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Ruhnuk Planet Feedback


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Firstly, it looks amazing, I love the atomsphere.

Please fix the NPC/enemy draw distance though, I keep having NPCs pop in within firing range for my merc and it's hard to either avoid themn or see the blue clickable objects when they only appear 30-40m away. 

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What are your impressions of Ruhnuk?

The planet is gorgeous and I love the higher-resolution textures. Hopefully other planets get the same treatment. I do wish that the lighting was a bit better, but I imagine that's a limit of the game engine as it's superior or equivalent to the quality found on other planets. The Primary Ventilation Tunnel stands out to me as being especially Star-Warsy with the massive abyss of technology. 

Unfortunately, the daily area missions feel like a huge step backward compared to the improvements and streamlining from 7.0. Manaan had a much better structure where most of them only had 2 steps max and there was a clearer flow to them. Ruhnuk, sadly, reminds me more of Iokath in terms of overall layout. and longer than Onderon in terms of overall time spent. If you want people to do dailies, they need to have a flow where you aren't back-tracking and be completable in 10-15 mins because that's what you're competing with next to CZ, Ziost, and Manaan. 

Did you have any difficulty traveling and locating objectives? Please list any specific problem locations.
The Weak Links mission was confusing. I wasn't sure what I was looking for at first.

How easy or difficult did you find using the area maps for Ruhnuk to navigate?

You guys need to update the overworld maps for a lot of places because a many of them are pretty useless in conveying how to navigate the planet. The main issue comes from when you are required to go through buildings as part of overworld traversal and those areas often end up getting shrunk down for some reason. As disgusting as Corellia is to actually traverse, it's at least fairly clear how the different regions connect because the buildings you go through aren't shrunken down. 

This has been a massive issue on most planets with major indoor overworld areas, most notably Nar Shaddaa (everywhere), Coruscant (everywhere), Iokath (which was the main cause for it being poorly-recieved) as well as Korriban (Tombs) and Zakuul (everywhere). It will be a massive issue on Ruhnuk as well because of all the tunnels. These large overworld buildings should, at the very least, be outlined and clearly labeled as dedicated zones to distinguish them from side-caves that lack a "through street" and the rest of the terrain (an entrance icon is insufficient). There should also be some sort of indicator that there is a path through the building including where all the exits are.

Were there any places that enemies made it too inconvenient to travel between objectives?
A lot of the tunnels feature a bunch of Mandalorian enemies, which is fine and unavoidable, but I think it would help if more of the fauna outside the tunnels was not hostile to balance things out so you'd be fighting Mandalorians mostly.

Did you complete any hidden achievements on the planet? If so, what did you think of them?

Were any enemies too difficult? If so, which ones?

No. I wish that all the daily areas featured a consistent difficulty experience because the older low-level ones feel too easy. I don't know that everyone will want this, but it would be nice if they were just all scaled to max level since they're endgame content (the planetary Heroics would remain as they are). It feels weird to have the solo content rotations work so differently depending on the planet.

Did any enemies apply slows, stuns, or other incapacitating effects at an obnoxious rate or for long durations?

It's a pretty bold move to give the Surge ability to the elites patrolling the catwalks overlooking the Quarry, though I personally like the idea. I would highly recommend globally tweaking that NPC ability

Corrosive Grenade also needs to globally not reapply the slow with each DoT tick and activating CC break should cleanse the DoT as it does against Captain Horic in S&V NiM. This ability is used by NPC enemies throughout the game, though it is different from the one used by Horic.

Do you have any additional feedback about Ruhnuk and the content available on it for PTS?

Cut down the number of steps per mission. If the high number of steps is for navigation, then delete the steps.


Were any of the Daily Mission objectives unclear? If so, which ones?

  • Ruhnuk Rarebit: The NPC names listed in the mission do not match the names of the enemies that drop what you need. Flutterplume Drumsticks drop from Irewings. Scamperscale Marrow drops from Tinebacks. 
  • What's in the Works?: Scan Waterworks Infrastructure - I would not consider the mining excavator literally everywhere to be infrastructure. Consider switching it to the pipes on the wall in that room or the big pump thing. Also, the final step to transmit data to allies should specify it needs to be done from a high location so it doesn't feel pointless.

