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I wish I could switch out Shae for Heta


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The fact that I could


keep the sonic device on Shae when they fought

gave me a sliver of hope that I could ultimately back Heta Kol in this feud, but I doubt Bioware would ever commit to this.

A lot of my characters criticized Shae back in her KOTFE chapter and aren't particularly happy she's become such a big part of the Alliance whether they want her to or not. Now she's dragging us into her problems, barking orders and bossing around Dark Council members, Imperial Intelligence Keepers, criminal underworld bosses... So it'd be nice if a few of them could tell her to piss off and choose to support the other side.

I know, Heta's whole thing is her Mandalorians shouldn't submit to anyone. But if it means helping her with her Shae problem and becoming Mandalore, I'm sure a mutually beneficial partnership could be established.

Bioware did something similar way back in Mass Effect 2 which I thought was really cool, but this is not the same Bioware...

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I really like this idea. You know how in Mass Effect 2 you kept a certain somebody in isolation until you could trust them, maybe the same could be true for Heta. You kept her locked away in a prison (like Belsavis Idk) and you could go there and she would have some loyalty missions and diologues explaining her thought process. Maybe even Shae could show up and you had to try to make those two see each other eye-to-eye or you will lose one companion or the other. 

Love to create crazy theories like this. And I do enjoy a more loose cannon companion, rather than those that are blindly devoted to you.

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6 hours ago, DreadtechSavant said:

Then have everyone turn against your toon, as you clearly have no regard for any of them.

How is turning against Shea at this point suddenly a declaration that you don't care about "everyone"? I'll assume you haven't played this game much, because you can:


Kill or exile Theron, who has been with you since the beginning, for merely pretending to have betrayed the Alliance

Kill Kaliyo or Jorgan for failing a mission (!)

Kill Koth for stealing a ship, even though he still helps out during missions

You can even declare to want to kill Satele a couple of times, one of the most important characters for many of the Jedi in the Alliance

But deciding Shae is not fit to be Mandalore anymore would suddenly cause everyone to riot?

This is exactly what I'm talking about. The game seems to have forgotten our characters have killed the Emperor twice (thrice for the Jedi Knight), defeated Malgus just as many times, toppled many powerful beings and are really near the top of whatever hierarchy they chose (the Alliance, the Empire or the Republic). Now suddenly we have to run around doing whatever Shae tells us to without question, like we're back in the class story chapters.

The fact that Shae let the Mandalorians get out of control and couldn't handle her internal crisis is reason enough to question her leadership (which you can already do back in KOTFE). If it was any other organization, it might be handled differently, but isn't that how Mandalore is chosen in the first place? If Heta Kol beats Shea, it only follows that she should now lead.

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For a Sith character ... Heta might work... but then again maybe not.  They would always be butting heads!  IMO she's just looking for revenge and a way to gain power.  That doesn't mean that Shae doesn't need to take a stronger more direct hand in the affairs of the Mandos.  Additionally (according to canon) their society is often torn with differences of opinions on how to run things (hence the frequent civil wars that eventually devastated their planet).  

I personally kind of like Heta right where she is at!  I also rather suspect she will meet a harsh end.  BUT in the end Heta will also serve as a wakeup call to Shae.  This could easily pull Shae away from the Alliance ... but leave whatever friends and colleagues behind if they so choose.

(Just my $.02 worth)

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4 hours ago, Chaosataoist said:
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Kill or exile Theron, who has been with you since the beginning, for merely pretending to have betrayed the Alliance

Kill Kaliyo or Jorgan for failing a mission (!)

Kill Koth for stealing a ship, even though he still helps out during missions

You can even declare to want to kill Satele a couple of times, one of the most important characters for many of the Jedi in the Alliance

This is exactly what I'm talking about. The game seems to have forgotten our characters have killed the Emperor twice (thrice for the Jedi Knight), defeated Malgus just as many times, toppled many powerful beings and are really near the top of whatever hierarchy they chose (the Alliance, the Empire or the Republic). Now suddenly we have to run around doing whatever Shae tells us to without question, like we're back in the class story chapters.

So very much this.  For dark sided characters that kill people on a whim, Shae is definitely on that list.  She's not the only one on the list, but easily up there.  A few other things that come to mind.


Honestly I don't understand why my Inquisitor (or Warrior even) doesn't just make the power play for the Emperor role, cause let's be real no one on the dark council or the empress / emperor himself will stop me, not even with their combined strength and I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't be stupid enough to stand in my way.  In fact they'd offer their assistance to get into my good graces for when the inevitable happens. -  I understand it's so the story can go on, and you can go running around doing things, but still kind of lame. 

Also from the Republic perspective, Tau (sp?) and her padawan (new knight) who's name I can't even be bothered with to remember would be on my **** list.  I don't even like those 2 even with a light side playthrough, I'd definitely have killed them both without a second thought as a dark side character if allowed. 

Might have also seriously considered killing Lana instead of Theron for not noticing our Alliance was being spied on / infiltrated. Theron while idiotic for betraying me, was at least competent enough to notice something was wrong and took a chance, unlike Bioware's Waifu Lana who was oblivious to the whole thing. 

