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Gee Bioware, Tell me How to Play Your Game ... (autokick and defensive playstyles)


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So apparently if you play a bomber in GSF deathmatch, we must now engage in aerial combat with strikers and scouts in the most slow moving and wobbly craft in history, because setting up a defensive line, playing strategically or doing ANYTHING other than rushing into a hive of snipers in a big fat slow ship DOESNT count. Becausde yeah, I can force other players to run into my mines or close distance on my intervention probe like a bunch of newbs or whatever. Totally, I am not participating.


Here is a CLUE. You want to stop non-participants, then ban people who show up and do 0 damage then entire freakin' game. Or who are not providing input to their ships. Not players who just happen to suck or dont rush into a wave of enemies. I guess Bioware gets to tell us HOW to play their game that we pay for, also.

OK fellow players, tell me how wrong I am and how right you are, how I am "doing it wrong" and should have done XYZ ...

Edited by AustinSgt
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44 minutes ago, AustinSgt said:

OK fellow players, tell me how wrong I am and how right you are, how I am "doing it wrong" and should have done XYZ

Fine i will.   So, listen here mister----errr wait a second ... i  AGREE WITH YOU!

hashtag: Free-The-Bomber :csw_vadertie:

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8 hours ago, AustinSgt said:

then ban people who show up and do 0 damage then entire freakin' game


apparently some players don't look at the map, to see what's going on, but just look for the non-contributing so they can grief that person.  The kick happy players have no idea, and abuse the button. too many non situation awareness  players  are just as bad as AFK'ers.  Just feeding kills


wait . . did you say auto-kicked, not Vote kick ?

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Considering how many bombers try this and don't pay attention to the fact the rest of the team is so far out in front of them killing the enemy that the so called defensive line is a waste where they're putting it, or tucked in some tiny crevice in a TDM doing absolutely nothing other then making the rest of the team fighting 7v8 or 11v12. Just because your in a bomber doesn't give you the excuse that bombers don't have to do damage and participate in the fight.

Learn to play aggressively some. Doing damage in a bomber isn't hard. Set up closer to where your team is fighting. Railgun sentry drones, Interdiction drones, or Missile sentry drones can do a lot of damage (Not to mention your Lasers) and help your team. 

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I'm just going to link a post where I quoted and linked my own post. And I'll quote the tl;dr again: 



tl;dr if you're getting flagged as a bomber, your positioning is bad and you should improve it. Move closer to the action. You've got blasters for a reason and should not rely on your drones to do everything for you. Heavy laser cannon is really good!

Even if for some reason you have an aversion to using your primary weapon, for some reason, you should still be close enough for your mines and drones to do something. That is, you should be close enough to contribute. If you get flagged, that is the game informing you that you are doing something fundamentally wrong and giving you a chance to correct it. If you still refuse to correct it, then you're throwing, and deserve to be kicked. 

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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8 hours ago, DakhathKilrathi said:

. If you still refuse to correct it, then you're throwing, and deserve to be kicked. 

i remember your earlier post (you quoted) and i totally respect what you're saying , for obvious reasons.  ( re: trolls, AFK'ers, cheaters, bad ISP'ers, etc. etc. )

However,  i disagree with your (and others) rather extreme viewpoint on this topic.

imho, there  should be some type of compromise or---pun intended---middle space , whereby player pilots like me  who come from SWG JTL & SW:Alliance & SW:Squadrons  ( all wayyyy more realistic and free-flowing SPACE sims )  can at least  have SOME freedom to roam & sneak & flank & sabatauge & such.

Just like might occur in "real"  Star WARS , no?

In other words, the SWTOR detection system seems a bit too heavy-handed and needs to be tweaked/smarter.

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1 hour ago, Nee-Elder said:

i remember your earlier post (you quoted) and i totally respect what you're saying , for obvious reasons.  ( re: trolls, AFK'ers, cheaters, bad ISP'ers, etc. etc. )

However,  i disagree with your (and others) rather extreme viewpoint on this topic.

imho, there  should be some type of compromise or---pun intended---middle space , whereby player pilots like me  who come from SWG JTL & SW:Alliance & SW:Squadrons  ( all wayyyy more realistic and free-flowing SPACE sims )  can at least  have SOME freedom to roam & sneak & flank & sabatauge & such.

Just like might occur in "real"  Star WARS , no?

In other words, the SWTOR detection system seems a bit too heavy-handed and needs to be tweaked/smarter.

It's not heavy handed at all. They put it in place to make sure people are actually contributing to the match. If bombers are setting up way to far behind the battle, then they aren't contributing to the match. Doing Damage isn't very hard with all of the various tools bombers have. Mines, Drones, and Lasers all do damage and can really help your team kill more effectively in TDM's.

Yes I know the arguement of but look there is a repair drone. My response to that is.

