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One long-time fan's opinion of the Jedi.


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I suppose with the passage of time it's inevitable that it gets muddied in the name of "realism" but again, that's what sold the movies to begin with, decades ago. So from that perspective I continue to disagree with the full backing of the fiction as it was presented on screen.


like I said George changed it, like it or not, it is his IP.

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well we can certainly make the blanket statements that the republic has more "light side" and the empire has more "dark side", but in the game I don't see that it has that feel. I have 8 level 50 toons, one of each class, I have two dark side and two light side, the other 4 are somewhere in between because I just wanted to answer however felt natural to my toons. Going light side with my BH felt just as awkward as going lightside with the trooper. There are many times that you get judged on both toons for picking either light or dark side options. There have also been options that I have been presented with that just baffled me as to why they were aligned in the direction that they were.


But from the standpoint of the Empire, they have a need to expand or die out, just like every empire that has ever existed. The natural stance of people who are trying to defend their home, and it would be ignorant to think that they would not strike back in defence of what they have. But if you see the full stories of everyone you will see that both sides do some pretty horrific things. What is my personal problem with the republic is that they portend to be the shining star and example of truth and virtue while the empire is pure evil. I am not trying to defend the empire, they are evil in the eyes of the republic and thats the flat out truth. But there is so much corruption and evil in the republic that its ignorant to try to defend them. Alderan is a seed seething with deciet to the point that I hate going to that planet, no matter which side I am playing and while I am there I just remember what happens in episode IV and I smile and I am able to make it through the rest of the planet and their quests (every time I deal with a smarmy politition I think to myself, keep laughing punk, it wont matter in the end all of this will be gone).


in the original trilogy the galaxy was awesome, I grew up with it and honestly it was a small window into the galaxy as a whole. I'm 33 now and I still remember those as the days of innocence where the world was concrete at a time in my life where I was a multiracial child that wasn't accepted by either side. Since then the canon has changed, and when I was in the military for six years that was when the prequals came out and my view of the world was expanded and I realized just how narrow a view the SW universe actually was and I was playing KoTOR 1&2. And I thought nice, they have more of a both sides type thing, then I found out that Lucas said NO dark or light, not both. That felt like a downer, but you know what, not my IP, its his, I can make my own if I wanted. Got out of the military because I wanted a family, had a kid, earned a couple degrees while working full time and now I am teaching.


About a year ago TCW came out with Mortis and Lucas changed his mind, now The Force wasn't the norm with the dark side being a corruption of the force, light and dark both exists in balance, BUT you can only be of either one or the other side, and I am ok with that, because once again, it is his IP. Things change, its the way of life, if it didn't we would still be where we were 300 years ago


I am unfamilar with this Mortis thing. I could dismiss it out of hand as "Lucas is tired of Star Wars and rubberstamped another piece of EU that punches holes in his own mythos" but that would be unfair since I didn't see those Clone Wars episodes. If you explain to me what exactly the Mortis thing was about, because it's pretty high in the canon list, it might force me to accept it somewhat.

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I think that, because Kreya was never allowed to be challenged, many gamers simply went with what she said. And that's where a lot of the conflict and confusion arises about the basic nature of the Force and the differences between Sith and Jedi, Dark side and the Light.


There's a near-infinite lure to feel clever and smarter by bashing the "dogma" of the Jedi blindly without knowing why it exists.


I don't bash their beliefs, I believe that it truely works, when it is strictly followed, I also believe the Sith code works.


I never listened to her, as when I played I went against the grain and didn't make a female exile I made a male and fell in love with the miraluka. Why? I don't remember, but I felt that the old witch was full of herself and was only trying to manipulate me anyways.


I don't agree with Revanites, I think they haven't really put revan in perspective. I didn't do the foundry until I was level 50, but then I went in alone and cleared it and killed the last guy. To me Revan was not very powerful at all. And was deluded thinking that he had access to both light and dark, when in reality all I saw was dark.

