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Please let CM Companions craft.


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C'mon broadsword, it should an easy flipping of a switch. You've been trying to sell CM companions but please just give us a reason to hand you our money. Let them craft so that they're not just outright worse.

And maybe make their gifts easier to come by too. :)

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7 hours ago, Freeze-Dry said:

C'mon broadsword, it should an easy flipping of a switch.

They surely know better than you what is easy or not in their software.  In addition, if it *is* as easy as you say (it probably is, but might not be), that tells me that it's a matter of policy, not a matter of programming difficulty, and policy is frequently much harder to fix than even moderately difficult code redesign problems.

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You're not helping the case here. And yes, it SHOULD be easy, else they (well, Bioware, not Broadsword) were doing it wrong.

If it's a policy issue, they're policy-ing it wrong.


Game gib good cartel companions. Me gib money.

Edited by Freeze-Dry
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Treek is a CM companion, and she can craft. So clearly it is possible. Whether Biosword knows how to enable it now is another question.  @SteveTheCynic is a bit of a dev apologist (or more accurately, I suspect, a coder apologist), but the reality is the responsibility to retain the cultural and technical knowledge to use the code is Biosword's responsibility, not the players.

Remember, SWTOR was supposed to be a AAA title. Bioware and Electronic Arts are not bit players in the industry. And yet it took them months (which Steve defended) for them to remove Daily Resource Matrices from the currency window. The statement that "it's not as easy as you think" may be factually true. But the responsibility to ensure it is easy is on them, not us. It's not a defense to say it isn't easy to make coding fixes, it's an indictment.

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Treek is a CM companion, and she can craft.

yes. However, Treek is different from every other CM companion. She is also available as Non-cartel market (Sold as a different version on both fleets), has dialogue, and used to gain influence from dialogue on the ship. So she has more code as she is a step above the other cartel market companions. Although yes, it would be nice if the Cartel companions could craft, it isn't necessary: at level 80 there is a limit of 8 companions crafting at once. If you go thru KOTFE and KOTET, you have more than enough companions that can craft.

Frankly, I would rather them spend the Development time fixing old Codex entries that have been broken since 2012, or ones they broke when putting in new updates.

For instance, Jokull (Imperial side) codex on Voss. Put a clickable statue of the guy outside the Gormak cannon on Voss.

Cathar Settlers on Republic Taris. Put a datapad somewhere in the Cather settlement that is accessible for people that is non-instanced.

Fix the Heroic Mandalorian Terror so that it yields the "hero of Gorinth Canyon" Title. (Hasn't given it since they changed that heroic to a Hero-2 from a Hero-4 and changed the "turn in mission end" to auto-complete.)



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its a good idea that cartal market companions also need to have the option to use the craft function also.

but there is one other problem i have also with this idea.

whats the point more to have then also use the craft funtion if there is still a low limit of companions we can use for the crew skill missions then i see really not the point to let the cartal market companions also use it more if the limit stay's so low.

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@Shayddow While there is a limit for the number of companions that can craft, the point is that I am not going to level 50 influence with every single companion, only the 8 that I want to use the most. If the CM companions can't craft, there's no reason for them to be in my top 8. Which means I will end up neither using them for crafting nor combat, essentially rendering them useless.


And yes, I want Hero of the Gorinth Canyon too. All of these shouldn't be too hard to fix.

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1 hour ago, FlatTax said:

Do cash companions arrive at level 1, or 50?

They are level 1 and require special gifts (bought with Jawa scrap) to increase the approval rating.

I don't think the creature companions should be able to craft, but the droids should. They are way to expensive for their limited usefulness currently.


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1 hour ago, FlatTax said:

Do cash companions arrive at level 1, or 50?

There aren't any cash companions.  Some can be bought for Cartel Coins, but none for actual cash.  (Nor even credit cards.)  There are enough ways to obtain enough CCs to buy them without paying separate cash.  (Yes, you can pay money for CCs, but you don't have to.)

