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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please walk me through how PvP will be less toxic in 7.2?


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25 minutes ago, septru said:

The current MMR system in regs does not balance teams based on premades, and barely balances the skill of players. It only balances the numbers of tanks and healers on both teams.

ah ok ,  i hear ya then yep.   Although now i'm wondering: How is it even possible for the algorithm to detect  RL "skill"  of each player?   I mean, i suppose it could maybe be like a combo of  valor stat + total wins + MVP votes +  ?????  :confused:

26 minutes ago, septru said:

Which means, among other things, you will probably see 4 man premades against 4 solo players in an arena que. 

But doesn't that happen already?

And  won't  giving us back  8v8's  sorta  help a bit with that somewhat?

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4 hours ago, Samcuu said:

Okay never mind I'm on ur side now my dood. That's unacceptable, and can't happen. 

It's kind of the points I've been trying to make. They're gonna keep removing things until there's nothing fun left. After they hit the pvp community you better believe they're gunning for raiders next. 

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PvP road map - broken promises updates in Swtor ten years plus - negative + Positive

- March 2012 patch 1,3 Ranked gear has arrived but no Ranked WZ

- May 2012 some servers are dead and being no cross-faction WZ que is not popping 

+ June 2012 Server Merges have arrived and Ranked WZ is launched making Swtor very popular for the genre  

- Aug 2012 BW is promising Season One starting with Cross-Server Ranked WZ, it never arrives, even though promise is show in que window till before 2.0 launches

= July 2013 four men Arenas are coming removing Ranked 8 man WZ (most end game PvP guilds leave game)

+ Aug 2013 Ranked Arenas are launched with solo Que (still a lot of problems no x-faction and a lot of stuff of basic stuff to fix in the first seasons).  X-faction arrives in end 3.0 (reducing the facility of que syncing) but other stuff as Class stacking is never solved up to the last S14.

- 2016 5.0 Expretise and PvP gear is removed from the game

+ 2018 5.10 PvP Challenges are introduced though IMO they where never promoted how they should 

- 2022 7.0 BW kills Ranked

Edited by limenutpen
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40 minutes ago, Prapcaster said:

It's kind of the points I've been trying to make. They're gonna keep removing things until there's nothing fun left. After they hit the pvp community you better believe they're gunning for raiders next. 

Yeah I have to apologize to you and @septru. When we were discussing competition in PVP, I was looking at it through a micro lense. The leaderboard still showed who performed in a match and how you compared to your rivals. That's the micro competition which I thought would sill exist. You guys wanted a competitive leaderboard on the macro level, which I did agree with anyways. I've been campaigning all over the forums for a leaderboard to be included in this patch so not only do we get more ppl in the queues thanks to the rewards, but then bioware could meet the ranked players half way and throw them a bone..

Btw just removing a scoreboard isn't going to promote the positive play they want. Ppl are still going to farm, and it will be worse because now there will be tank/heals/2 dps comps just crushing ppl for their fun. I think the way you promote ppl to do objectives is by making a guild leaderboard and looking at overall wins/important medals and reset it every month while offering special rewards for ppl trying to win matches. I think that would reinvigorate the community and pvp guilds. 4s could have a seperate leaderboard for win %. Only show like the top 25 or 50 players regardless of class. Everyone else's stats can stay private. 

This isn't Star Wars anymore its Star Participate. 

Edited by Samcuu
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6 hours ago, septru said:

At first, I would have agreed with you. But there are more and more details that are just the icing on the cake. 

  1. Removal of pvp flags that players played hundreds of hours of earn. 
  2. The fact that several of the pvp daily/weekly objectives can be completed without ever winning a single game. 
  3. The lack of meaningful matchmaking. 
  4. The removal of the scoreboards at the end of the game. 

But I think the real concern is that competition is literally the most important part of PvP.  PvP can't function without competition, there's literally 0 reasons for anyone ever to improve. 

All of this. Not to mention along with #3 they specifically have said in the Livestream that they are opening up grouping to be larger than 4s. (Implying allowing 8s). If their intention is to reduce toxicity while increasing participation this by far is the worst call. Matches without a shred of doubt will become Premades vs. Solo Queue players and the solo players no matter HOW "good" they are personally will get rickrolled because they won't be in "perfectly balanced" teams, in comms, or organized in any other meaningful way.

Edited by TyrFoge
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15 hours ago, Faltun said:

yeah... sniper for 11 years. yeah population charts not lying, many more players played that time, like i said google it if you know how to do that.... im interested in star wars universe... and why would i play wow which has an even easier gameplay and a really dumb combat system, its a game for you....  Well i guess i shouldnt argue with a player under 100 iq....

