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New Species, New Class?


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17 hours ago, JediGryphon said:

One I recall most recently was in "Andor," where there was a ship full of dead humanoids with various shades of yellow/green/orange skin.

Those could easily have been some of the very-close-to-human species, the ones that look almost like humans but aren't.  (If you couldn't see the face tattoos, you could easily mistake a Mirialan of any of those colours for a human with weird-coloured skin.)

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On 6/19/2023 at 2:46 AM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Yeah, this is a good point. Because you play an Operative that's doing the Bounty Hunter origin story, as you can play a Smuggler doing the Trooper origin story.

I've never been a big fan of the combat styles for this very reason. It blurs the lines of classes.

I know I'm the odd man out on that and most people enjoy these freedom of combat styles to mix things up and add some flavor to an experience that many players have done over and over again over the years. In that sense I suppose it is a good thing if it makes players happy, but it's just not in keeping with my sense of RPGs.

I like definitive classes and separations based on them.

I agree with you, it isn't clear what class means in the context of SWTOR anymore.

In the case of force users it doesn't seem to be quite as weird in mixing them up, save when it's like a Jedi doing a Sith story line. That irks me some.

But like a Sith Inquisitor doing the Sith Warrior storyline or vice versa, that doesn't seem so weird.

I prefer it the old way, but that's just a personal opinion.

My apologies for just getting around to this.  

For whatever it's worth I definitely agree with you "old ways" assessment.  It's one thing for a particular class to have access to a wider variety of weapons (ie. sniper rifle, blaster, canon etc... ) It quite another to blur the lines of classes to the point where they are virtually one in the same!

The again ... look what happened to our class stories!


And the hits just keep on coming!!!

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On 6/20/2023 at 10:31 AM, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

Seems like the notion of those concepts are stupid as hell.

Seems like you do not understand what you are talking about and your opinion its just your opinion, you just have a limited imagination and understanding of how it works, but otbrrs ppl still want it and its technicaly possible things good luckSeems like you do not understand what you are talking about and your opinion its just your opinion, you just have a limited imagination and understanding of how it works, but others peoples still want it and that things is technicaly possible things good luck

Edited by Ro_Renko
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22 minutes ago, Ro_Renko said:

Seems like you do not understand what you are talking about and your opinion its just your opinion.

Well, I think I understand what I'm talking about.

We don't see Bounty Hunters and Clone Troopers of the Republic running around fighting everyone with a sword.

Bringing a sword to a gunfight when you don't have a Lightsaber and the Force to possibly be able to deflect blaster bolts generally results in the death of the guy with the sword. And even when you do have a Lightsaber and the Force, they still die sometimes. Order 66 and the Battle of Geonosis comes to mind.

And yes, it is just my opinion and I never claimed otherwise.

It's your opinion that it makes sense, and it's my opinion that it doesn't make sense for the above mentioned reasons. People are allowed to have different opinions.

22 minutes ago, Ro_Renko said:

but otbrrs ppl still want it and its technicaly possible

And those other people have the right to ask for it. And I already said, yeah, it's technically possible, of course it, why wouldn't it be? They can make whatever the want. It's not up to me whether they make that concept playable in the game.

My point was it doesn't make sense to make it a combat style for those classes.

If they want to do it, they should make a new class for the concept so it does make sense. And I have no issue with that at all.



Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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