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Gree colors


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Stupid question, but is there any explanation for the Gree color codes or whatever are these? I mean " orange bisector", "black tangent" and other occasions in which colors are used, but for some reason i don't understand why. Do the Gree species see only specific colors or have a different visual spectrum? Is there anything but anything at all in the Lore about this? 

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37 minutes ago, bluehufsa said:

 is there any explanation for the Gree color codes or whatever are these? I mean " orange bisector", "black tangent" and other occasions in which colors are used, but for some reason i don't understand why. Do the Gree species see only specific colors or have a different visual spectrum? Is there anything but anything at all in the Lore about this? 

Have you checked your in-game  CODEX  yet about them?

Otherwise,  this is all  i could find--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/572989-gree-language-color-prefix-and-math-suffix/

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