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People hiding inside objects in GSF


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I occasionally see players whom have positioned their ships inside objects in  GSF, it appears that ships can punch through certain areas, taking damage but not enough to destroy their ship

One thing I learned early on in 3d modeling is that you can duplicate an object and resize it.

So, if a piece of geometry was duplicated and rescaled to 99.9% of it's original size, you could apply the same rules and now, they take double damage.

The downside is added geometry, maybe you could add a thickness to the mesh  and then count both sides as surfaces that cause damage?

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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Part of the problem may be related to a mismatch between where the computer/server thinks you are and where you "really" are. This was introduced in one of the graphical updates a few years back and players that play a lot of certain content have learned how to break LOS using it (you can even be behind "cover" and have a PC or NPC shoot straight through it because the server thinks you are not behind it). There are also "holes" in meshes in a variety of places that can be exploited in a similar fashion.

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