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Which class / discipline is capable of taking on the most enemies the longest without a companion or a group.

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Hello everyone, this is my first time posting a question, hopefully it is in the right spot.
I have looked up some about the different classes and disciplines and it sounds like they all do a decent job at what they are supposed to do. But most people are playing with a companion or in a group. Be it for personal challenges or when group missions go south and you find yourself the last one standing, which class and discipline is going to take out the most enemies and survive the longest? Or are they all capable if you know what you are doing?

For example I cleared a Hammer Station on veteran mode with a Vigilance Guardian without a companion except for the bosses. My character was level 80 with 340 green gear, the relics and implants are not the optimal ones, just some random blue ones. My overall gear rating is 338. I used the smash tactical, don't remember the name, the AOE one. The first big pull was a lot easier than I thought. I had my doubts about the two turrets at the bridge, but I destroyed them fairly easy too. I did not get defeated anytime.
I tried that on a Hatred Assassin once and did not survive long enough to destroy the first big pull. But I did manage to destroy that one turret with the single enemy before the second boss with Hatred. I could not do that on my Fury marauder.
I have also dabbled with Deception and despite reading on forums how it is supposed to have better survivability than Hatred, I do not know how as I do not see any extra defenses. Maybe I just over looked it. Deception does have abilities that slows down enemies but so does Hatred and what effect does that have against blaster wielding foes?

I am not the best at this game and I need to improve a lot. Completing the meager challenge of clearing HS does not make me a good player. I recently installed Starparse and in the few Operations I ran there was people with easily double my DPS. While I am hitting around 15k - 17k sometimes nearing 20k there is others who hits 30+k and some even getting over 40k DPS. I find it hard to believe that a few points more in gear rating and a few expensive gold augments will make that much of a difference. Even if I had the Legendary tacticals I doubt it will make me that much better. 

I am curious about the Assassin. Is it possible to do a lot with it or am I expecting too much? I really like the double bladed saber staff but the survivability of the Jugg / Guardian is hard to beat. And Saber Reflect is fun. But I will appreciate anything anyone has to say about the durability of the various classes even the blaster ones. Also what about a tank with damage mods, will that set up get work done or is the DPS counterparts better?

I look forward to reading your responses. Hope you all have a good day and take care.


Edited by Atreus_Sunryder
Neded some changes
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Juggernaut / Guardian are just more tanky than Assassin. They have Heavy Armor vs. only Light Armor for Assassin. They also have better defensive cooldowns, especially Focused/Enraged Regeneration. That's basically a full heal every 2 minutes or less. Mercenary / Commando also have Heavy Armor and good defensive cooldowns. One of theirs gives them immunity to all damage plus a full heal in one ability. Sorcerer / Sage are normally weak, but they have good self-heals (Unnatural Preservation), Immunity Bubble, Whirlwind CC for 60 seconds, and AoE burst that shreds normal and silver mobs in seconds. The only thing they struggle with is groups of Gold mobs. This is just off the top of my head. There might be other combat styles that are good or better.

Combat styles that are pretty bad I can think of are Operative / Scoundrel and Vanguard / Powertech. Operative / Scoundrel have weak AoE in one discipline and long wind-up in the other discipline. Vanguard / Powertech are just really squishy and despite being a melee combat style, have worse defensive cooldowns than Mercenary / Commando.

For gearing, Purple gear has much better stats for DPS than green gear. Green gear has high Endurance, low Power. Purple gear is the opposite, so you do a lot more DPS with it. I'm not sure about soloing veteran flashpoints though. Maybe the high Endurance is worth it if you don't have healing? If you have companion healing though, I think Purple is going to be better in almost every situation.

Edited by ThanderSnB
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While there are classes that would generally perform better than others in the scenario you describe, the implants and your knowledge of how to maximize the capabilities of a class are more important. Also the build you create in the talent tree is key to how you can perform in certain situations (single target vs aoe, defense vs dmg, etc). The comment from @ThanderSnB is on in that Jugg/Guardian are really tanky and can do great aoe, but I main Op (Lethality) mostly and can solo vm fps but could not do nearly as well without the implants as they provide special abilities and bonuses. Also purple > blue > green in that the more dps you do, the quicker things die which does more for survivability than health, heals, or dcds overall imo.

I would prioritize the implant quest and upgrades to them asap and then see how things go before considering which class would be the best option.

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Jugg tank with dps gear (w/off-hand shield) is the class with the most survivability that will do the most dmg. I main the dot spec scoundrel and the heals are nice but you are a lot more squishy. I'd say Mercenary is probably pretty decent solo as well considering they have a lot of dcds as well as off heals. Not sure about sorc tho, madness is maybe the best spec in the game right now but as ppl have stated earlier they wear light armor so they might be a hit squishy to play solo in an fp like you are doing. But they have a lot of self heals as well. 

As far as ppl out damaging you in ops I'd guess that gear has a lot to do with it. Your stats are nowhere near optimized with green 340s because they give u far more endurance and less of the other stats u need to do big dmg. There are certain percentages of stats you need to min/max (crit/alacrity/accuracy) to get the most out of your class. So even if you have a perfect rotation without the stats being right ur going to underperform.

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