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Why is this game SO broke???


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So my wife and I have struggled with all the broken quests where when we do them together it won't update for one of us. We have to abandon the quest, drop group, then do it solo. Complete waste of time! Been doing this for months.


NOW, we FINALLY get to level 77 and we are stuck on this stupid questline that has completely wasted the entire day just to find out we don't have our companions that we have spent months on and a ton of REAL money bumping up to 50. 5 level 50 companions GONE!


We want to start over but cannot because our level 50 companions are not available on this character to craft our gear for any new characters we create.


Does anyone know what's going on? WHY would SWTOR steal our money and ruin a good game like this?

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If anything, HOW can we get our original Companions back? And we cannot abandon the storyline, which I would gladly do!

Go to your Alliance Camp Headquarters on Odessen


There will be a small room before you go into the underworld logistics section on the right real small and easy to pass it.


There's a retrieval terminal you right click in that small room.



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Go to your Alliance Camp Headquarters on Odessen


There will be a small room before you go into the underworld logistics section on the right real small and easy to pass it.


There's a retrieval terminal you right click in that small room.




Keep in mind, you need to get to Chapter 9 of KOTFE in order to do this, so this won't be available right away.

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Go to your Alliance Camp Headquarters on Odessen


There will be a small room before you go into the underworld logistics section on the right real small and easy to pass it.


There's a retrieval terminal you right click in that small room.



How long has that been there ? :eek:

Now I'm wondering how many years I past that. just guessing, sounds like it'll mess up Companion Achievements, if you haven't completed them through Alert Missions

Edited by Achnaattwo
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Since 5.0, circa 2015.

So I missed it for 7 years LOL . . okay as soon I read how to find it, I did noticed how I missed it. When I arrow over it, it didn't highlight, it's just the same as anything thing else that you don't interact with , but this time I actually clicked on it because of this post, and there ya go.

man . . I wonder how many other clickable items I missed, because it doesn't change or highlight.

Yeah still arrow, no finger when arrow over it, arrow don't even glow or get brighter


oh man seven years :(

doing alliance alerts to get companions back

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Go to your Alliance Camp Headquarters on Odessen


There will be a small room before you go into the underworld logistics section on the right real small and easy to pass it.


There's a retrieval terminal you right click in that small room.




Thanks. I'll try that in a bit.....

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Go to your Alliance Camp Headquarters on Odessen


There will be a small room before you go into the underworld logistics section on the right real small and easy to pass it.


There's a retrieval terminal you right click in that small room.




Thank you, thank you, thank you! Worked great.

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So my wife and I have struggled with all the broken quests where when we do them together it won't update for one of us. We have to abandon the quest, drop group, then do it solo. Complete waste of time! Been doing this for months.

You don't (didn't) need to abandon the quests, you just needed to do them twice - once for each of you. If I recall, the main thing is who enters the instance first or who the party leader is. 🤔

The 'leader' has a small icon on their portrait and leadership can be passed to another player in the group by right-clicking on the other player's portrait.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Keep in mind, you need to get to Chapter 9 of KOTFE in order to do this, so this won't be available right away.


Untrue. Maybe it has been changed, but when I started with my Inquisitor this year, I was able to immediately reclaim all of their original class companions as soon as the Odessen base was built. Then, when you get to the chapter where their Alliance Alert shows up, they get removed from your available companions list, so that you can go earn them that way.

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Untrue. Maybe it has been changed, but when I started with my Inquisitor this year, I was able to immediately reclaim all of their original class companions as soon as the Odessen base was built. Then, when you get to the chapter where their Alliance Alert shows up, they get removed from your available companions list, so that you can go earn them that way.

OK, but the statement about it being KotFE Chapter 9 (properly Chapter IX) was nonetheless correct, because that is the chapter in which the Odessen base is built.

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Biggest issue with that terminal is it's not highlighted and even when u mouse over it the icon doesn't change. It's really easy to miss if u don't know it exists. There's a big mmo guy who reviews games on YouTube and gave a review on swtor recently. He loved the game but his biggest complaint was that there are no intuitive guides in game. This is a perfect example of a guy who loves the game but was extremely upset and frustrated because there's no assistance for stuff like this in game. As soon as u get to Odessen there should be a mission that pops up showing u how to use these types of things.
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There's a big mmo guy who reviews games on YouTube and gave a review on swtor recently. He loved the game but his biggest complaint was that there are no intuitive guides in game.