Did you generally find enough targets (clickables, enemies, etc.) to complete missions?

Mostly yes, though I'm concerned about the banners for the Proving Our Strength mission not respawning fast enough.

Did you encounter any missions you were unable to complete? If so, what issues did you encounter?

I almost gave up on the Weak Links mission because I couldn't find out how to get to the transmit location.

About how long did it take you to complete the dailies? How many missions did you complete? Did you feel like the dailies would be worth your time to repeat?

I did all of them, at least that were available on the terminal today. It took waaaaaay too long. I would not repeat these missions for gearing, only for reputation and such. 

Did you particularly enjoy any of these missions? If so, which ones and why?

  • The Runuk Rarebit mission was funny because of the Dewback  Steaks😱 and the Grobbler bonus (Grobbling should be a more interesting attack though). 
  • I like that the Mandalorians are often tougher than the wildlife and that they sometimes have similar class and discipline names to the players.
  • It was cool that I had to go to a high point at the end of the What's in the Works and Weak Links missions to transmit the data because of the interference, though it would be nice if I could transmit both at once.

Were any of the dailies frustrating to complete? If so, which ones and why?

  • The banners for the Proving Our Strength mission are not fully clickable. It's annoying that the easiest part to click and what actually gets set on fire is unclickable.
  • One Mando's Trash didn't autocomplete, has a drop-off requirement (I don't care that you're gathering materiel, make it autocomplete).
  • Valga Djenn (the H4 Mando) has way too much HP compared to the adds. It's clear that you need to kill the lizards first, but you do that and you have to spend way too much time where she does nothing interesting on her own. 
  • The mouse droid mission is quite frustrating, but it's a fun idea. Progress isn't saved, there's often nothing you can do if you hit a dead end as the lizard approaches, and the horn does nothing. It should at least make lizards turn around if they're within a certain radius. I think this mission would better of being part of the story or an event. It's a bit too tedious as a regular daily.
  • Analyzing the scan data for What's in the Works feels like an unnecessary step, I'd prefer if it just went right to transmission.
  • The Strongest Link - Clicking on the communication things was ridiculous on its own, and then 
  • Weak Links - It was way too hard to find out how to get to the transmission spot at the end. I almost gave up.

Mandalorian Relics

I didn't do them.

Did you encounter any bugs or issues while playing these missions? If so, describe in as much detail as possible.

  • Ani Ara'novor mission destroying the waterworks pipe says "OBJECT HAS NO NAME"
  • Decos dropped in the world should not have reputation requirement to use. Reputation requirement should only restrict purchasing.
  • Reputation items are getting auto-consumed.
  • There is a typo in the name of the friendly NPC Overburdened Dewback. It's currently spelled "Overburdended".
  • There are not 15 enemies inside the Reconstructed Combat Arena as part of the H2 Strongest Links.
  • I think there's a cave exit missing on the map near where the transmission point is for the Weak Links H2 mission
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twice now, the Daily - Ani Ari'novor did not count as complete daily. it counted the first time only.  second time I figured I didn't give enough time after daily reset, third  was more the 24 hours, and  it didn't count

bummer part I'm still 11/12 for weekly for 2 days

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The Planet looks great but Sometimes in playing this game you feel like mario you do all these tasks and your princess is in another castle.  It's honestly not fun. At least with The Chiss expansion we had one of the chiss homeworlds built in. IDK But whenever I get creative in game I ask myself what is my created characters motivation, then the pay off has to be good as well.  I know you guys work hard on this but, I was just bored. We need a reason for our character to run around fight back and forth and back tract through these mobs, or it's just not worth it. I was playing and getting flashbacks of onderon fighting beats and scavenging their glands for planetary rep.  What makes star wars great is story and lore. This is a new planet and outside of mining and mandos and beast (oh my) haven't gotten the feel that I will enjoy playing this. I love swtor but...idk about this, felt like I was running in circles with no aim or point. I hope that I am wrong.

Edited by Mzuta
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  • What are your impressions of Ruhnuk?

The Planet looks amazing, I found it a bit hard to navigate, which junctions goes where and how do I get to some places, but that got better once I did some quest and finished the relict quests

  • Did you have any difficulty travelling and locating objectives? Please list any specific problem locations.

