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Buffing Classes that need them


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A while back I made a post on Buffing Mercs/Commandos, Some of the changes I suggested, I looked back and say "yeah, looking back that was a bad change" like making net not cleansable. I wanted to kind of do a follow up post to that, but Suggest Changes that Wouldn't make one spec OP, but more so I'm trying to stick to Bioware's current level of buffing while giving the specs a decent enough buff to pull them out from the mud. Some of these ideas were also taken from peeps like Vulkk, and or People who posted on my Merc buff thread.

I welcome Insight and Feedback but please keep it polite, I want this to be a constructive thread. If you disagree that is fine, but please make it constructive and courteous.


-Give Diversion back as a mainline, I'd replace it with a buff with one that Vulkk has suggested. This one would be for Gunnery/Arsenal

“While Supercharged Gas / Supercharged Cell is active, Heatseeker Missiles / Demolition Round and Priming Shot automatically critically hit and their armor penetration is increased by an additional 30%.”

For IO/AS, I'd make it a passive, I'd make one that would do the following

The Critical Chance and Critical DMG done by your Periodic Effects is increased by 10%, Additionally you Regen 2 Energy Cells whenever you deal DMG with a periodic Effect.

For Healers

The Critical Chance and Critical heals is increased by 10%, Additionally Whenever a target is healed, you Regenerate 2 Energy Cells.

-Rework the Target Eliminator Package to instead offer a flat out 5% DMG and Healing Done Increase. The current Legendary Package is terrible and while this one may not be the flashiest, I think people would take a flat 5% increase over the old one.


-increase the DMG done by Boltstorm by 3%

-Increase the DMG done by Grav round by 3%

-Increase the DMG done by Vortex bolt by 3%

-Increase the DMG done by Demo Round by 3%

-Rework Primed Ignition Tactical, to the following

Vortex Bolt causes its target to burn. Boltstorm, Demolition Round, Vortex Bolt, and Grav Round all tick and Refreshes the Burning effect.

Innovative Ordinance/Assault Specialist

-Increase the DMG done by Mag bolt by 3%

-Increase the DMG done by Assault Plastique by 3%.



-Buff Laze Target so that it has a 100% Hit chance, This means when someone pops laze Target, it has a 100% chance for your Ambush to hit and Deal DMG. Too many times this spec prepares a big burst window and it misses or is absorbed.

-Buff Ambush by 3%

-Buff Follow-through by 5%.

-Buff Penetrating rounds by 3%.



-Increase the DMG done by Thundering Blast by 2%.

-Increase the DMG done by Lighting flash by 2%.

I tried to keep the changes General mainly on DMG increases, I tried not to make one spec far greater than the others.

Explanation for Buffs

Lightning really didn't need more buffing as they are getting some buffs to stormwatch tactical, and are already far more mobile than its other two ranged burst specs, So to me just a simple 2-3% DMG increase should suffice.

Commandos/Mercs just need some DMG increases, A better Legendary Package than the current Target Eliminator, and some improvements to it Combat Style tree. The Commando/Merc specs don't really have a good tree for quality options. Vulkk has a really good article going over some of the changes they made to Arsenal/Gunnery back in 7.1 when they were buffed from being absolute dogwater to just okay https://vulkk.com/2022/06/01/swtor-7-1-arsenal-mercenary-and-gunnery-commando-changes-announcement-and-analysis/ He explains pretty well why Commandos/Mercs skill trees are underwhelming compared to other specs. It may seem that I am biased towards Commandos/Mercs with the changes but they really need some better Options in their CS tree as they are really underwhelming.

Marksman/Sharpshooter just need some flat DMG buffs, Alongside making Laze target make your ambush always hit. Marksman just either misses it DMG windows, its absorbed, or it just does pitiful DMG. I do think they should buff Agitating Energies by making Corrosive Dart do an Additional 6K more DMG, instead of the current 3K. But these changes are at least a start in improving this spec.

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