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Taking WZ Queue Pop causes Lockout


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I have been having a recurring issue of queueing for warzones and when I click on the Join button it leaves me where i'm standing and doesn't take me into the warzone. It then gives me a lockout for leaving early.

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I have also experienced this. I was group lead while queueing with a couple guildies several days ago, we got a pop (Yavin Ruins, apparently), everyone clicked "Join" and I was left stranded. Unlike a flashpoint, there was no recourse once the automatic transport failed. After relaunching my game, I had to sit through a full lockout for "abandoning" the match.

  • Reloading my UI did nothing.
  • I was in a Rishi guild stronghold; I believe my guildies were on fleet.
  • I could not leave or rejoin queue. The PvP groupfinder showed myself and my guildies in queue up until the point I closed my game.
  • My guildies reported that their team remained at 7/8 members until I closed my game, at which point they got a backfill.

This was the first (and so far only) time I've encountered this bug. Another guild member I spoke to mentioned he'd seen it before while solo, but did not pass specifics.

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