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I am unfamilar with this Mortis thing. I could dismiss it out of hand as "Lucas is tired of Star Wars and rubberstamped another piece of EU that punches holes in his own mythos" but that would be unfair since I didn't see those Clone Wars episodes. If you explain to me what exactly the Mortis thing was about, because it's pretty high in the canon list, it might force me to accept it somewhat.


wow that is alot to explain, wookiepedia can do it better than I can because my limited and flawed memory would only screw something up and upset someone. Also, after watching interviews, Lucas doesn't rubberstamp TCW, he is actively part of it and comes up with a lot of the ideas for the show himself, and is quick to say no to any idea he isn't on board with.

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I certainly see the awkward dichotomy of Empire and Republic standards are very different when it comes to Lightside points, but I don't know that it makes the Republic seem worse. If anyone I think it makes Lightside Imperials seems a little more like hypocrites. One of my Jedi characters is lightside to the Max, I selected for a darkside option twice (both times to help somebody) and honestly I never felt like she was a especially hypocritical, self-righteous, arrogant or foolish. Admittedly a large part of that comes from all the normal dialogue options, but even so I did not find it hard to sound like a Jedi without sounding like an unrelatable jerk.


My Lightside Empire characters meanwhile I couldn't help but feel a little awkward playing sometimes because I try to be nice but most Imperial quests are inherently evil. Most of them involve brutally crushing those that are just resisting or avenging Imperial domination or invasion.


Either way though, it does seem likely that a character who chooses exclusively Light or Dark choice and dialouge may be off putting to a general audience.


It's the whole package. I didn't start to regard Jedi so skeptically (or didn't care that much, in any case) until my second Republic character (on my Knight; my first character was a Consular). And then that impression was reinforced when I played through on a Sith Warrior.


Without getting mired in specific, spoilerish plot points, all I can say is that I felt railroaded a lot on all three characters, but the most obvious problems were on the Jedi side -- where you're constantly given the choice between forgiving and releasing fallen Jedi (and even occasionally Sith) with basically no legal ramifications for their evil actions, or killing them in cold blood. The former option obviously gives you light side points, but it's stupid; if I were a citizen of the Republic and Jedi routinely fell to the Dark Side, murdered a bunch of (often) innocent people, and then were allowed to return to Tython for mystic rehab with nary a word from the legal authorities -- well, let's just say I'd be a very unhappy camper.


In such a society, you might have cause to wonder why Jedi are allowed to walk around freely at all, much less given the status of revered protectors.


Back to the story choices: the second option -- killing the offender in cold blood -- is obviously the dark side choice. But why isn't there a third choice: mutter your personal forgiveness and hand the guy over to the authorities? If Jedi are, in fact, the only people qualified and/or empowered to judge other Jedi, then where's the justice for the common man? I submit that releasing criminals right and left (and arbitrarily, because lest we forget the game has you kill countless people over the course of the story, even if they aren't killed in cut scenes) is not only a profoundly naive and imprudent practice; it's downright immoral when it's a trend. It bespeaks the arrogance of a would-be king, even though Jedi in the story obviously lack the worldly authority of kings.


And yes, the Empire story makes for some awkward moments: some of the side quests are particularly dark, and don't offer you even the chance (in the quest-giver dialogue) to object to them on moral grounds. But that's part of my point: the LS Sith obviously isn't as good, in terms of his actions, as a LS Jedi -- but the game assigns the same numerical value on the moral axis for an LS Jedi and an LS Sith. The former is arguably an angel (though I'd say a heavily misguided, perhaps even deluded angel), whereas the latter is simply a decent person relative to the horrific context.


I only prefer the LS Sith because I feel that he makes for a more believable character, some side quest content notwithstanding -- not because I think the LS Sith is better morally. The fact that the game gives both characters 10,000 LS points (and actually, probably gives all of those points to the Sith sooner, simply by accident) is what may confuse some players about the concept of moral relativism in Star Wars.

