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Skipping bug/exploit


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I don't know how they do it, but some people seem to be able to teleport forward and it gives them a huge advantage avoiding damage and jumping into attack positions. Can we please fiix whatever that is? It's very clear on the results list when someone is doing it, they have a huge kill count compared to other players. 

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Maybe this is something new that I have not seen before, but until I see a video or experience it myself, I will be sceptical. Sometimes you may see players moving around in a random fashion, making them very hard to hit with lasers or to lock a missile on. This is usually due to extreme lag. However, the lagging player has an equally hard time hitting targets and are not very efficient. The reason why some players have a huge kill count is... skill.

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since 7.0 there has been a lot more issues with GSF popping up. Sound bug has always existed but since 7.2 I now get the UI bug where my UI doesn't update targets, my ship icon changes, and the animation for my shots fires I believe to the upper left hand side of my screen.

I've noticed people skipping around ever since I have been playing GSF but I assume that is due to someone having a poor internet connection.

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The "skipping" is probably lag.  If your enemy seems to banjo around, its probably their internet connection being bad.

If you seem to not be able to slow down, or stop firing,  or even start firing for that matter, and everyone is jumping, its YOUR internet, lol

Just keep that in mind.

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