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i bet for sure you not have see the 7.0 expension mess with its 1 hour of crapy contant at all since the other expension have done 10 time's better job with give us good contant then the 7.0 has done and the update's are also much slower then before.

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22 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

its a big chance its the same guy since look at the account date its to new almost 2 weeks old.

i think he got to much back fire on the fleet general chat from a lot of players that compleet disagree with him that the devs do a good job.

I mean if you want to create a narrative in your, head go for it. God forbid somebody say something nice on the internet.

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4 minutes ago, DrDrinking said:

I mean if you want to create a narrative in your, head go for it. God forbid somebody say something nice on the internet.

i am going to tell you something what we have try to tell the other guy also with his thread.

if you post something like this on a open forum then you most also deal with the back fire you can get from it.

you cant tell what can be accept on this thread and what not thats something you cant tell.

so you need to start accepting that you also get feedback from other players you not like to hear.



and for you record there are all a lot of other threads about how we not like the devs and the things there have done all and we wane see then chance for once.

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7 minutes ago, Bigfallenstar said:

God forbid someone actually likes the game, and doesn't get on a soap box to say vile things about the game and devs for the umpteenth time.

I mean that's all I was doing. It's a great game. Everyone else just has to tell everyone what they are doing wrong on the internet...with everything.

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1 hour ago, DrDrinking said:

I mean that's all I was doing. It's a great game. Everyone else just has to tell everyone what they are doing wrong on the internet...with everything.

i hope you can understand this since the last guy we have told this never wane understand it at all,

the reason a lot of players in the community not like it to give the devs there thanks for a good job is that there have destory the game a lot in the past.

the inflation problem was there own stupid fault to creat it in the first place since who is now smart to remove credit sink's a lot from the game and also boost the credit rewards a lot and blame's later on that the game is making to much credits when there have turn a booster on for a long time.

ask any pvp player how much of there contant has been destroy all in the last couple update's and notting has been done for then.

same go's for the fake promice's there make to use and not keep then.

most of us remember the 10 year anniversary promice still there not have done at all.

same go's for the expension update's there mess things always first up and need to fix it always few update's later like the 7.0 armor system that got fix right in 7.3 when the 7.0 was still on the PTS the feedback was big bad about there new armor system since it got a lot of problems and was not fair.

same with the bug problem there are still bugs around from 10 years ago with also the 10 year promice it was going to be fix what there still not have done same go's for other bugs that there still not have been fix at all and have been report all for years ago.

thats the reason why a lot not like it that people thank then since there have mess things up big time and for a long time also with this game.

this game is something we all like to play but if there keep messing things up then we lose it thats why most people wane help then to understand is for once what there are doing now is only destroying the game since there have threat it really bad each time the game.

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1 hour ago, sharpenedstick said:

lol the White Knight Academy is pumping out touchy members nowadays.


10 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

i hope you can understand this since the last guy we have told this never wane understand it at all,

the reason a lot of players in the community not like it to give the devs there thanks for a good job is that there have destory the game a lot in the past.

the inflation problem was there own stupid fault to creat it in the first place since who is now smart to remove credit sink's a lot from the game and also boost the credit rewards a lot and blame's later on that the game is making to much credits when there have turn a booster on for a long time.

ask any pvp player how much of there contant has been destroy all in the last couple update's and notting has been done for then.

same go's for the fake promice's there make to use and not keep then.

most of us remember the 10 year anniversary promice still there not have done at all.

same go's for the expension update's there mess things always first up and need to fix it always few update's later like the 7.0 armor system that got fix right in 7.3 when the 7.0 was still on the PTS the feedback was big bad about there new armor system since it got a lot of problems and was not fair.

same with the bug problem there are still bugs around from 10 years ago with also the 10 year promice it was going to be fix what there still not have done same go's for other bugs that there still not have been fix at all and have been report all for years ago.

thats the reason why a lot not like it that people thank then since there have mess things up big time and for a long time also with this game.

this game is something we all like to play but if there keep messing things up then we lose it thats why most people wane help then to understand is for once what there are doing now is only destroying the game since there have threat it really bad each time the game.

Wow you guys really need to get out from under your rock.

If you think that SWToR is unique with Dev's never listening to players, Unfixed bugs, Un-kept Promises, Poor Updates or Lack luster Expansions. Then I've got a news flash for you. It's NOT. Many other games suffer from the same thing. But that does not make them bad.

The world is not all Sunshine and Roses. It is more Cloudy Skies and Poo on your shoes. If your particular Snow Flake is all Yellow Stinky then I am truly sorry for you. Whining about it will all the time will not help or make any difference. Just get over it and carry on, or climb back under a rock and cry.

I agree the game has problems and has for many years but that does not take away from the fact that it is still enjoyable to play for many. Because someone likes it does not make them a White Knight or call them one just because they express their enjoyment of the game or because you don't like what they say. But then again I would say that the same goes for you since you are still on these forums which means you are still paying for a subscription and are still playing SWToR. I am sure that you don't keep you sub going just to come to the forums and cry that you have Poo on your shoes and it's all BW/BS's fault.