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I don't bash their beliefs, I believe that it truely works, when it is strictly followed, I also believe the Sith code works.


I never listened to her, as when I played I went against the grain and didn't make a female exile I made a male and fell in love with the miraluka. Why? I don't remember, but I felt that the old witch was full of herself and was only trying to manipulate me anyways.


I don't agree with Revanites, I think they haven't really put revan in perspective. I didn't do the foundry until I was level 50, but then I went in alone and cleared it and killed the last guy. To me Revan was not very powerful at all. And was deluded thinking that he had access to both light and dark, when in reality all I saw was dark.


Revan was indeed deluded. Revanites tend to believe that everything, absolutely everything, about him is according to some brilliant omniscient plan. Oh, and that he didn't die when you killed him in the Foundry. (that was because looting his corpse in an earlier pre-release version of the game upset some Revanites even then so they changed it)


It's clear he didn't realize his extermination plans for the Sith Empire were feeding directly into the Sith Emperor's plans. He needed vast massacres to fuel his Dark Side ritual (see the Jedi Knight story) and what better way than to loosen his leash on Revan and set him loose, full of vengeance-cravings? It's clear the Emperor wasn't exactly omniscient in this matter either, considering the plan failed. On multiple fronts.


I think fans of characters have a habit of giving way too much credit to the ability of those same characters. Because Revan screamed about how he mastered the "Force in balance" so many Revanites, on the forum and in the game's chat rooms, like to blather on about how they too master both sides of the Force, no downsides, and are over 9000 and what-have-you.

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wow that is alot to explain, wookiepedia can do it better than I can because my limited and flawed memory would only screw something up and upset someone. Also, after watching interviews, Lucas doesn't rubberstamp TCW, he is actively part of it and comes up with a lot of the ideas for the show himself, and is quick to say no to any idea he isn't on board with.


Damn. That's a shame. If you can encapsulate it in any way I would be very grateful. On an unfair prejudicial point of view on my side, it's hard to read directly about this, considering the baggage it seems to share with the most recent novel series, which I felt was a disasterous derailment of the EU. When "Apocalypse" came out and it directly tied into both the Legacy comic book series and the Clone Wars Mortis episodes, I was a bit disturbed.

Edited by Neverfar
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Revan was indeed deluded. Revanites tend to believe that everything, absolutely everything, about him is according to some brilliant omniscient plan. Oh, and that he didn't die when you killed him in the Foundry. (that was because looting his corpse in an earlier pre-release version of the game upset some Revanites even then so they changed it)


It's clear he didn't realize his extermination plans for the Sith Empire were feeding directly into the Sith Emperor's plans. He needed vast massacres to fuel his Dark Side ritual (see the Jedi Knight story) and what better way than to loosen his leash on Revan and set him loose, full of vengeance-cravings? It's clear the Emperor wasn't exactly omniscient in this matter either, considering the plan failed. On multiple fronts.


I think fans of characters have a habit of giving way too much credit to the ability of those same characters. Because Revan screamed about how he mastered the "Force in balance" so many Revanites, on the forum and in the game's chat rooms, like to blather on about how they too master both sides of the Force, no downsides, and are over 9000 and what-have-you.


Revan was deluded. No one can survive being tortured by the Emperor, waging a mental war with him, and not come out an insane psychopath. Even the most clear headed Jedi could not withstand his influence.


The whole thing about Revan using both sides of the Force could not be more wrong. It is G-Canon that it is impossible to use both sides. Even tapping the Dark Side leads to temptation, which would inevitably lead to the Dark Side.


