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HK-51 final part

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Maybe it's my fault for leaving the part on Dromund Kaas for last, but I've searched every inch of the area Infront of the dark temple for the last 3 hours and still not found it yet!


I'm going to retry later and see if I have better luck, but for now, my Hk-51 search is on pause...

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Personally, I think taris and hoth are the worst ones.

Also, in case there is some confusion, the part can be all the way down to the two solid white lines (I assume represent walls) near where the path split into semi parallel directions. (Image from the web)


Edited by AFadedMemory
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8 hours ago, MisterNotrom said:

Maybe it's my fault for leaving the part on Dromund Kaas for last, but I've searched every inch of the area Infront of the dark temple for the last 3 hours and still not found it yet!


I'm going to retry later and see if I have better luck, but for now, my Hk-51 search is on pause...

I don't remember how it was with HK parts, but when I was looking for the special treasures for the achievements, there used to be a red text telling "this area has been drained from treasures" or something like that, if someone has just found something. If you get that message when enter the area, then you'll have to go back later or try changing instance. However if you don't see any notification, the part should be there. The area is huge though, it might take some time.



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8 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

Personally, I think taris and hoth are the worst ones.

Also, in case there is some confusion, the part can be all the way down to the two solid white lines (I assume represent walls) near where the path split into semi parallel directions. (Image from the web)


I have done it twice and both times was able to locate it by following along the left-side path after it initially splits. IIRC both were found in the area where the left path starts to end (about 2/3 the way from the split) and converge with the right side. You can google up some images with red circles confirming prior finds.

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Do a systematic grid search. When you "Ping" go to the end of the radius and "Ping" again. Follow the grid NE to SW from the Wall just below the stairs to the Entrance of the Temple. You will find it quicker that way then if you run all around the place.

It is usually at the bottom of the stairs near the NE wall. In the middle tear just above the stairs, in the middle near the SW side or at the top of the middle tear. It is rarely in the court yard outside of the temple, I have only found it one time up there but that does not mean that it will never show up there.

This is the hardest part to find but if you stay with the grid search and you will find it....

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10 hours ago, denavin said:

Do a systematic grid search

This is the answer, for all the parts.  And the size of the grid should be however far your character moves with sprint on during seven "footfall" sounds.  (That's short enough to get full coverage, but not so short that you get ridiculous over-coverage.)

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