Who TF plays star wars to be a sniper?!? Let me guess you suck d*** at FPS. Lol for real I don't think the removal will really change anything. You lose a number can still que 4v4. I'm more hoping the loot is good to in incentivize people to play pvp. 

Let's hope this puts some life into pvp. 

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22 minutes ago, davensuitelife said:

Who TF plays star wars to be a sniper?!? Let me guess you suck d*** at FPS. Lol for real I don't think the removal will really change anything. You lose a number can still que 4v4. I'm more hoping the loot is good to in incentivize people to play pvp. 

Let's hope this puts some life into pvp. 

Sorry for not being the average, pop, usual, boring guy that enjoys force users. im a horrible person, i know. I love the star wars universe\feeling\atmosphere and military and space stuff. Also i came from SWG where i was an imperial officer.... Yeah im very bad at fps i only got to legendary eagle master in CS:GO :(

Back to the topic after the personal remarks... which are actually legitimate cuz i did the same.

Yeah you can q for 4v4 without anything in stake and without any goal and against very bad players. Its like when Usian Bolt racing me in 100m sprint, what an exciting and close race..... or a top team playing a friendly match agaisnt a lower league team. 

the "loot"....with credits and time everyone can get those ***** ugly rewards, you dont need skill for that its not gonna have any prestige. Like Biggs said in his video, there is no mountain anymore, it is very true, there is no challange anymore the game is no longer competitive at all. 

Edited by Faltun
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11 minutes ago, Faltun said:

Sorry for not being the average, pop, usual, boring guy that enjoys force users. im a horrible person, i know. I love the star wars universe\feeling\atmosphere and military and space stuff. Also i came from SWG where i was an imperial officer.... Yeah im very bad at fps i only got to legendary eagle master in CS:GO :(

Back to the topic after the personal remarks... which are actually legitimate cuz i did the same.

Yeah you can q for 4v4 without anything in stake and without any goal and against very bad players. Its like when Usian Bolt racing me in 100m sprint, what an exciting and close race..... or a top team playing a friendly match agaisnt a lower league team. 

the "loot"....with credits and time everyone can get those ***** ugly rewards, you dont need skill for that its not gonna have any prestige. Like Biggs said in his video, there is no mountain anymore, it is very true, there is no challange anymore the game is no longer competitive at all. 

It's a sad thing but most games aren't competitive anymore developers are catering toward the casual player who will spend money in the cash shops. 

Unfortunately the days of getting better improving to earn something are dead, games moving away with that to  this generation of  everyone gets a trophy mentality! 

Like I've said my hope is that it brings people in to pvp I love to pvp regs, ranked whatever not so much starfighter  makes me dizzy. But for the health of the game. Do I like the fact games are going In this direction NO but I have no say in the matter so I just hope for the best.


Also as far as streamer and YouTube's go don't assume people have any idea who they are. I just log into play the game have a few friends I have 0 clue about the guys you mentioned. 

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6 hours ago, TyrFoge said:

All of this. Not to mention along with #3 they specifically have said in the Livestream that they are opening up grouping to be larger than 4s. (Implying allowing 8s)

I think it was just worded wrongly. I really don't think 8s are actually coming back. I would love that as long as 8s are matched against other 8s. In reality what would happen is a team of 8s will be matched against a solo que team. That sounds awful for both sides.


I know some players that would come back though if 8s were back on the menu. I'm going to hope for the 0.000001% chance that its actually true and matchmaking works. 

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My Two cents are being thrown here, But Bioware is just making PVP just a glorified daycare with 7.2, They don't want anyone's feeling to get hurt..... in a competitive mode. Removing ranked is one thing but removing all sense of competitiveness especially the scoreboard. The team literally has no idea on who their making this game for, 7 Year olds? Last I checked they didn't pay 14.99 a month for a sub. You cant remove competition in a mode that's supposed to be competitive. 

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3 hours ago, davensuitelife said:

Who TF plays star wars to be a sniper?!? Let me guess you suck d*** at FPS. Lol for real I don't think the removal will really change anything. You lose a number can still que 4v4. I'm more hoping the loot is good to in incentivize people to play pvp. 

Let's hope this puts some life into pvp. 

Different strokes for different folks. I got into the game at launch for commando and pt and fell in love with tech classes before I eventually mained a sorc in 3.0ish.

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