Now, one could argue that Mace Windu used both sides. He did not. At least not in the same way. Mace Windu's use of Vaapad worked differently than most would think. The form utilizes his darker emotions as a weapon for good. He didn't allow his emotions to corrupt him, as to say, he put them through a filter to cleanse them. The Vaapad form uses the Dark Side emotions and turns them into a weapon for good. The form also allows him to feed off of his enemies emotions and enhance his power. Basically feeding off of their emotions and turning them into a weapon for good. The only time he was in danger of falling to the Dark Side was during that duel with Sidious. Sidious was pouring Dark emotions out and Windu was taking them in and increasing his strength. But Windu was slowly falling, the Dark Side was starting to overwhelm him. Windu was a model Jedi who overcame emotions and stayed on the path of the Light.

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Revan was deluded. No one can survive being tortured by the Emperor, waging a mental war with him, and not come out an insane psychopath. Even the most clear headed Jedi could not withstand his influence.


The whole thing about Revan using both sides of the Force could not be more wrong. It is G-Canon that it is impossible to use both sides. Even tapping the Dark Side leads to temptation, which would inevitably lead to the Dark Side.


Now, one could argue that Mace Windu used both sides. He did not. At least not in the same way. Mace Windu's use of Vaapad worked differently than most would think. The form utilizes his darker emotions as a weapon for good. He didn't allow his emotions to corrupt him, as to say, he put them through a filter to cleanse them. The Vaapad form uses the Dark Side emotions and turns them into a weapon for good. The form also allows him to feed off of his enemies emotions and enhance his power. Basically feeding off of their emotions and turning them into a weapon for good. The only time he was in danger of falling to the Dark Side was during that duel with Sidious. Sidious was pouring Dark emotions out and Windu was taking them in and increasing his strength. But Windu was slowly falling, the Dark Side was starting to overwhelm him. Windu was a model Jedi who overcame emotions and stayed on the path of the Light.


I'm familiar with Vapaad as a lightsaber style. That, and seeking the "shatterpoint" of an opponent, sounded like flirting with the Dark Side, but were really just risky techniques to be practiced only by very experienced Jedi Masters so I give them a pass.


I'm amazed how many people, even people I do flashpoints with, take everything Revan says as omniscient revelation and not as the egotistical ramblings of a crazed addled puppet of the Emperor. I have similar arguments almost any time someone watches the story without spacebarring and gushes about how "epic" Revan is. One even said we were all "trash" compared to him. Curiously, it's a self-stimulating habit, considering most of them are obsessed with Revan precisely because they WERE Revan a few games ago. :(

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I'm familiar with Vapaad as a lightsaber style. That, and seeking the "shatterpoint" of an opponent, sounded like flirting with the Dark Side, but were really just risky techniques to be practiced only by very experienced Jedi Masters so I give them a pass.


I'm amazed how many people, even people I do flashpoints with, take everything Revan says as omniscient revelation and not as the egotistical ramblings of a crazed addled puppet of the Emperor. I have similar arguments almost any time someone watches the story without spacebarring and gushes about how "epic" Revan is. One even said we were all "trash" compared to him. Curiously, it's a self-stimulating habit, considering most of them are obsessed with Revan precisely because they WERE Revan a few games ago. :(


Mace Windu created Vaapad so that he wouldn't have to worry about falling to the Dark Side because of emotion. Only he really understood it. Only he ccould master it, but I believe that he taught it to someone else.


I still don't understand why Revan is so awesome to everyone. So you played as him? Good for you. doesn't make him so awesome. What about the Exile? You play as her too. Is she less awesome? The players who say Revan is the most awesomest(not my words) character ever is laughable. He was a good character, but his fanboys turned him into something untrue to his character.

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Damn. That's a shame. If you can encapsulate it in any way I would be very grateful. On an unfair prejudicial point of view on my side, it's hard to read directly about this, considering the baggage it seems to share with the most recent novel series, which I felt was a disasterous derailment of the EU. When "Apocalypse" came out and it directly tied into both the Legacy comic book series and the Clone Wars Mortis episodes, I was a bit disturbed.


let me try then, Basically there were three celestials who millions of years BBY congealed (for lack of a better word on my part) into three beings from some ooze, into The Father (keeper of the balance) the son, and the daughter.


