be nice to know if they have a fix on the way, at all, ever 🫠

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5 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

I have a friend that found out about the bug from me and just had every single character choose to help at the elevator and never once got the bug, so I can definitely say fairly certainly that if you haven't started on a character at all and wanted to play the content and don't care about which choice you pick then you can play and just always pick to help at the elevator (it's not an alignment choice, so hopefully that means it has 0 consequences either way.... if it has consequences in spite of this bug they are gonna have a riot probably lol).

My understanding is that the consequences of picking between the elevator and the turrets are:


Adi lives but fewer people escape overall if you help at the turrets; Adi dies but more people escape if you help at the elevators. So if you want Adi to live, you have to pick turrets, which is the one that is currently bugged. Which sucks for people who like him and want him to live to see his homeworld again.

I have done it once while choosing elevator. It just would be nice to have an idea of when it might get fixed so I know whether or not to hold out on some of my characters for the fix or just give up and choose elevator on everyone. 😞

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Another bump, got three characters waiting for the fix - don't want to start story at all knowing it's bugged at some point.

Edited by VilianSW
typos, ofc
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@JackieKo Can you please let us know if the bug is at least acknowledged by the devs? Fixing in the patch just announced would be ideal, but if not, we'd like to know where we're standing with the case. Meaning, if players can hope for progressing the story anytime soon. Thank you in advance.

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  • Dev Post
19 minutes ago, VilianSW said:

@JackieKo Can you please let us know if the bug is at least acknowledged by the devs? Fixing in the patch just announced would be ideal, but if not, we'd like to know where we're standing with the case. Meaning, if players can hope for progressing the story anytime soon. Thank you in advance.

Hey there, 

Confirming that this will be fixed with 7.5b. Full patch notes will be released tomorrow! 

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