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Question for Cartel Crystals: Is This Buff Valid?


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I was browsing for things to buy with Cartel Coins when I was looking through all the cosmetic crystal and tuning items. Then, something particularly unexpected jumped out at me. And just to prove I'm not imagining it, I had to go through a notch of extra effort to capture a screenshot (accurate at the time of me writing this initial post):




For those too scared or lazy to look at a PNG file on a cloud storage box (I don't see any way for me to drop an image directly to this thread, so I have to make do), the description says:

"Use: There is almost no question - if this was a starship, it would complete the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs. Hang on for life while you regenerate health and your class' energy pool."


It gets weirder. As soon as I log into any other character of my Legacy / Account, that tooltip disappears and then the item becomes just an ordinary crystal with a fancy color. The same tooltip can be seen for all the tuning options as well, assuming I view it on the first character I've logged in with. If I want to see it again, I need to completely exit the game entirely, and bring up the launcher, and go through that whole ritual of entering the game.


Why is this so inconsistent? Is there supposed to be some effect? If not, why does this appear at all? If it's supposed to be there, why does the display of that effect seem so consistently inconsistent? And by "Use", does that mean just any attack with the item it's socketed to, or do I have to put the crystal in my hotkey bar like the rest of my abilities? Is that special effect supposed to be somewhere in particular? If so, where exactly?


Just one string in the game has brought about so many questions...

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I figured it was a bug once it started saying you could open it like a bundle (happened after viewing those loot boxes), but that doesn't answer all my questions. At most, that answers only one of them.


Most importantly, the detailed "Use" effect...is that supposed to be legitimately used somewhere, or is that some kind of placeholder?

Edited by JayForerunner
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50 minutes ago, JayForerunner said:

Most importantly, the detailed "Use" effect...is that supposed to be legitimately used somewhere, or is that some kind of placeholder?

It might actually be a real effect, but for an out-of-combat regen "Toy" - one of a multitude of items that you can find (mostly in the context of cartel packs and similar) that can be used instead of your style-specific OOC regen, but I don't recognise which one it is.  The text certainly doesn't belong on a colour crystal.

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2 hours ago, JayForerunner said:

THAT explains it.


Still, no other vehicle does that kind of effect. Is it really that special? Since health and all would regenerate outside of combat (and under most instances would be full anyway), is this even all that useful?

It’s not a vehicle/mount.   It is a regen item the has a visual of a ‘mount’.  

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5 hours ago, JayForerunner said:

Still, no other vehicle does that kind of effect.

As @Darcmoon says, it's a regen toy, not an actual vehicle.

5 hours ago, JayForerunner said:

Is it really that special?

Depends on whether you think an item inspired by an April Fools' joke is remotely special.

5 hours ago, JayForerunner said:

Since health and all would regenerate outside of combat

The "natural" rate of SWTOR-character out-of-combat regeneration is pretty fast compared to real humans in the really real real world, but catastrophically slow compared to your character's "regen" ability.  The toys that have the same effect are just as fast (15 seconds from almost-dead-and-totally-out-of-mana to completely-ready-to-go-lemme-at-em), and look far more interesting.

5 hours ago, JayForerunner said:

(and under most instances would be full anyway),

Only if you survive a combat with your origin story's natural healer companion active...  (Yes, I'm yanking your chain.  Prior to 4.0 each class - now Origin Story - had *one* companion capable of healing, but since then, all companions have a healer mode.)

5 hours ago, JayForerunner said:

is this even all that useful?

Not in the slightest (the key is that word "toy"...).  It looks cool, and who doesn't like that?

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4 hours ago, Darcmoon said:

It’s not a vehicle/mount.   It is a regen item the has a visual of a ‘mount’.  

Well that's disappointing!


Also, I was there for that, with the Founder title to prove I know the "back in mah day" spiel about how companions used to be more rigid, and you couldn't mix-and-match different advanced classes with the origin stories. And the PvP "Warzones" are now rebranded as "simulations" and "training exercises" because of story events well past the game's initial launch.


Suppose what I'm trying to get at is that I'm all for "looking cool" (or funny in the case of the log), but at the same time on the other hand, I'm always seeking every advantage I can acquire.

Edited by JayForerunner
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1 hour ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Only if you survive a combat with your origin story's natural healer companion active...  (Yes, I'm yanking your chain.  Prior to 4.0 each class - now Origin Story - had *one* companion capable of healing, but since then, all companions have a healer mode.)

*Two* companions capable of healing.  Everyone seems to forget that, although certainly not the best for the job, the ship droid could always be used as a healer.

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Just now, ceryxp said:

*Two* companions capable of healing.  Everyone seems to forget that, although certainly not the best for the job, the ship droid could always be used as a healer.

That's because most nobody ever cared about the ship droid.

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6 hours ago, ceryxp said:

*Two* companions capable of healing.  Everyone seems to forget that, although certainly not the best for the job, the ship droid could always be used as a healer.

Good point, although if what I've heard is the case, they couldn't do that during the betas because they wouldn't leave the ship.  (One of the remaining bits of lore that is indicative of that time is the "show you round your ship" minimission where they say that they cannot provide combat support because they are not built for physical danger, despite the blaster that's clearly visible on 2V-R8's hip in one of the scenes...)

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