The relic quest of course was not so easy.

·         How easy or difficult did you find using the area maps for Ruhnuk to navigate

The area maps are okay, if I try to find some ways where I end up falling down which makes it harder to reach my destiny, is a bit frustrating but seems fitting for the planet, with its tunnel systems.

  • Were there any places that enemies made it too inconvenient to travel between objectives?

Can’t think of anything but then I was on a stealth character, maybe only the hidden chain commanders, that really did some dmg to my operative, but I felt it was okay.

  • Did you complete any hidden achievements on the planet? If so, what did you think of them?

Not so far… don’t think they work?
I also found the Datacron but didn’t get the unlock

  • Were any enemies too difficult? If so, which ones?

No problems there.

  • Did any enemies apply slows, stuns, or other incapacitating effects at an obnoxious rate or for long durations?

Not that I noticed

  • Do you have any additional feedback about Ruhnuk and the content available on it for PTS?

The repulsor plate in the water treatment plant did not work for me even though I had the Repulsor unit

Ruhnuk Daily Area


  • Were any of the Daily Mission objectives unclear? If so, which ones?

To be honest I was confused a lot, but then I just took all missions and started and ended up having to go back and forth from the different parts of the map and stubble around finding the right place to go.

  • Did you generally find enough targets (clickables, enemies, etc.) to complete missions?

I think yes, sometimes it took me a few mobs to get the itemdrop I needed, still okay. I think it took me a bit to find out what enemy I needed to fight.

  • Did you encounter any missions you were unable to complete? If so, what issues did you encounter?

Got them all done, sometimes it took me a bit and there was a lot of running aroung.

  • About how long did it take you to complete the dailies? How many missions did you complete? Did you feel like the dailies would be worth your time to repeat?

All of them. At first I just took every mission, but didn’t finish because I stated to do pvp. Next time I only did the relict hunt, which tool quite some time, but I can’t say how long.
For the dailies and heroics I think it took me something between 1-2h

  • Did you particularly enjoy any of these missions? If so, which ones and why?

Relict, treasure hunt is just fun^_^ The others are all fine, but I don’t think I liked one more than the others.

  • Were any of the dailies frustrating to complete? If so, which ones and why?

Without the repulsor unit, too much running around. With it, the running was on an okay lvl.

Mandalorian Relics

  • Did you complete all three Mandalorian Relic missions?


  • What were your general impressions of these missions?

I loved the treasure hunt. For the “housing” part you hat to find at the end of the quests, there was no marker at all and I didn’t see any info where to go, maybe I missed something, but it was the one time I went and looked it up.

  • Would you like to see more missions like these?

Yes, please ^^ I enjoyed it a lot.

  • Did you think the unlockable passive effects were worthwhile?

They are fun, of course the repulsor is the best, but losing them on death is a pain!!!!
After doing the relic quest I got the and went out to explore some more, ending up falling down at one point and dying, going back up to a repulsor plate only to realize that because I died I lost the buff. So I had to go all the way back, get them, return to where I was and try again (and not die!! Because the buff would go away)


  • Did you encounter any bugs or issues while playing these missions? If so, describe in as much detail as possible.

No, worked for me.


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What are your impressions of Ruhnuk?
Awesome!! it could be a true Mando planet, it's too bad a planet like Ruhnuk wasn't setup in the story line as trial to be a Mandalorian


How easy or difficult did you find using the area maps for Ruhnuk to navigate.
Great!  I'd say, you really do have to get used to the map, once you know where what is, it's easy to navigate.
Did you complete any hidden achievements on the planet? If so, what did you think of them?
 Yes, I was able to receive quite of few achievements, it seems once I finished my daily missions a little after that or before I will receive an achievement. Very Good!

Do you have any additional feedback about Ruhnuk and the content available on it for PTS?
If possibly, do not make a lot of Starship decorations for are strongholds. I owned five SH and have Starships decorations, but have nowhere to place them, if not possible could you make the strongholds, where they can add more slots. 

Ruhnuk Daily Area
All missions were good to me and a little tough at times, but I enjoy a good fight.
The rewards are a bit low. 