The Father warned "his" children not to bath in the pool of knowledge and not to drink from the font of power. Well we should know where this is headed, the son drank from the font of power giving him truely unlimited power, and the daughter bathed in the pool of knowledge giving her knowledge of everything past present and the future. The Father seeing how (I know i am skipping a lot at this point but thats not really important to what I am telling) his children faught pulled them away from the primordial jungle world where they were and put them on a planet that he encapsulated inside a huge cube monolith so that they could not escape. There they spent millions of years until Anikin went there. (doesn't have anything to do with this but I remember the father saying something like, you don't know the pain of loving your children, and knowing that they can rip appart the very fabric of the universe) Somewhere in the whole conversation there was a discussion about how the light and dark, not the son and daughter, must be kept in balance. The Father had brought Anakin to Mortis in order to replace him as keeper which of course Anakin refused.


did I miss stuff? I think I missed some important stuff, forgive me I am human. So yeah Lucas was also quoted as saying that there has to be a balance between light and dark. The Canon changed, it meant that I could swallow it a little more easily. Not completely, I still believe that Jedi and Sith contemplate the force and come up with the wrong thing, and that omniscient narrators are also faulty. But I thought that was also part of the 60's-70's to challenge what was "known". I don't know and I don't pretend to know everything, I just have my opinion and the facts as I can interpret them (remember the only truth is I think therefore I am, space butterflies).


P.S. having played all the story lines and knowing what I know about the emperor, it is amazing how many people are working his goal, and how its irrelevant now. And yeah I know revanites like to think that he isn't dead, but he is, he exploded like darth sidious did, but on a much smaller scale.

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let me try then, Basically there were three celestials who millions of years BBY congealed (for lack of a better word on my part) into three beings from some ooze, into The Father (keeper of the balance) the son, and the daughter.


The Father warned "his" children not to bath in the pool of knowledge and not to drink from the font of power. Well we should know where this is headed, the son drank from the font of power giving him truely unlimited power, and the daughter bathed in the pool of knowledge giving her knowledge of everything past present and the future. The Father seeing how (I know i am skipping a lot at this point but thats not really important to what I am telling) his children faught pulled them away from the primordial jungle world where they were and put them on a planet that he encapsulated inside a huge cube monolith so that they could not escape. There they spent millions of years until Anikin went there. (doesn't have anything to do with this but I remember the father saying something like, you don't know the pain of loving your children, and knowing that they can rip appart the very fabric of the universe) Somewhere in the whole conversation there was a discussion about how the light and dark, not the son and daughter, must be kept in balance. The Father had brought Anakin to Mortis in order to replace him as keeper which of course Anakin refused.


did I miss stuff? I think I missed some important stuff, forgive me I am human. So yeah Lucas was also quoted as saying that there has to be a balance between light and dark. The Canon changed, it meant that I could swallow it a little more easily. Not completely, I still believe that Jedi and Sith contemplate the force and come up with the wrong thing, and that omniscient narrators are also faulty. But I thought that was also part of the 60's-70's to challenge what was "known". I don't know and I don't pretend to know everything, I just have my opinion and the facts as I can interpret them (remember the only truth is I think therefore I am, space butterflies).


If Lucas canonized it I have to concede to that, unhappy as I am with it.


I think it detracts from the old mythos and adds a lot of murky area, perhaps to cater to a more jaded, cynical audience. It's a preference thing for me at this point. I may not be an "absolutionist" in real life, but nor am I a "moral relavist" who smugly goes out of his way trying to tear down the social constructs of the last millenia because I somehow feel smarter than all my forebears combined.


To me, Star Wars is a bit of a reality vacation. If that makes sense. :)

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let me try then, Basically there were three celestials who millions of years BBY congealed (for lack of a better word on my part) into three beings from some ooze, into The Father (keeper of the balance) the son, and the daughter.


