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Is swtor dead?


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I see less people online everyday, thusly, I think it is on the decline


I said it seems to be on the decline, not that it definitely was


Did it ever occur to you it's because you rushed to level 50 and out-leveled the average player? When I first started playing on the 16th, my server had 40 people on Tython. When I went back to the planet a couple of days ago for a class quest, it had 150 people. The general public (the average gamer) will catch up in a month. Then you'll see people sitting on the fleet looking for groups, auctioning their wares, and advertising their guilds.

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Curious i am on vacation i have heard alot of rumors that swtor has died and lost alot of people already. Just wondering since i was really looking forward to playing when i get home.


If you can get on these forums you can see the server status page. Check there and you'll see that this game is very much alive.

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Its not dead yet it will soon tho and you can thank the fanboys for it to according to them theres nothing wrong with this game at all


There almost is nothing wrong with this game at all, from what I gather the fault lies within you.


You want WoW, goplay WoW,you want sandbox eve, well there is only one game in the world for that, it is eve, goplay that and fly around in yourugly raven and make spreadsheets about laser turret RoF x2 tracking multi...

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PLEASE, stop quoting Shadysketchy. Most of us have him on ignore and we have no desire to see his troll posts repeatedly quoted. You just feed him by quoting him.


But we need him, and others like him. They are the only posts left active, left untouched. Thus the only voice in the crowd that truly needs to be heard.


2012 is, according to my calendar, the year of the troll.


So back to the op- is it dead? Without your kind, it surely will be.

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game needs surgery by bioware soon or it will be dead. Lots of bugs, lots of small features that need to be in the game (Like advance job change, dungeon finder)....... Bioware also doesnt say what they are working on either so Im gonna say the population will drop by 75% in the next 2 months and Bioware will be welcomed to the MMO genre just like Funcom, Mythic (with warhammer), Cryptic, and any other company that thinks life is easy then gets hit hard by reality. You WILL lose your players in 2 months bioware, good luck with the patches.
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It's not "dead", but it does seem to be on the decline


Yes, I see. You're really trying to help Bioware fix the game (as you said in another thread). This'll do the trick.


BTW OP: It doesn't seem like it's on the decline at all. I see more and more people playing on my server, and it was LIGHT when I chose it. I think the game is growing just fine.



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Talk about a dying game, orgimmar was ghost town every night before I stopped playing.


So far in SWTOR my server has been slammed since release. The only difference I've noticed now is people are more spread out in level. A few in their 40's, most in the 20's/30's, and people who thought another class/ac looked cool rerolled and are in their teens.


I find 2-3 people for heroic missions/flashpoints instantly when I ask in general chat. Never really have to wait very long for groups.


My guild has around 10-20 on most times.


Everything seems on the up and up. I think it's just naysayers seeing what they want to see, not reality.

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game needs surgery by bioware soon or it will be dead. Lots of bugs, lots of small features that need to be in the game (Like advance job change, dungeon finder)....... Bioware also doesnt say what they are working on either so Im gonna say the population will drop by 75% in the next 2 months and Bioware will be welcomed to the MMO genre just like Funcom, Mythic (with warhammer), Cryptic, and any other company that thinks life is easy then gets hit hard by reality. You WILL lose your players in 2 months bioware, good luck with the patches.


Oh the drama...:rolleyes:


Most people don't want AC changing.


Most people don't want dungeon finder.


BioWare HAVE said what is coming soon, learn to read Dev Blog.


75% is a number you pulled out of your backside.

Edited by Mandrax
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game needs surgery by bioware soon or it will be dead. Lots of bugs, lots of small features that need to be in the game (Like advance job change, dungeon finder)....... Bioware also doesnt say what they are working on either so Im gonna say the population will drop by 75% in the next 2 months and Bioware will be welcomed to the MMO genre just like Funcom, Mythic (with warhammer), Cryptic, and any other company that thinks life is easy then gets hit hard by reality. You WILL lose your players in 2 months bioware, good luck with the patches.


The players who need an Advanced Class change and LFD in order to be happy in this game can just leave now. Not even WoW can you change your class once you picked it. Get over it and reroll seriously.

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The players who need an Advanced Class change and LFD in order to be happy in this game can just leave now. Not even WoW can you change your class once you picked it. Get over it and reroll seriously.


In time, they will be gone.

I have circled Jan 21st on my calendar.

If they stay after that, then they deserve the misery they feel the game creates for them.


I am having fun BTW! :D

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game needs surgery by bioware soon or it will be dead. Lots of bugs, lots of small features that need to be in the game (Like advance job change, dungeon finder)....... Bioware also doesnt say what they are working on either so Im gonna say the population will drop by 75% in the next 2 months and Bioware will be welcomed to the MMO genre just like Funcom, Mythic (with warhammer), Cryptic, and any other company that thinks life is easy then gets hit hard by reality. You WILL lose your players in 2 months bioware, good luck with the patches.


A proper elipsis only has three dots. Please use this important grammatical tool correctly.




That said, You probably should never invest in the stock market.


Bugs? Bugs are in every new game. Only idiots care about non-gamebreaking bugs.


If they're small features no one will mind waiting for them.


AC change would kill replayability. What difference in gameplay does a smuggler and an agent have if you play the same AC on both? None.


Dungeon finder is rubbish. Maybe, MAYBE, let it be single server only.

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Its not dead yet it will soon tho and you can thank the fanboys for it to according to them theres nothing wrong with this game at all


Clearly anyone who approves of this game in the slightest way is a "fanboy" and NONE of them acknowledge the commonly known bugs and convenience issues that have been requested many times over. They are CLEARLY responsible for the demise of the game - in your screwed up little world, right?

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In time, they will be gone.

I have circled Jan 21st on my calendar.

If they stay after that, then they deserve the misery they feel the game creates for them.


I am having fun BTW! :D


I'm glad you are having fun. I'm having fun too! It hurts me to try to imagine what it's like to be one of the people who thinks this game is crap, yet they love WoW. It makes no sense to me.

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Pretty active to me, game isn't even a month old, for what it has presented on launch is quite impressive and has pulled in many into a new world. Sure there's issues that need to be addressed but all in due time.


If you are impatient , no one is asking you to stay.

Edited by Vennge
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If you mean dead in that people's vacations and pretending to be sick in order to play 15 hours a day then I guess so yes.


The hype is over and people are playing a few hours a day when they have spare time instead of putting their life on hold just to play the game.


If people kept sinking in the amount of hours now that they did at release then there would be another million+ unemployed people on the books.

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