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Crystal question


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Im a level 21 Jedi Sentinal, is there anyway i can get a red crystal? i dont wanna turn to the dark side, im answering questions as i would. Also, while im here, is there going to be a way of server switching my charachter? the server im on is standard populated, and its hard to get groups together. thanks!
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Red Crystals need Dark Side 1 or higher, IIRC.


Actually, I don't believe that's correct even though it's the common belief. There are some red crystals you can remove weapons with no alignment restrictions but they are statless crystals. So it would be a matter of whether you want the color bad enough to sacrifice the stat boost.

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id want the stat.. id want it to still be powerfull... couldnt i just buy one in an auction house or something? or do i have to be dark to equip it?


Haven't seen any statless ones. You can get red ones with stats that are restricted to Light I and higher so you could keep your LS points under Level I ( basically playing neutral) without going DS and you could equip red crystals with stats.

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Red's don't require Dark 1. They're forbidden to Light 1 and above. That's why you see level 10 Jedi running around with red and blue blades :). If you stay neutral, you can rock the best of the both worlds from the crystals I've seen so far
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Does anyone know whether lightsabers you get from quests that have blue crystals and I equip (i'm dark 3) still give the stat bonuses from the crystals? They have very good stats and should be forbidden to me because I'm dark 3, but because they came from a quest/pvp reward I can still use them.
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