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Quick travel point in the Republic Safe House in Corellia's Axial Park


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What it says. There is no QT spot at the safe house which I feel is a bit of an oversight as all the other "hubs" of the other areas do have QT points alongside the tram stations. It would also make sense to have one there as the distance between the safe house itself and the tram can take minutes of just driving.

That's all.

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Was just going through Corellia first on imp character, and then next day on pub character. Me on imp character - oh, it's not as bad as I remember, I can get to places no problem. Me on pub character - it's SO bad, I hate it with vengeance.

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Did they fix the QT point for the last section of Hoth, the Starship Graveyard?

The Imperial side base wasn't working, after discovered, though all other QT points did. 

I'm pretty sure the same is true of Republic side, but I have to double check. 

Since Hoth is so large, it's a long taxi ride from even the closest base to the Starship Graveyard point. This is especially a problem if you want to hand in side quests or the planetary quest at the last quest hub. 

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