The Father warned "his" children not to bath in the pool of knowledge and not to drink from the font of power. Well we should know where this is headed, the son drank from the font of power giving him truely unlimited power, and the daughter bathed in the pool of knowledge giving her knowledge of everything past present and the future. The Father seeing how (I know i am skipping a lot at this point but thats not really important to what I am telling) his children faught pulled them away from the primordial jungle world where they were and put them on a planet that he encapsulated inside a huge cube monolith so that they could not escape. There they spent millions of years until Anikin went there. (doesn't have anything to do with this but I remember the father saying something like, you don't know the pain of loving your children, and knowing that they can rip appart the very fabric of the universe) Somewhere in the whole conversation there was a discussion about how the light and dark, not the son and daughter, must be kept in balance. The Father had brought Anakin to Mortis in order to replace him as keeper which of course Anakin refused.


did I miss stuff? I think I missed some important stuff, forgive me I am human. So yeah Lucas was also quoted as saying that there has to be a balance between light and dark. The Canon changed, it meant that I could swallow it a little more easily. Not completely, I still believe that Jedi and Sith contemplate the force and come up with the wrong thing, and that omniscient narrators are also faulty. But I thought that was also part of the 60's-70's to challenge what was "known". I don't know and I don't pretend to know everything, I just have my opinion and the facts as I can interpret them (remember the only truth is I think therefore I am, space butterflies).


I hated the Mortis arc. That one episode destroyed what was Canon for the longest time. That arc really hurt my view of Star Wars and Lucas' ability to decide what is canon. But enough of that. I don't think the Ones are symbols of the Force. They may have had great power but I don't think they were symbols of the Force.


I accept the arc as canon, but I don't like it being canon.

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I hated the Mortis arc. That one episode destroyed what was Canon for the longest time. That arc really hurt my view of Star Wars and Lucas' ability to decide what is canon. But enough of that. I don't think the Ones are symbols of the Force. They may have had great power but I don't think they were symbols of the Force.


I accept the arc as canon, but I don't like it being canon.


It sounds a bit like a ham-fisted "garden of Eden" parable to me, too. No wonder so many people (like "Extortioninc" who keeps e-thugging my posts) seem to have an aversion to knowledge and learning if their fables in childhood make knowledge into a scary thing to be avoided.

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It sounds a bit like a ham-fisted "garden of Eden" parable to me, too. No wonder so many people (like "Extortioninc" who keeps e-thugging my posts) seem to have an aversion to knowledge and learning if their fables in childhood make knowledge into a scary thing to be avoided.


That's what I was thinking too. I think that the Ones were more of a Force cult, because it is G-Canon that the Jedi Order has the most accurate view of the Force. So unless something has changed, the Ones are just an immortal Force cult. That's what I'm saying on the subject. I know it sounds close-minded but I prefer the original view of the Force. Not this whole Mortis thing. I'm going to do some research and find out more on this whole Mortis thing. Unless you do first. :)

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That's what I was thinking too. I think that the Ones were more of a Force cult, because it is G-Canon that the Jedi Order has the most accurate view of the Force. So unless something has changed, the Ones are just an immortal Force cult. That's what I'm saying on the subject. I know it sounds close-minded but I prefer the original view of the Force. Not this whole Mortis thing. I'm going to do some research and find out more on this whole Mortis thing. Unless you do first. :)


Star Wars has a fair number of immortal or near-immortal beings, some including stuff as fantastical as "space dragons" and the "angels" of Io.


Unfortunately, like Revan's appearance in Old Republic, the very existence of the Ones will convince many people that the Force as we understand it really is some murky bizzare hybrid model where a little genocide and a little tyrrany is better for "balance" than self-restraint and selfless action.

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Star Wars has a fair number of immortal or near-immortal beings, some including stuff as fantastical as "space dragons" and the "angels" of Io.


Unfortunately, like Revan's appearance in Old Republic, the very existence of the Ones will convince many people that the Force as we understand it really is some murky bizzare hybrid model where a little genocide and a little tyrrany is better for "balance" than self-restraint and selfless action.