I saw that vid and was practically screaming at the screen in agreement. There's been so, so much of this game's components that I've only learned of by scouring unaffiliated websites. The lack of "onboarding" this game offers is egregious, and undoubtedly turned off many a potential player.

Edited by Aghasett
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Why is this game SO broke???

What's broke is that players are having to learn from this forum what to do, how to do it, and why regarding this age-old issue regarding KoTFE/KoTET companion management.


There should be enough contextual assistance in the game itself that this thread never had need to be created.

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OK, but the statement about it being KotFE Chapter 9 (properly Chapter IX) was nonetheless correct, because that is the chapter in which the Odessen base is built.

Is that area locked out till Chapter IX ? Not in game yet but I do know at a certain level one can go to Odessen, can't do any thing, but run around, just can't recall if that area is open before even starting Fallen empire starts.

But I'll check once in game, got just the guy for it :cool:

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OK, but the statement about it being KotFE Chapter 9 (properly Chapter IX) was nonetheless correct, because that is the chapter in which the Odessen base is built.

True. I keep forgetting that KotET isn't first. In my brain, for some reason, you discover the eternal throne, and then it falls, but it's not like that at all, chapter-wise. lol


Is that area locked out till Chapter IX ? Not in game yet but I do know at a certain level one can go to Odessen, can't do any thing, but run around, just can't recall if that area is open before even starting Fallen empire starts.

But I'll check once in game, got just the guy for it :cool:


Until the base is properly built, you won't be able to access the story instance, where the terminal is located.

Edited by WHTJunior
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So my wife and I have struggled with all the broken quests where when we do them together it won't update for one of us. We have to abandon the quest, drop group, then do it solo. Complete waste of time! Been doing this for months.


NOW, we FINALLY get to level 77 and we are stuck on this stupid questline that has completely wasted the entire day just to find out we don't have our companions that we have spent months on and a ton of REAL money bumping up to 50. 5 level 50 companions GONE!


We want to start over but cannot because our level 50 companions are not available on this character to craft our gear for any new characters we create.


Does anyone know what's going on? WHY would SWTOR steal our money and ruin a good game like this?

I think others have mentioned that due to the mechanics of many quests, they often only update for one person in the group. Years ago when I played with friends, I made a table of which ones did this (in dailies/heroics) so we'd just avoided them.


I don't mind that there aren't any forced "guides" in game as I prefer the challenge of working stuff out, HOWEVER, as there are so many new players (who missed out on in-game chat help when we were all doing the new releases together), it might be an idea to have game hints as an option that can be switched on. The other issue new players have is that the best guide outside the game (DULFY's) is no longer active and there are few helpful guides remaining (for those who kept/keep asking me to do a new player story guide - the answer is still NOPE).


As for KotFE/KotET, whilst you can enter them as pair, (if one of you invites the other to join their story), it's like class quests; you're only there as an observer; the main player gets any progress.


Yes the game has a lot of REAL broken aspects but what you're describing OP is intended gameplay. At this point, after a decade of playing swtor, it would be a shock to the system if something ran smoothly. We're just not used to it!

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I think others have mentioned that due to the mechanics of many quests, they often only update for one person in the group.

I am constantly amazed how many quests do not take into account grouping. Not only instances but gathering quests like "Collect 12 Corellian Freighter plans". Some of the time when you click the gold loot, it collects it for everyone in the group but then again it may only collect it for the indivdual.

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I am constantly amazed how many quests do not take into account grouping. Not only instances but gathering quests like "Collect 12 Corellian Freighter plans". Some of the time when you click the gold loot, it collects it for everyone in the group but then again it may only collect it for the indivdual.

It is annoying. This is why I tend to do a lot of things solo. There's also the issue of grouping randomly for H4s and discovering after completing that one person in the group already tried and failed (or left their previous group) but didn't realise they needed to reset the H4 in for the new group, so no-one gets the completion. This should be auto-flagged for the whole group so we can make sure everyone is starting at the same point. A warning such as "you cannot complete this heroic because grouped players are at different points" might help.

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