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After Logging in, I click play and... NOTHING!


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I just bought a brand new gaming PC to upgrade my old one from 2012. I was having lagging issues so I decided to upgrade. Lo and behold, after purchasing a new gaming PC running windows 10 pro, I can't get this game to run. I've tried all the recommended fixes and it still doesn't work. I was finally able to log in and get the patch update, however, when I click [PLAY], nothing happens. Stuck in limbo! 

I am frustrated as hell! I previously bought a 6 month subscription and now it's worthless!! If EA can't fix this then why should I keep spending my money? I wasted money on cartel coins, wasted money on a subscription. For what? To have them do NOTHING???  This is complete BS!

I shouldn't have to be a tech expert to play a game online! This should be as easy as plug and play. 

Yes, I'm pissed, but I don't care. I want answers on how to properly fix this, not some BS that "might" work!

Do you F-ing jobs and get this fixed! If not, see ya!

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See the known issues sticky https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/INFO-Known-Information-and-Current-Alerts-22nd-April-2023/m-p/4886775#M40174

New systems are missing the directx 9 legacy files 

Some have found they have needed to install directx 9 legacy files https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=35
otherwise try installing C++ via https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 

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11 hours ago, Lord-Xander said:

I just bought a brand new gaming PC to upgrade my old one from 2012. I was having lagging issues so I decided to upgrade. Lo and behold, after purchasing a new gaming PC running windows 10 pro

Congrats!  I do think it's strange that you purchased a new PC with Windows 10 instead of Windows 11 though.

11 hours ago, Lord-Xander said:

I shouldn't have to be a tech expert to play a game online! This should be as easy as plug and play.

That is not how PC gaming works.  I think most of the time it is as simple as install the game on your PC and it works.  Sometimes it doesn't though and if your requirement is for games to always work on the platform they are played on the closest you'll get to that is playing games on a console like Xbox or Playstation.  PC gaming isn't for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/4/2023 at 11:05 AM, Char_Ell said:

Congrats!  I do think it's strange that you purchased a new PC with Windows 10 instead of Windows 11 though.

That is not how PC gaming works.  I think most of the time it is as simple as install the game on your PC and it works.  Sometimes it doesn't though and if your requirement is for games to always work on the platform they are played on the closest you'll get to that is playing games on a console like Xbox or Playstation.  PC gaming isn't for you.

Yes, you are correct. It did take me a while to find a PC with Windows 10 offered. I bought one with 11 and it didn't work. So I returned it and found my current one. I did get lucky to find one still offering 10!


You're right, it was a directx 9 issue. I thought I had installed that and it still didn't work. However, my only work around was to install SWTOR thru Steam. Once I did that, it must've downloaded directx 9 correctly? I don't know for sure, but now I'm able to get logged in. 

However, I do want to say that I appreciate the "non-toxic" responses here. I guess I'm used to the toxicity of other online media roasting someone who is having an issue. To those who responded to this thread, THANK YOU guys for giving me quality responses without the juvenile attitude. Your kindness is greatly appreciated! 

Thanks again, and I apologize for being so frustrated!

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On 5/20/2023 at 8:46 PM, Lord-Xander said:


You're right, it was a directx 9 issue. I thought I had installed that and it still didn't work. However, my only work around was to install SWTOR thru Steam. Once I did that, it must've downloaded directx 9 correctly? I don't know for sure, but now I'm able to get logged in. 

Yes people have said the Steam download includes DirectX 9 while the launcher from SWTOR.com does not so that is what likely happened.

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4 hours ago, GreyestJedi said:

I still can't log in. The game gets stuck on the Ruhnuk title screen. 

I have done several of the recommended fixes and still nothing. I can play other more hardware-intensive games just fine.

I think there are very very few games as hardware intensive as swtor to be honest, swtor makes a first class thermal test 

Either you can resolve it through https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/Guide-Game-failing-to-launch-on-Clicking-Play/m-p/4809830/highlight/true#M70795

or change the monitor that is being used to another one as a test and still see if it occurs

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On 5/31/2023 at 12:18 AM, OwenBrooks said:

I think there are very very few games as hardware intensive as swtor to be honest, swtor makes a first class thermal test 

Either you can resolve it through https://answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion-Technical/Guide-Game-failing-to-launch-on-Clicking-Play/m-p/4809830/highlight/true#M70795

or change the monitor that is being used to another one as a test and still see if it occurs

For me the Launcher is broken, I canceled my subscription because of this. I still can't get past the Ruhnuk screen both on Steam and the regular Launcher. I have a brand new computer that runs way more demanding games fine. I tried several fixes. Until they fix this they get no more subscriptions from me. I also tried on my other Windows 8 pc  on both steam and the regular launcher, same results.

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On 6/1/2023 at 8:19 AM, GreyestJedi said:

For me the Launcher is broken, I canceled my subscription because of this. I still can't get past the Ruhnuk screen both on Steam and the regular Launcher. I have a brand new computer that runs way more demanding games fine. I tried several fixes. Until they fix this they get no more subscriptions from me. I also tried on my other Windows 8 pc  on both steam and the regular launcher, same results.

if you are pressing play and the game starts and you get to the initial loading screen of the game, it has nothing to do with the launcher

If the windows 8 computer was the same , maybe try at a friends house with his internet, just to be sure its not a local internet/nework issue

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1 hour ago, OwenBrooks said:

if you are pressing play and the game starts and you get to the initial loading screen of the game, it has nothing to do with the launcher

If the windows 8 computer was the same , maybe try at a friends house with his internet, just to be sure its not a local internet/nework issue

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Game still doesn't pass the Ruhnuk screen for me.

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Having the same problem here with the Play button...the funny thing is that my wife and I bought almost identical computers and we both had the same "click Play and nothing happens problem".  I installed DirectX9 on both our computers...now her game works and mine still doesn't :(   I went on to try other fixes like the Windows 8 compatibility, installing the C++ stuff, etc...but still nothing.

Really the only thing different between our two computers is our monitors...I have a LG and she has a HP...could this be the problem?

Hope this gets fixed soon or I'll have to cancel my sub, which means my wife will also...quite sad...

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9 hours ago, sulsakan said:

I have a LG and she has a HP...could this be the problem?

Not specifically the fact that they are LG vs HP, but more likely (if it's involved) something to do with the specific models of HP and LG screens, and things like how they connect to the computer.

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