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Geforce GTX 560ti?


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Current pc spec: Gigabyte EP45-UD3P; Intel E8500; 4gb DDR2; 9800GT+

I bought a GTX460 and noticed no difference, so I returned it. Currently I'm getting 65 FPS on high, no shadows, 50% grass/trees, and 2xAA in non-city Balmorra; in the city, it's ~40. However, when I get to the imperial fleet hub with all the shops (I forget what the place is called) I get a nice ~15-20 FPS when looking at the center. If I'm just running around and it's crowded, 30 FPS.


I was wondering if a GTX 560Ti would make a noticeable difference, or is my pc severely bottlenecked by the cpu? I really don't feel like slapping together a new pc but I will if that's what's needed. I also would like to run the witcher 2 at higher fps.


Thanks for any info.

Edited by SlitherSly
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I have a GTX 560 Ti 2gb, 'most' of the areas in the game, well I say most, lets say 60-70% of the areas of the game I can run on high settings with the current beta driver of the GPU at between 60-100 frames per second. The other areas, the FPS will drop to 20 or below, which is very poor.


Although I am becoming convinced that that is mostly due to areas of the engine or game or both that are in severe need of optimisation, because there is no excuse for these frame rates on the system I have.


The 560Ti is a decent card, it is definitely an improvement over the 460.

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I have a GTX 560 Ti 2gb, 'most' of the areas in the game, well I say most, lets say 60-70% of the areas of the game I can run on high settings with the current beta driver of the GPU at between 60-100 frames per second. The other areas, the FPS will drop to 20 or below, which is very poor.


Although I am becoming convinced that that is mostly due to areas of the engine or game or both that are in severe need of optimisation, because there is no excuse for these frame rates on the system I have.


The 560Ti is a decent card, it is definitely an improvement over the 460.


I really don't have FPS dips outside of the ******** that is the Taris bonus series and I run a 1gb 560 Ti.

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I got the 560ti for $260 (including tax) at Fry's to facilitate an easy return if needed. I now get 30fps looking at that huge pillar deal in the imperial fleet instead 0f 20. Other areas like Nar Shaddaa city area are running at 40-50 and non-city area are running 60+. I was hoping for more but I'm fairly certain my cpu, mobo, and ram are a bottleneck. After I take and pass the NCLEX I'll reward myself with new pc parts.
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