Spearpints/Bloodmark, and Clarion/Imperium have access to those as well. They're still expected to deal damage, so should Bombers.

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48 minutes ago, Toraak said:

. Doing Damage isn't very hard with all of the various tools bombers have.

i'm not saying  Bombers shouldn't  "do damage"  or "contribute"   (obviously) .

i'm saying  it would be nice if there was just a bit more nuance to  "contribute" detection.

That's all.

Not really sure why so much pushback on this tbqh.

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1 hour ago, Nee-Elder said:

i'm not saying  Bombers shouldn't  "do damage"  or "contribute"   (obviously) .

i'm saying  it would be nice if there was just a bit more nuance to  "contribute" detection.

That's all.

Not really sure why so much pushback on this tbqh.

There is pushback on it, because I've seen hundreds if not thousands of bombers over the years of GSF, sitting there doing Nothing, refusing to put in any effort to do damage and contribute in any meaningful way to the match. 

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1 hour ago, Toraak said:

There is pushback on it, because I've seen hundreds if not thousands of bombers over the years of GSF, sitting there doing Nothing, refusing to put in any effort to do damage and contribute in any meaningful way to the match. 

ok well that's not ME , so yeah try to consider the discussion/ideas a  bit  if possible without painting such a broad brush.   Although, i realize  i haven't actually offered any SPECIFICS yet on exactly how to fix/adjust  the detection system to be more nuanced. -- I'll work on it and umm circle back!  ( sorry i just can't resist the pilot puns  :csw_snowspeeder: )

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4 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

ok well that's not ME , so yeah try to consider the discussion/ideas a  bit  if possible without painting such a broad brush.   Although, i realize  i haven't actually offered any SPECIFICS yet on exactly how to fix/adjust  the detection system to be more nuanced. -- I'll work on it and umm circle back!  ( sorry i just can't resist the pilot puns  :csw_snowspeeder: )

I didn't imply that's what you do, however if damage isn't taken into consideration for being active many bomber pilots that deserve to be vote kicked won't be able to be kicked.

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On 12/20/2022 at 9:29 PM, Toraak said:

Considering how many bombers try this and don't pay attention to the fact the rest of the team is so far out in front of them killing the enemy that the so called defensive line is a waste where they're putting it, or tucked in some tiny crevice in a TDM doing absolutely nothing other then making the rest of the team fighting 7v8 or 11v12. Just because your in a bomber doesn't give you the excuse that bombers don't have to do damage and participate in the fight.

Learn to play aggressively some. Doing damage in a bomber isn't hard. Set up closer to where your team is fighting. Railgun sentry drones, Interdiction drones, or Missile sentry drones can do a lot of damage (Not to mention your Lasers) and help your team. 

This is my thoughts too. If I see someone is eligible to be vote kicked, I look at the map real quick. If they're half the map away from everyone else and just sitting there of course I'm hitting vote kick, 

If someone is legitimately trying to play support bomber in deathmatch, I would recommend speaking up in ops chat to say you'll move your nest once the cooldowns are up. If you just say nothing and aren't moving, I assume you're off making lunch while everyone else is trying to win the match. 


On 12/21/2022 at 1:16 PM, Nee-Elder said:

i'm not saying  Bombers shouldn't  "do damage"  or "contribute"   (obviously) .

i'm saying  it would be nice if there was just a bit more nuance to  "contribute" detection.

That's all.

Not really sure why so much pushback on this tbqh.

You're right. Even an afk bomber with a nest set up is contributing more than the self destructors who are not punished in any way. It's a problem with the system for sure. 

Edited by waisting
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On 12/20/2022 at 11:55 PM, AustinSgt said:

So apparently if you play a bomber in GSF deathmatch, we must now engage in aerial combat with strikers and scouts in the most slow moving and wobbly craft in history, because setting up a defensive line, playing strategically or doing ANYTHING other than rushing into a hive of snipers in a big fat slow ship DOESNT count. Becausde yeah, I can force other players to run into my mines or close distance on my intervention probe like a bunch of newbs or whatever. Totally, I am not participating.


Here is a CLUE. You want to stop non-participants, then ban people who show up and do 0 damage then entire freakin' game. Or who are not providing input to their ships. Not players who just happen to suck or dont rush into a wave of enemies. I guess Bioware gets to tell us HOW to play their game that we pay for, also.

OK fellow players, tell me how wrong I am and how right you are, how I am "doing it wrong" and should have done XYZ ...

2 solution

1. if death match play other ship 

2. if insisting playing bomber , go in mid drop turret and mines whatever and get out of area, if died then rinse and repeat 

3. if insisting playing bomber with nesting strategy you can do that but beware of votekick , so if votekick out, stay close to hard object to kill yourself and then you wont be votekick 



Edited by KumbayaGOD
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