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7 minutes ago, denavin said:

If you think that SWToR is unique with Dev's never listening to players, Unfixed bugs, Un-kept Promises, Poor Updates or Lack luster Expansions. Then I've got a news flash for you. It's NOT. Many other games suffer from the same thing. But that does not make them bad.

i know some game's also MMORPG that get each 6 month's big new contant when this game gets each year 1 expension sadly that has also been going worse since the contant flow has become worse since broadsword is in controle more.

most MMORPG game's have a big staff for there game when this game has been understaff all for years long and only has become worse with the move to broadsword.

a lot of MMORG game's do not work with a budget system since there earn the money from the players and not get a basic budget there need to work with when the money this game make's go's to the wrong place more.

this game works with a beta state game enigne when normal MMORPG game work with a full compleet game engine also most work with there own custom make game engine.

see all few things what other game's do better then this game has.

14 minutes ago, denavin said:

But then again I would say that the same goes for you since you are still on these forums which means you are still paying for a subscription and are still playing SWToR. I am sure that you don't keep you sub going just to come to the forums and cry that you have Poo on your shoes and it's all BW/BS's fault.

most players sub since there wane earn free cartal coins from the gelactic season since 2k free cartal coins is not a bad deal to become sub for sometime.

and when there reach track 100 most of then become pref status again since there got there free cartal coins.

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5 hours ago, DrDrinking said:

I pay every every month, to support the cause. In return you still keep pumping out content. You peeps Rock! Ignore the haters. If they are here they play lol.

It would been one thing to praise the game but no you had to go another step further to antagonize people. There was no reason to add the last part of your sentence except that you were looking for an argument.

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Again everyone thinks they know me and my narrative. My narrative is "GOOD JOB DEVS" because I play the ever loving hell out of this game.  I should change ignore to love in "ignore the haters lol" because you guys need it. Someone hurt you all good at some point to be such negative people. Good on the peeps who recognize what the post is and not thinking it's some hidden message. Quit hating on others and love yourself.

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Seems like a lot of people have trouble comprehending the idea of 'nuance'. Does the game have a lot of issues, is the player base generally frustrated with all the bugs and lack of updates and scant communication from the devs? Yes, absolutely. Do a whole lot of people still care about and enjoy the game? ALSO yes. These two things can, in fact, both be true at the same time. You can want to express something positive about a game while still acknowledging that it has been a major disappointment in many areas. You can LIKE playing while still being outspoken with your valid criticisms/complaints and wanting to hold the game to higher standards.

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2 hours ago, KianSri said:


You can LIKE playing while still being outspoken with your valid criticisms/complaints and wanting to hold the game to higher standards.

This definitely.  I've been playing this game on and off since it launched.  I still play because there are things I enjoy and things I've not previously tried.  But I would enjoy it a lot more if they fixed things which were broken when I first started playing and stopped dropping more broken stuff into the game.

Edited by Tantala
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1 hour ago, Tantala said:

But I would enjoy it a lot more if they fixed things which were broken when I first started playing and stopped dropping more broken stuff into the game.

^ this is now one of the reasons why a lot of people get sick about also after each update.

since each update or expension something become's broken or what is broken all has become worse more.

what the OP not understand is that bioware has a good reputation in the community for not fixing bugs same go's how there treat the game with contant and so.

and the other reason i wane add also is that bioware back then have also a good reputation for adding things in the game and remove it again at the next exepnsion for some reason.

here is a quote from the promice from the 10 year anniversary from the game.


We’ve also talked about how our 10th anniversary is going to be celebrated year long!

link: https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20211220


here is 2 more thread about how we think about the game at all and what we wane see from broadsword to chance it the good way what bioware has fail to do.

link 1: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/930877-a-letter-to-the-devs-please-stop-dumbing-the-game-down/#comment-9774878

link 2: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/930646-dear-broadsword/


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I'm anxiously waiting for this livestream on the 18th. I will decide whether I keep supporting the game or not after it. It took the president of broadsword like what 5 months I think since the change was announced to say a few words... The communication from this team is just something else. 

I'm so tired of this kind of post. It's always the same thing. Guess that's what the forums are about nowadays... People say they love the game, people say they hate the game. It's so pointless. 

Edited by felleto
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At Last, The Pantheon Has Shown Signs.

Thank you Rob and Keith. I thought I had lost my path a bit the past few months, foraying deep into the Star Field and Baldur's Gate. I looked back at the path I traversed and asked "Will I ever get back to playing SWTOR? When will Broadsword say something? Anything? Even just one sign."


And finally, today, they have posted this announcement. My courage is restored. I look forward to the Feast of Prosperity.




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12 hours ago, felleto said:

I'm so tired of this kind of post. It's always the same thing. Guess that's what the forums are about nowadays... People say they love the game, people say they hate the game. It's so pointless. 

not all the people tell there hate the game since if there keep playing then there lie for sure.

the game in general is good and fun to play.

what i hate more is how there have threat this game and still are doing like there give no crap about it at all to make it a good sucsess and keep failing on a lot of things and not care about at all thats sad to see its still happing.

but yea its from EA so then you know things like this is going to happing with the game since its something there like to do with there game's more.

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13 hours ago, felleto said:

I'm so tired of this kind of post. It's always the same thing. Guess that's what the forums are about nowadays... People say they love the game, people say they hate the game. It's so pointless. 

I think people love the game and that is the only reason they are still here.  The kind of post your tired of stems from their frustration with the time-serving dev team that has led the game to its present state.

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