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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unable to defeat Oricon's Bothrium Beast


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So for a while now, i've been trying to defeat the Bothrium beast on my Sith Juggernaut inside a cave in Oricon
I tried it when my item rating was 323 and i hard a hard time doing so because this "creature" seems to outheal the damage that i do.
I can't really intterupt those heals either because this creature seems to be immune to Force Choke and it seems to be immune to Force Push. 

And now that my Item has increased from 323 to 328, i still have the same problem.
As you probably can imagine, at this point, it's starting to become annoying and it NEEDS to change.

And don't get me wrong, i love a challenge but this is ridiculous

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The other thing to keep in mind is that it will summon an 'add' a little bit into the fight that will heal it a lot:  It's really easy to kill (like one 'no-cost' attack) but melee sometimes don't see it spawn behind them.

Personally, I've found on this fight that staying as far away from the beast as you can and still attack helps with your situational awareness on melee characters.

Your priority list should be along the lines of:

  1. Kill the Add if it is up,
  2. Interrupt the heal if it is being cast (and your interrupt is not on CD),
  3. Otherwise, burn the beast down as quickly as you can as time is your real enemy (the beast's heal will finish its lockout long before your Interrupt is back off CD).

You don't mention your actual spec, but the two DPS specs shouldn't really have any issue with this fight once you get the execution down.  The Tank spec might be a different story...

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