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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Combat Medic - Armstech or Armorstech?


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I am currently lvl 28 CM and have Armstech at ~280 I haven't made a single item that could have been an upgrade for me yet, I either loot better or buy better items then I can craft. Is there going to be amazing items end game for this skill or should I just drop it and pick up Armorstech?


Thanks for any light you can shed on my situation.

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Right now from what I've seen (level 50, 400 armormech) they kinda dropped the ball on crafting.


I'm seeing purples being linked by guildmates they're getting from PVP or dailies that blow anything I make out of the water (and that's considering having to go through the green > blue > purple RE game). I believe my purples are rated at 126, and all the stuff they're getting is rated 128 so basically the same or better - much less work and money.


I don't know if it's any different for armstech, but I've heard word of level 51 hilts and barrels you can get via dailies that I don't imagine you can craft.


So from an endgame perspective, aside from the couple tier epics I can make (I can do the first tier belt and bracers, provided I get whatever the drop is from raids to craft) there isn't any benefit to armormech as far as player power goes.


Orange crafting is an entirely different thing, and that's why I took armormech in the first place anyway so I'm not totally against the crew skill.

Edited by hadoken
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armor. Your weapon isnt as important when u r healing. Besides sata buffs of course.


Tech Power makes a huge difference in both healing and damage. But for leveling, I would say armormech is the best since the gear you craft far outpaces anything you get but once you hit 50, you'll want to look at switching to biochem (Unlimited Medpack, stims that last through death etc.) or cybertech (bombs that deal 2-5k damage, stun, snare, incap, etc.)


I got a medium armour helmet that looks fairly good (pattern drop from hard mode). I'd say it's on par with the third tier of PvP, at least with the second tier. But those bombs and medkits are way better, imho.

Edited by LordKivlov
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I'm at 400 Armstech, and so far it feel kinda weak compared to other professions. The only real benefit is weapons, though I haven't yet discovered any lucky Epic grade recipies, but the blue you can make with the Hard Mode crafting drop is alright.


Making Barrels feels extremely redundant, I got Reflex Barrel 22 to Epic grade, just to find out that you can buy 23 Epic grade Barrels with just a couple of Daily Commendations. Anyway it feels weird that Armstech can only make Barrels, while its Lightsaber counterpart can make both Enhancements and Hilts.


But I'll see how the epic grade craftable weapons turn out.

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Biochem is most likely your best bet, for both dps and healing. Reusable medpack allows you to spend less time healing yourself (or saving bacta infusion for someone else), while reusablee stims boost healing output and adrenals can give great burst heals. Also epic implants with augments are quite useful.
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Biochem. I wish I'd been smarter about it, but I'd been planning all along to go Cybertech and I didn't feel like going back to Coruscant to skin beasts.


At least I have a pimped out ship :p But it was kind of heart-breaking to see that I can't make my tank friend any mods, that my purple mod/armoring is equal or worse to what you can get from commendations, and that I've RE-ed batches and batches of blue earpieces without a purple schematic proc. I only got a purple tanking earring and it's not even the best stat combo, so I have to keep doing it.


I'm making my Sage a biochemist so I can at least make consumables for our troopers and grind them some purple implants.

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