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How to actually solve inflation once and for all


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So I was thinking, since they removed ranked as their solution to fix ranked I purpose a removal of the GTN so inflation cannot happen anymore, ideally trading gets removed too. Not only would this fix inflation insteandly, it also would improve biowares sales since more people would buy hypercrates and items from the cartel market. 

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2 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

So I was thinking, since they removed ranked as their solution to fix ranked I purpose a removal of the GTN so inflation cannot happen anymore, ideally trading gets removed too. Not only would this fix inflation insteandly, it also would improve biowares sales since more people would buy hypercrates and items from the cartel market. 

Sounds more like sour grapes than an actual solution. There have been many good ideas posted to ease inflation. None will fix it instantly and your suggestion would shut down the game, though perhaps that is what you want since you can't play the game the way you want to, and if you can't play the way you want, no one should be able to play. Lots of other people have had portions of the game removed (or drastically changed) that they were fond of, some left but most stayed. Stay or go, the choice is yours but posting nonsense posts just makes you look bad.

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12 hours ago, DWho said:

Sounds more like sour grapes than an actual solution.

I would have said "sarcasm" rather than "sour grapes"...

12 hours ago, DWho said:

There have been many good ideas posted to ease inflation.

There have been many ideas posted to ease inflation, but I am in no way convinced that any of them are good, and if there are any good ones, they are massively outnumbered by the catastrophically bad ones.


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2 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

I would have said "sarcasm" rather than "sour grapes"...

There have been many ideas posted to ease inflation, but I am in no way convinced that any of them are good, and if there are any good ones, they are massively outnumbered by the catastrophically bad ones.


Sarcasm would imply he didn't mean it. I've seen nothing in his other posts (more than just those about PVP) that indicates that is the case.

I've seen several ideas about combating inflation that are good. They are the ones that take the approach that inflation built up over time and it will take time to reign it in. The ones that try to "eliminate" credits are universally bad ones. A credit sink, to be effective, has to be something that is used by everyone, not just the handful of players with billions of credits. It should affect the billionaires more but will not make any difference at all if it affects just them (or even worse, if it is a one shot approach). A zero tolerance to credit buyers and sellers would also help.



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3 minutes ago, Ominovin said:

Honestly, if credit sellers are actually a significant issue, removing them might kill the game financially as their subscription fees are probably a significant portion of the game's revenue.

Doubtful as all it takes is one subbed account fed by hundreds of FTP accounts for each 4 billion+.

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Just now, DWho said:

Doubtful as all it takes is one subbed account fed by hundreds of FTP accounts for each 4 billion+.

Unless it changed along the way, FTP accounts cannot directly(1) transfer credits to the subbed account (by mail or by trade), nor put credits in a guild bank.

(1) There are indirect methods involving the GTN.

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8 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Nope.  The super-rich will just snap them up and relist them.

Making them tradable only once would do the trick. If you get them anywhere but directly from the Cartel Market, they are bound to legacy. Doesn't stop people buying them for themselves but does completely end the relisting market.

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I don't care if they have to hire an economist to fix it, at this stage it's almost pay to win with gold augments being 2bn each, choices are grind tech frags to sheer boredom or just give up and be underpowered against the people who figure out ways to be multi billionares. It  isn't fun being underpowered.

Cosmetics is one thing, but the inflation effect on augments also changes the gear power by money, which is way less cool. 

I don't have any better solutions, but it's not fun to see people kitted out in all gold augs on every toon when I spent a month grinding to get 6. And that was just lucky with crits I only earned the tech frags for 2.  

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4 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Nope.  The super-rich will just snap them up and relist them.

Not if the developers have an endless supply of them, the mega rich will go broke. I'm talking from the developer's side not player side. Perhaps I should have said in the cartel area all venders there full. You buy the cartel item for credits or cartel coins your pick. The developers will control the inflation with that method.

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