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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Personal trade tax value scaling is ridiculously inconsistent


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On 6/15/2023 at 4:34 PM, klizilii said:

And that costs money and time, which is in limited supply for this game.

Why are you acting like taking actions against credit sellers is an unreasonable thing for them to do? They did it, and it had a very positive effect on the economy.

It's my understanding it had been a while since they did so, but it still had a huge impact when they did. That's means they don't even have to do it all the time for it to be effective.

I'm just a few months after they took action against credit sellers, prices of most items I monitor were down like 60%. Many items fell much further than that. How long do you expect it to take for all these draconian fees to have that much of an impact?

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I've updated the original post to include the relevant bits I was referring to. 


Now with that said, I wouldn't have been as annoyed if they straight up said from the start the tax could vary. Well actually I would have, but I wouldn't have been mad about them lying since they would've straight up said it from the start. Using the Twisted Fang example from before, that is my problem. They say they want to lower prices but essentially punish me if I want to sell for less than the 2.6b value. They guarantee I am not going to sell for less than that and alot of others won't either. Credit sellers can be nuked by bans. As for the taxes they serve no value save to irritate people. If they really want to do bring prices down, like I said, give us actual sinks to invest in. 

9 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

To captainbladejk

You were right. I was wrong. I apologize to you.

apology accepted

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On 6/16/2023 at 9:51 PM, captainbladejk said:

I've updated the original post to include the relevant bits I was referring to.

Now with that said, I wouldn't have been as annoyed if they straight up said from the start the tax could vary. Well actually I would have, but I wouldn't have been mad about them lying since they would've straight up said it from the start.

Some price adjustments are being made tomorrow:  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/930069-maintenance-game-update-73b-on-june-21st/?do=findComment&comment=9766033  ...with this patch:  https://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/06212023/game-update-7.3b

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58 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Beat me to it!!  You're really good at hooking folks up with those links!!  (Nicely done)

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  • 1 month later...

Yet another player lost.

She came back to the game after being gone for a bit.  She noticed she had some items in inventory from cartel packs that she didn't want, so trying to be nice, she mailed them to her friends.  Then she noticed that she was almost broke -- half a billion credits gone.

Looking through her logs, mailing one particular item (not COD) cost over 29 million credits.

This is particularly horrible, because the item sells in the GTN for less than that.

So she sent a ticket to support saying hey, I didn't hear about this change, would you mind giving me my credits back?  They said no, of course.

When I read over a post about how the taxes would work, I thought it was COD mail messages that had a tax, so that people didn't avoid GTN fees.

I had no idea there was such a heavy tax on simply sending gifts to close friends.

Now she's really depressed and not interested in playing anymore.

Is there any chance this is going to get fixed soon?



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6 hours ago, Xina_LA said:

Is there any chance this is going to get fixed soon?

I keep asking myself the same thing since 7.0 was announced with so many things and it's always the same answer: It will never change. Devs don't care, they just look at numbers and implement stuff without considering the consequences to the players. Thus here we are, with an atrocious gearing system, a convoluted currency system for said gearing system, a broken economy and a broken UI overhaul no one asked for.

10 years of SWTOR people, what better way to celebrate it than shooting it in the head and tossing it into the grave.

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