I did some research and I just can't see anything pointing to them being these all powerful Force gods. Apparently they are embodiments of Light(Daughter) and Dark(Son), with the Father being the balance. That's contradictory to Luke Skywalker being the embodiment of the Light Side and Palpatine the Dark. Another destruction of canon by this arc.


The view on the Force is changing in the Star Wars universe. And I for one don't like it. First Revan, now these Ones. When does it end?

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I did some research and I just can't see anything pointing to them being these all powerful Force gods. Apparently they are embodiments of Light(Daughter) and Dark(Son), with the Father being the balance. That's contradictory to Luke Skywalker being the embodiment of the Light Side and Palpatine the Dark. Another destruction of canon by this arc.


The view on the Force is changing in the Star Wars universe. And I for one don't like it. First Revan, now these Ones. When does it end?


I think it will end when Star Wars simply copies whatever fads and trends that are going through popular culture in order to make a few bucks. It's already happening, with some resistance... see for example the "Sith that aren't so bad and are also sparkling vampires" in the aptly-named "Twilight of the Jedi" series.

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I think it will end when Star Wars simply copies whatever fads and trends that are going through popular culture in order to make a few bucks. It's already happening, with some resistance... see for example the "Sith that aren't so bad and are also sparkling vampires" in the aptly-named "Twilight of the Jedi" series.


Oh, boy! I'll just stick with what I know if it comes to that. This is not looking good for the long-time Star Wars fans. I'll accept things as canon, but I won't approve of something I think is wrong.

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Oh, boy! I'll just stick with what I know if it comes to that. This is not looking good for the long-time Star Wars fans. I'll accept things as canon, but I won't approve of something I think is wrong.


I'm very worried then when Lucas eventually dies, some scumbag like JJ Abrams or Michael Bay will "reimagine" Star Wars into some horrible pandering version of itself.

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I'm very worried then when Lucas eventually dies, some scumbag like JJ Abrams or Michael Bay will "reimagine" Star Wars into some horrible pandering version of itself.


I could actually see that happening. Part of me wishes Star Wars would stop when Lucas dies to prevent something like that. But the other part wants Star Wars to continue, because I grew up woth Star Wars and I care deeply for the franchise.

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I could actually see that happening. Part of me wishes Star Wars would stop when Lucas dies to prevent something like that. But the other part wants Star Wars to continue, because I grew up woth Star Wars and I care deeply for the franchise.


"1313"'s much overhyped grimy "realism" and T+A are only the start, I think. Star Wars will be simply anything it needs to be to make a buck from an increasingly fickle and shock-value driven young viewing base. That's where the money is.


I'm expecting a GTA version of Star Wars fairly soon. Among other things.

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"1313"'s much overhyped grimy "realism" and T+A are only the start, I think. Star Wars will be simply anything it needs to be to make a buck from an increasingly fickle and shock-value driven young viewing base. That's where the money is.


I'm expecting a GTA version of Star Wars fairly soon. Among other things.


I really hope that isn't this case, but all evidence points to it being so.


What would that be? Grand Theft Speeder? I could see something like that. So long as certain games like that are non-canon I would be fine.

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I really hope that isn't this case, but all evidence points to it being so.


What would that be? Grand Theft Speeder? I could see something like that. So long as certain games like that are non-canon I would be fine.


I've seen older posts here complaining about how "childish" Star Wars is, and that they demanded a "grown up" version with people's spines being ripped out by the Jedi, full frontal nudity and all the other stuff that "grown up" means to teenagers.


Fine in other settings. Here? Just... ech.

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I've seen older posts here complaining about how "childish" Star Wars is, and that they demanded a "grown up" version with people's spines being ripped out by the Jedi, full frontal nudity and all the other stuff that "grown up" means to teenagers.


Fine in other settings. Here? Just... ech.


I think they mean that the whole black vs light should be dropped. And in my opinion it should indeed be dropped.

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