There are more, but you get my point.


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4 hours ago, Setta said:


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Might have also seriously considered killing Lana instead of Theron for not noticing our Alliance was being spied on / infiltrated. Theron while idiotic for betraying me, was at least competent enough to notice something was wrong and took a chance, unlike Bioware's Waifu Lana who was oblivious to the whole thing. 


Theron *was* the something that was wrong, except that he's a spy, so pretty good at hiding stuff.

Edited by SteveTheCynic
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29 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:
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Theron *was* the something that was wrong, except that he's a spy, so pretty good at hiding stuff.

Sorry Steve not 100% sure on what you're trying to say there, but also



Lana is put in charge of Imp intelligence by the end of SoR, so I kind of expect her to hold her own when it comes to intelligence gathering as well. And while I can't remember her exact role off the top of my head before Marr puts her in charge I believe she was still involved with Imp Intelligence just at a slightly lower level.  Cleary Theron is much better than her, when it comes to this though, and why as a DS character I might keep Theron around and not Lana, as he's clearly better, and I want competent people.  Even if they do act a fool sometimes. 


Edit : Finally understood what you were saying, cause I'm slow and dumb.  Theron wasn't the something that was wrong though.  He noticed that we were being spied on by the Order of Zildrog who had infiltrated the Alliance by that point, so he acted fast and pretended to betray us to gain their trust and see what they're up to.  While nobody else had a clue.  So in essence when it comes to security, he was the only one competent enough to see that something was indeed wrong, while the hero runs around saving the galaxy or w/e it is that we do. 


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9 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

 BUT in the end Heta will also serve as a wakeup call to Shae.  This could easily pull Shae away from the Alliance ... but leave whatever friends and colleagues behind if they so choose.

Yeah, I feel like this is what Bioware might be going for - we're told Jekiaha is handling things pretty well without Shae and it's mentioned several times that she's really more into hunting than leading (and she might not want to come back). If that is what will happen, I'd still like a choice between Heta and Jekiaha, as the latter has all the personality of a brick...

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Shae may be flawed, but she's actually trying to stabilize the Mandalorians (do they have anything (re)built on Mandalore at this point in SWTOR?)

Heta is just a mad dog who's good at cult speech.

My LS and pragmatic toons will certainly not replace Shae with Heta. A chance for Shae to step down after settling this crisis will be a good, honorable ending to this character. Jekiah is clearly good at the politic stuff and Rass has the potential of being a top notch warrior. The title goes back to clan Ordo again is not bad either.

My DS toons will stoke the Mandalorian Civil War to the point of them (almost - due to canon, unfortunately lol) wiping each other out because he/she is tired of their sh*t.

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23 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Shae may be flawed, but she's actually trying to stabilize the Mandalorians (do they have anything (re)built on Mandalore at this point in SWTOR?)

Heta is just a mad dog who's good at cult speech.

My LS and pragmatic toons will certainly not replace Shae with Heta. A chance for Shae to step down after settling this crisis will be a good, honorable ending to this character. Jekiah is clearly good at the politic stuff and Rass has the potential of being a top notch warrior. The title goes back to clan Ordo again is not bad either.

My DS toons will stoke the Mandalorian Civil War to the point of them (almost - due to canon, unfortunately lol) wiping each other out because he/she is tired of their sh*t.

Agreed... Heta is also power hungry!  I also can't help but to wonder if the Empire isn't behind her to some degree.  ( That might be a long shot).
** Shae has seen a lot of war at the expense of the Mandalorians (remember it hasn't been that long since Valkorion and his family were overthrown.  Also remember why she broke off her activities with the pirates on Rishi.
** I do agree that it's possible that we could be looking at Jekiah taking the reigns as you have mentioned.
** IMO the difference between Shae and Heta ...  Shae:  Honorable (still a Mandalorian ... but not after conquest).  Heta:  After power and anything else she can grab.  A lot of flare and force behind a charismatic drive to achieve her own goals which (for now) seem to be vengeance and power.  I almost get the impression there is still a hidden piece to the story behind Heta.

Another note (not to sidetrack the discussion):  Since Sa'har discussed the holocron with her brother ... and of course her brother announced to Heta that it's in Sa'har's possession...  I thought it was interesting that Ri'kan is left alone when Heta wants to discuss the matter undisturbed with Sa'har.  Once again ... she is at the center of attention, and he is left behind!  Ri'kan was not happy ... again!

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2 hours ago, bluehufsa said:

Sure, why not?

For whomever wants them, Heta & Indigo.

For whomever does not want Heta & Indigo, Rass Ordo & Lane Vizla.

Problem solved.


Ha!!  Not bad!  Not bad at all !!  I like it!!

Now I'm really curious as to where this story is headed!  If it's as well written as this last part ... this should be really interesting!!

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Shae is an incapable, hot-headed ruler, but I still genuinely like her flawed character the most.. Heta is ruthless and efficient at making points, she's capable of rabble rousing and maybe sparking another Mandalorian crusade. Heta could add more chaos to a galaxy already at war.

I know with whom my Sith Inquisitor would want to ally with.

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