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Hopefully wont be biased but sentinel or marauder?


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Right now im trying to plan all my alts, keep 4 AC on empire, and the other 4 AC i dont choose for republic.


Ive planned the others out already but when it comes to down jedi knight and sith warrior im at a loss on which AC to place on which faction.


If you all would throw some insight out that'd be wonderful. I hear the sith marauder gear > jedi sentinel as far as looks go.

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I think you'll be happy either way, honestly. The JK, IMO, is seriously lacking in gear diversity while the SW gear diversity is not a whole lot better. Maras had beautiful gear through most of beta but a lot of it was sadly changed/removed in the later builds and now in release. Whether they look better, well that's a matter of preference. My one suggestion would be, when you roll your SW, be it a Jugg or a Mara, roll a female. The female JW is one of the best voices in the game. Edited by photoheathen
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