Did you complete all three Mandalorian Relic missions? What were your general impressions of these missions? Would you like to see more missions like these? Did you think the unlockable passive effects were worthwhile?
Yes, locating the first and second relic was a little hard, the third was tough. But thanks to LadyAmiral relic guide I was able to find all three missions with ease and having more missions like these wouldn't hurt, it's good to keep someone thinking, 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did the relic hunt missions and datacron. I'm sure a good chunk of the playerbase will enjoy them, but I am not part of that population. THEY'RE SO LONG!

As for the relics themselves, I like the fact that they're passives and prefer that to the temporary abilities we got on Manaan. The Repulsor Pulse thing in particular is an interesting idea on paper, though in practice, it feels more like an inconvenient obstacle was included that only gets alleviated after you do HOURS of scavenger hunting. 

The relics don't seem to always apply their effects either and I really don't like that they fall off after death. There are a lot of places where you really don't want to QT on this planet so you can get locked out of them. 2 hours is also a little short too. They should persist through defeat and be infinite duration where you can just right-click them off. 

Other notes:

  • Please put the daily mission board in the same room as the Relics and Reputation Vendor. It's pointless to have to go to 2 different locations to get started.
  • Please make the daily/weekly structure match the amazing QoL improvements to dailies you made with 7.0, as in 6 solo dailies are only required for weekly, and weekly is repeatable twice. I highly recommend making heroics count x2 towards progress or give them a separate weekly. 
  • Datacrons need to be revamped to provide (tiny) percentage bonuses rather than flat stat boosts so they scale properly as we level up and get higher iRating gear. +10 Mastery is effectively nothing when our stat pool is over 16,000. Back at launch, Datacrons were a lot more consequential.
  • I think Reputation requirements for should only be requirements to purchase them from the vendor, but everything you purchase should be unbound and consumable so players who have ground the reputation can earn credits selling items on the GTN for profit while others get a source of cosmetics without having to grind for a price that's defined by market forces.
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More feedback:

  • I am concerned about the overall length, particularly because some double-backing is required and going through the tunnels is rather arduous, so if you do them in the wrong order, you're gonna waste a lot of time unless you bring a stealther. Heroic missions seem to incentivize going east to west while solo dailies incentivize west to east, both need to have the same flow so you don't have to double back, restructure objectives
  • Wholesale delete the mainframe + 2 security card steps of weak links, the mission is long enough just with collecting the 3 tags deep in heroic tunnels and going to a high location. The fact that you have to go back to a specific one and then kill 2 more sets of trash once you access the console is just disrespectful to the player. Too much backtracking.
  • The macrobinoculars part of strong links is one of my most favorite objectives in a while, but it needs to be done after the excavation site, not before and it would be nice if the antennae were a bit easier to see, maybe if they were taller
  • Valga Jenn, the H4 mando has too much HP. It's boring to fight him after adds are dead.
  • The jump pad at the bottom of the pump room in the Water Treatment plant (where the H4 is) doesn't work
  • Jump pad into Water Treatment Plant is WAAAAY more efficient, swap location of data analysis console for what's in the works and the mouse droid mission so flow is reversed and jump pad only helps if you forget.

Additional notes

  • I really don't like that those relics aren't granted to your whole legacy. At least link it to obtaining the datacron or something.
  • I've gone through the dailies on several toons and I think come up with the optimal path that has very little backtracking. Turning in Weakest Link continues to be the most ridiculous part by far. I stand behind deleting that mainframe + 2 security card section
  • It took me about 30 mins to do just the solo dailies and 2 hours to do both the heroics and solo dailies using a path that minimizes backtracking, but doesn't have relics. Unfortunately, that means no one is gonna bother with this gorgeous new content you've worked so hard on because it takes literally twice as long as something like CZ and you don't even get a weekly out of it!
Edited by DarthEndonae
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  • 1 month later...

The mobs on this planet are too plentiful, take too long to kill, and deal way too much damage. I am unable to progress through the daily area on my healer character (Seer Sage) without enduring extreme tedium and frustration.


It is namely the Gold mobs inside the tunnels I had a problem with. The only way for me to progress was to run as far as I could and /stuck + Medical Probe, and if near objective, kill one enemy before rinsing and repeating, constantly.

Edited by ForfiniteStories
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