But regardless, they probably don't craft precisely *because* of accusations of P2W.  That they are also creatures or droids that aren't obviously craft-capable is a consequence of that, to reinforce the "can't craft" thing with some "lore".  If they had wanted to make CM companions (outside of Treek) that could craft, they would have made them humans or similar, or "humanoid" droids similar to C2-N2 or 2V-R8.  (Noteworthy: both T7 and 4X can craft, and neither of them is obviously well-adapted to crafting, although 4X does at least have hands.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/11/2023 at 11:15 PM, Char_Ell said:

:classic_laugh:  Spoken like a true armchair developer.


Some of us happen to be developers in real life too. :)

Hey, if Broadsword wants to hire me...


Okay for reals, I'm getting kinda annoyed. All these people acting like simple features or bug fixes are impossible for professional developers, do you guys have software development yourself? You know we're not asking for rocket science right? You guys know that adding a title to a quest reward *shouldn't* be rocket science right?


If you guys DO have software development experience, please explain to me why what I'm asking is unreasonable.


Here's an idea for "Hero of the Gorinth Canyon". In the game there exists titles you can purchase from vendors etc. That means that we can represent the title unlock as an item. Make that item a mission reward. Once you finish the heroic, you get that item, and can unlock the title.


Also, I'm just suggesting reasonable improvements to the game I've been playing for a decade and love. What's wrong? You don't want the game to improve? Here's a fun fact. Having a good game attracts new players and keeps the game healthy.

Edited by Freeze-Dry
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8 hours ago, Screaming_Ziva said:

Some people may say letting CM craft could be considered P2W.  I don’t really care because I probably have 50+ companions (I have them all but don’t feel like counting).

A certain poster here thinks augments are pay to win because you can buy them off the GTN. Their loose connection is that since you can buy and sell Cartel Market items on the GTN, anything sold on the GTN is now pay to win because you can convert CC to Credits.

We shouldn't concern ourselves with what outliers think.

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On 10/21/2023 at 7:33 AM, Freeze-Dry said:

Okay for reals, I'm getting kinda annoyed. All these people acting like simple features or bug fixes are impossible for professional developers, do you guys have software development yourself? You know we're not asking for rocket science right? You guys know that adding a title to a quest reward *shouldn't* be rocket science right?

Did you read @EricMusco's post in this thread: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/931266-features-and-improvements-that-do-not-need-a-lot-of-money/page/2/ ?

What's noteworthy in that description, to me, is that *none* of what he describes is *difficult*  ("rocket science"), but it is tedious and time-consuming.  (I'd observe in passing that their system is missing a "is referenced by" backlink for textures and so on, which would have shown the weird tree at the beginning of the process rather than three weeks after the end...)

On 10/21/2023 at 7:33 AM, Freeze-Dry said:

If you guys DO have software development experience, please explain to me why what I'm asking is unreasonable.

In early January of next year, I'll have 35 years of developer experience(1), and over the decades, I've learned that in large old codebases (like, say, a twelve-year-old MMORPG), weird interactions are almost the norm.  Almost.

On 10/21/2023 at 7:33 AM, Freeze-Dry said:

Here's an idea for "Hero of the Gorinth Canyon". In the game there exists titles you can purchase from vendors etc. That means that we can represent the title unlock as an item. Make that item a mission reward. Once you finish the heroic, you get that item, and can unlock the title.

But before putting it in the game, get it translated into two other languages (after all, nobody wants it to be just in French, right?), verify the translations, make sure they appear consistently on the correct side of the character's name in all three languages, design the inventory icon, etc.  Putting the item in the mission reward is the least of their worries.

(1) No, that is not me being a goofball and claiming that *I* am 35 (next year some time I'll be 58...).  My *career* as a developer is 35 years old, nearly.  It was sobering a few years ago to realise that an ever-growing fraction of my colleagues are younger than my career.

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55 minutes ago, bahramnima said:

as far as i know you can summon them at level 10, you have to go to fleet and bazzar section to get them, unless there is way to go to fleet at level 1.

you cant enter the fleet on level 1.

since i have test it out few mins ago and its locked on lvl 10+

that means you need to be lvl 10 or higher to enter the fleet

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